
Primordial Chaos God

People in the myriad realms began cultivation by opening their spirit meridians and condensing a Qi sea in their daitian through the absorption of the essence of heaven and earth. "All living things are not born equal under the Heavens, yet the Great Dao is fair as far as one is willing there is a way " Zhan Wei was not useless, although he had crippled meridians, he was born with " Innate Divine Strength " and was known for his humongous appetite and battle strength, even among his generation none could defeat him. Of course since he couldn't cultivate, with time the gap between him and his peers would only get wider . Only he knew his strength wasn't as simple as just " Innate Divine Strength ". ....

Daoist_Sage1 · Eastern
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48 Chs

Life Severing Saber

To Zhan Wei with his innate aptitude being a servant disciple was probably the best he could get and that was because he showed comprehension in mastering the Jade Breaking Fist to an higher level than most of his peers.

Then right now he had to show them more, in order to convince them that although his innate aptitude was low if he was given a chance he could still achieve something.

Zhan Wei nodded his head and walked down to the front of the podium, right from the Eastern region Zhan Wei had always carried different weapons in his storage ring and although there were just mortal spirit weapons they were still durable.

Grabbing a sword Zhan Wei planned to use the Extreme light sword first, closing his eyes his aura changed.

From the clear indifferent young youth he gave a sharp aura akin to veteran swordsman.

Lu Zhenchuan and the Elders all stood as they moved to the edge of the podium to watch Zhan Wei directly.

They had seen Zhan Wei perform the Jade Breaking Fist and it was impressive but now compared to the look on his face and the sharp aura, the difference between the two was much, his form, posture, his qi, everything bellowed.

it was almost as if he wasn't really serious when he displayed the Jade Breaking Fist before.

And it was true, he wasn't really serious then.

Zhan Wei closed his eyes as his body swept through the different moves of the Extreme light sword.

The number of the sword qi one could make with the Extreme light sword depended on the level of comprehension of the battle technique, swinging the sword in his hand Zhan Wei sent nine sword lights, unless one exceeded the Great Attainment realm of comprehension of the Extreme light sword, the amount of sword lights would not exceed nine and the number of true sword rays or qi in the sword lights depended on one's level of comprehension.

The realm of Basics was one sword ray, Mastery - three, Larger Success - Five and Great attainment - nine, for the realm of perfection one could make as much sword ray as one's qi could handle.

Zhan Wei strike swept forward and left seven shallow marks on a boulder aside meaning out of the nine sword lights he had seven real sword rays.

The Elders on the podium sighed, to leave seven real rays it meant Zhan Wei was very close to the Great attainment of the Extreme light sword, although the Extreme light sword was only low level battle technique it was still impressive for Zhan Wei to reach this level in just one day and he probably had similar results in all three battle techniques.

If before they said it just casually, right now they were certain Zhan Wei was a battle genius, it was just a pity his Innate aptitude was very low.

Zhan Wei sheathed his sword as he felt a bit of weakness, that strike just now had used up all the qi in his daitian, after using the Jade Breaking Fist then and the Extreme light sword now he was void of qi.

Zhan Wei shook his head, he needed to increase his cultivation level in order to be able to use any battle technique well.

Putting the sword back into his storage ring Zhan Wei sat cross-legged as he held a spirit stone in his hand in attempt to recover his spirit qi, without any qi there was no way he could use the life severing Saber.

He even used his Primordial God soul to control the flow of qi in his meridians increasing his speed of absorption and Lu Zhenchuan eyes flashed a strange light, Zhan Wei was doing it again!

For someone with the Origin Void Constitution and using just the Basic Qi condensation manual, without the use of pills or external influence there was no way for Zhan Wei's qi absorption to suddenly increase , to Lu Zhenchuan whatever treasure or thing Zhan Wei was using, based on it's ease of use it was no ordinary object.

To Lu Zhenchuan how special would a treasure be in order to enable a trash like Zhan Wei double his cultivation speed.

The Elders didn't take offence to the fact that Zhan Wei was wasting their time recovering his qi, with his meager cultivation level it was normal for him to feel exhausted after using a battle technique.

But after fifteen minutes of waiting  Zhan Wei was still recovering his qi and the faces of some of the Elders had started twitching.

how long were they going to wait before this kid would be able to finish replenish his spirit qi, it was already taking so long.

Although they were curious if Zhan Wei had also learned the Life Severing Saber to a good degree it was unbecoming of their status to wait for someone like him.

This Elders were used to geniuses and at least some worth talented youngsters so they didn't think much when Zhan Wei sat down cross-legged to replenish his used spirit qi, but after waiting for so long, how long were they going to for this boy.

If not for the fact that it was unbecoming of their status and they were the ones that required it of him some of the Elders almost could not restrain themselves from slapping his face for wasting their time.

Not willing to waste anytime, the Female Elder of the Verdant lotus Peak brought out a bottle of qi replenishing pills and threw it towards Zhan Wei.

" Kid catch ! "

although giving a bottle of qi replenishing to Zhan Wei was to much underserved, as an Elder it wasn't always good to be frugal with gifts even to the one's below, for those in power it was better not to give than to not give something of worth, even the lowest of gifts had to be befitting of one's status.

Although it was shame to give a bottle of qi replenishing pills to Zhan Wei, waiting for him to the Elders wasn't feasible, he had been sitting cross-legged since, who knew when he would be done replenishing his qi, they didn't have all the time in the world to waste.

Grabbing the bottle Zhan Wei saw the words " qi replenishing pill " written on the bottle, knowing it's function he bowed in gratitude to the female Elder.

According to what he knew, each Peak in the Mystic Heaven Sect served a particular or set of function, the Soaring Cloud Peak handled the management and running of the Sect, the Crimson Furnace Peak made weapons and treasures, the Verdant lotus Peak specialized in alchemy while the Sword Heart Peak was the battle hall of the Mystic Heaven Sect and maintained the law and order of the Sect as for the Mystic Heaven Peak Zhan Wei didn't really know much, but he knew all Sect Masters of the Mystic Heaven Sect were always from this Peak.

Zhan Wei opened the bottle and threw a pill into his mouth, the pill melted in his mouth and turned to a clear stream of qi that was very easy to absorb, the stream of qi was pure and needed no refining so Zhan Wei could directly absorb it and in just few minutes he had finished replenishing his qi.

Keeping the rest in his storage ring, he drew a saber from it as he attempted to use the last battle technique.

" the Life Severing Saber !".

If one asked Zhan Wei for his favorite of the three battle techniques it was the Life Severing Saber.

The Life Severing Saber was a pure killing battle technique and those who practiced the Life Severing Saber would subconsciously develope a cold killing aura, still it was the most dangerous of the three battle techniques.

The Life Severing Saber was not inclined much on forms or movements but more on subtle mental pressure, when using the Life Severing Saber there had to be no form of restrain and it was simply emotionless.

It's practice was really a dilemma to most, slaughter without hesitation, how many people could really do so and still maintain their emotions.

Although the technique wasn't inherently evil but it was easy to descend into the abyss and probably develope even mental demons using a technique like the Life Severing Saber without sufficient willpower.

Of course this was just what Zhan Wei thought, maybe he could be wrong.

Zhan Wei faced podium and said to Lu Zhenchuan and the Elders with his fists cupped , " It's a bit difficult to use the Life Severing Saber without a target ".

At their realm how could they not understand what he meant but hearing it from a junior was a bit surprising, this time Elder Jia spoke, " Why ?, You can do as you did for the rest ".

Zhan Wei shook his head and said, " If there's no Life how can there be a Life Severing Saber ".

The core principle of the Life Severing Saber was to act without restrain, it was a form of mental pressure for oneself and moreso the enemy, from his words, to Zhan Wei if there was no " life " to act without restrain against then the real intent of the Life Severing Saber couldn't be achieved.

It was this factor, the inherent thirst for life that made the Life Severing Saber a double edged sword and far dangerous.

Elder Jia burst into laughter hearing his words, " I didn't expect to hear words like that from a junior, if fate permits I look forward to you entering the Mystic Heaven Sect ".

He moved in a split second appearing in front of Zhan Wei holding a sword in his hands then he said, " since you need a life, let this Old man spare with you ".
