
Primordial Demonic God Emperor

•First, before we start, I think I should introduce myself. I'm a Black man that lives in America, which means I have very little to no knowledge of anyone else's culture except for my own so if I offend you or disrespect your culture in any way then let me apologize now for that is not my intention this is for entertainment only. •Second, I will use gods, demons, and creatures from different religions and mythology. Again I do not mean to be disrespectful. This is for entertainment only. •Third this is my first time writing a novel so the beginning will be shity but I promise I will do my best to get better. Also, I will use powerful language, and there will be some very bloody parts where I will go into great detail in describing the scene. If you're not okay with any of that, then I advise you not to read this novel. •Fourth, the first few chapters are just introducing some characters for future chapters. •Fifth there is going to most likely be a lot of Dark Humor and R 18 scenes in the novel. If you can't handle it then, please read/choose another book. But I encourage you to try it first. •Sixth, by no means am I referring to anyone or any place when I use certain names. It is all a coincidence. Also, I will use different parts of history in my story, but I will use them for entertainment only because it has nothing to do with real life. (Now then, let me tell you about the story) Ghost has been fighting the Alliance Federation for control of the four realms, but there is a fifth realm that has been sealed up and forgotten, or so we thought. Ghost has been preparing for the seal to break building up an army to fight what's in the other realm. Ghost thought they were the greatest threat there is but there is an even darker evil out there. Will Ghost and his Empire survive or will they crumble like the rest?. https://www.besthdwallpaper.com/sci-fi/scifi-soldiers-army-dt_en-US-82917.html

GhostBlackwell · War
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

Adrienne's ship has just landed at the imperial palace back on Thanatos.

Father, are you there?

The void opens and Ghost steps out.

What is that you want?

Well, you never told me just who is representing the merchant union. And if I don't know who it is, I can't do any research on them. I want to gather all the information about them as soon as possible.

The Merchant Union is sending Plutus, the god of wealth, well his avatar, to be more precise. You can use the shadow stalkers to gather information on him and I should have some info on him too, but if you want that information, you're going to have to steal it from me. Your training still isn't over yet.

Adrienne has commanded the shadow stalkers to gather info on Plutus to get an upper hand in the negotiations with him. She was also plotting on how to steal the info her father already has on Plutus.

Back on Earth-7943, the world leaders decided it would be wiser to join the empire instead of fighting it. So during the empire's speech in letting the earth know they will be its new ruler, the world leaders showed their support for the empire's decision. A few rebellions rose, but the empire quickly squashed them before they could do any actual harm.

Many other people saw the benefit of having the empire take control of the planet. With the empire now in control, all wars have stopped on the planet. Places that used to be dessert have now turned into lush forests. Hunger throughout the world has ceased. Many diseases and illnesses thought incurable before have been cured.

Two weeks later, Ghost is having a meeting with some of the most influential beings in the empire.

What's on the agenda for today? Ghost asked.

Where having a problem with the soldiers, Your Majesty.

What kind of problem?

Where losing more soldiers than we can train and when we train them, they have no experience in an actual battle. All we're doing is sending them to their death, wasting trillions on equipment, and training soldiers just to go die.

So what is your solution to this problem, Athena?

I've thought of a device that could train our soldiers and give them the experience that they need at the same time.

Ghost became intrigued by what he heard. Oh, and just how do you plan to accomplish that?

Well, to put it in a simple version, your majesty we need three things. Magic, Bio, and Machine.

And what is the long version? Ghost asked Athena.

We use magic bio and machine to slow down time for the trannies to wear one hour inside the VR will fill like one year for the trannies. We will put them in a special device where they will experience what it feels like to die for real. If one of them were to get one of their lungs punctured inside the VR training simulation, their lung will fill up with their blood and they would drown in it and die but they won't die in real life. So with this, we can send them into as many battles as we like and gain all the experience they need. Also, their bodies will be hooked to a device so that every movement that they make inside the VR they make in real life this way their bodies are still getting the training that they need and they can make certain movements more easily.

It sounds good. I like it. I want you to get started on it right away. What else do we have to discuss?

Our spy in the rebels says they need more weapons and supplies.

Alright, Ares, I want you to deliver the weapons and supplies and take my daughter with you.

Do you think that is wise, your majesty? Won't she be wondering why we are backing the same rebels that have been attacking our planets and territories?

Just tell her the truth, that we are the ones who created the rebels in the first place to know just who are traitors of the empire and we also use them to keep other planets in line. If the public has an enemy to fear, that will rely on the empire even more. Also, if we didn't create the rebels and someone else did, then more of the planets that we forcefully took will have rebelled, but since we control the rebels, we can know ahead of time just which planets are trying to break free from our control.

Is there anything else we haven't discussed Ghost asked?

Yes, your majesty. The god's eye project is almost complete, and so is the devil's eye, too. Also, the star killer project is close to being completed. They predict it'll be complete in 10 years.

Alright, good work. Soon, the barriers that the primordial elder gods put on the Chaos realm will be broken and I will finally be free, but so will my family. You all know how dangerous they can be ever since the primordial war, so do not slack off unless you want history to repeat itself.

Athena, I need you to work on a project called Trojan Horse. There are a few devices I want to put into play. If they work out, then they could increase our military strength isopentyl. I want you to help develop a device that can intercept summoning spells. So when anyone tries to summon someone instead of the intended target being summoned, they will instead summon our men. Our men can then infiltrate into the place they were summoned to.

The other device I want you to work on is a device that will allow us to take over someone's soul and control their body. But the only way for their soul to be controlled is if their soul and the persons who are trying to control their soul, soul are on the same wavelength.