
Primordial Chaos system

Ye Chen was an honest and hardworking man, He came from a wealthy family but his family suddenly get bankrupt, after his parents die in a car accident, His life suddenly became hell, In summer vacation he went to visit his hometown to see his parents grave, while on his way he saw a Mysterious box suddenly fell from sky and ended up open the box. After that his life began to change, on the right and left arms holding the Beautiful girl, from the start of the School flower, rich young women, beautiful teachers, beauty Ceo, famous beauty stars, beautiful goddesses. one by one the women came to him Author Note:- This is my first time writing a novel, i improve my grammar I hope you enjoy this novel and support me

Lucifferv31 · Action
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6 Chs

Two mysterious beings, Huge Havoc in Celestial plane

Ye chen cleaned himself in lake after that he see his figure in mirror, he is now 6.3ft tall, Not slim and bulky with 6 packs his body is like work of art with pale white baby skin even females are jealous of his skin, His eyes are blue in colour, when you look into his eyes deeply it's like magnet that draws your soul into endless abyss,

he have pitch black long hair,

Ye chen himself dumbstruck by his change, he can proudly say he can beat top models in earth with his looks

After he changed his clothes to new one,

He again Started to cultivate

"But unknown to him inside his pitch black core, if he see deeply there is a figure sitting in Lotus posture, His face look exactly like

Ye chen but mature version of him, his eyes are closed and body is covered in pitch black Armor with gold carvings of primodial beasts and taichi if any one see this figures it gives them fear from their depths of soul and they begin worship him like god,

He sitting there eyes closed like solitary figure, like nothing can bother him in universe.

Unknown of this ye chen immersed himself in cultivation and he also don't know his breakthrough cause great Havoc in Celestial plane

Celestial plane

Celestial plane is now bursting with excitement all top figures in celestial plane are exploring ancient ruins in forbidden realm that recently opened, because all are here to try there luck to find treasures that helps them in their cultivation journey

"this is the place where Gu Xuan stole mysterious box"

Suddenly Ancient relic gets shaking, people inside are transported outside of relic in forbidden realm, before their figureout what happened ancient relic suddenly disappeared before them, it creates huge commotion in celestial plane as they trying to figure out what happened

Inside the ancient ruins in the core region there is huge black altar of majestic dragon,

Suddenly two eyes are opened it's like a reptile eyes with vertical golden pupil,

It's see entire universe all star's and world's as a peck of dust infront of his eyes but it's suddenly shift his focus on the mortal plane

And his eyes fell on ye chen suddenly the roar of laughter echoed in entire ancient relic

It's started to talk to herself,it's like a female voice but it carries nobility, as her laughter subsides

Finally your wait is paid off my friend, How long it's been billions of years are gone,

Finally your sacrifice bear fruit now,

The time has came, the huge war is coming that can change the fate of entire universe I'm waiting for your arrival my friend,

The times are changed in your absence I watched over them but they become stronger and stronger than before even in your peak it's difficult to control them

So you have to come back stronger than before, you have to end what you Started,

"It's time for bloodshed",

Blood for blood,eye for eye, again your name have to resound through entire universe,

The wall is becoming weak day by day not much time is left you have to become stronger than before, As i see you already taken that first step,

I can't wait to fight together with you and see the changes you bring to the universe.

Her eyes are closed, again the place is become desolate.

Chaos Tower

Ye chen after cultivating in Chaos tower for 50 days he opened his eyes, he reached peak of peak 9th level core condenstion realm, Then he opened his eyes, system show me my status


Name : ye chen

Age : 16

Cultivation: 9th Lv core condenstion realm

Veins : Primordial Chaos veins

Physique : primordial chaos Body

Bloodline : Primordial Chaos Dragon

Technique : Primodial Chaos Celestial arts

Chaos points in Short (C.P) : 0

Cultivation Exp : 560/5000

System shop

Auxiliary skills

Body strengthening pill : 10 CP

Soul strengthening pill : 10 CP

Foundation strengthening pill : 10 CP

Ye chen, system what is the auxiliary skills

[Ding Host auxiliary skills are general skills that help you in your daily life, you can upgrade this skills]

Auxiliary skills

Cooking skill Mortal level : 10 CP

Painting skills Mortal level : 10 CP

Driving skills Mortal level : 10 CP

Music skills Mortal level : 10 CP

You can upgrade this skills upto primordial level

Ye chen ok now I understood

[Ding Host I think you have to increase your combat skills and learn martial techniques in library]

Ye chen, I'm also thinking that without proper combat experience, I'm like a tiger without fangs and claw

Then I go to library and see the techniques..

please support me with power stones and share your opinions on comments,

I will improve my skills with your inputs

Lucifferv31creators' thoughts