
Primordial Catalyst

Many years ago, before the Godless Era, The Primordial God had granted a nameless man without fame or renown the power of a god, creating the first mage. this man would go on to become a king, known only as the Namless Lord. The Nameless Lord would pass his gift on to a select few, granting them variations of the same great power. But unto god, this was a sin, and went against the Primordial’s command. and so came the war, in the Valley of the Gods, the battle commenced, the Celestial towers falling from the sundered skies as the Primordial armies fell upon man. but the Nameless Lord was unmoving, and the stars came to fall upon the gods, and they were sealed away within the cosmic abyss. As time went on, more mages were made, and corruption crept into the Nameless. But something odd happened; a boy was born, a boy who was gifted with the power of a mage. Yet, he was not granted this power by the Nameless, nor was he born from a mage. He was the 13th. The cursed mage. The Nameless wanted his head, he wanted to know why a mage was born without his knowledge, without his control. As the seal on the Primordials begins to tremble, so too do the lands and the mages within them as a war begins to rise, a war that will be far beyond that of any before it. With the Black Rose assassins following his path everywhere he goes, Darius must always look over his shoulder at every turn as he learns to control his magic. He has been running for years, and now, his only goal is to grow stronger, and one day, he would challenge the Nameless to take his throne and lift the corruption from his homeland, but it will be no easy path. Greetings to all readers! This is a story I have been working on for a long time, and I plan to give the world rich history, world building and characters. My hope is to eventually adapt this story into a manwa at some point, my art just isn’t quite at that level yet. I hope you all enjoy the story, and I hope the mysteries and twits I’ve woven into its fabric will bring you delight! also, I will update on weekends around anywhere between 3-7 pm pacific time, and weekdays 6-8 pm. I know it is a bit on the late side but I do have a lot of work I need to do, so I apologize!

Hassanisabbah97 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Other Side

The glistening lights of the night sky shone clearly from above, casting brimming glows across the metal spires that rose up from the black city. Little flecks of candle light could be seen over the walls within the homes of Ingaurn's denizens, as though they were a poor mockery of the glorious sky above.

A figure walked across the city walls, his black cloak billowing in the wind as he kicked his feet forward. He looked about, as though searching for someone, before a flash of light emitted from below his feet and he launched into the sky, soaring through the air. He alighted upon one of the countless steel spires that prang up from the prisons like a crude forest. He leapt from tower to tower, until he reached the highest one, a dim flame emitting from the small windows within.

He landed upon the tower's edge, crouching down and facing away from the window as he leaned against the bars. His feet dangled from the edge, kicking as he stared down at the blackened city below him.

"Moorza." Came voice from within, the flaming glow shifting across the metal. "How many times will you do this? You know Tahar will catch you in the end."

The boy, Moorza, removed his head, revealing his sharp features and his silver eyes. His hair was spiky and wild, the blonde strands shooting off in every direction.

"I don't really care, to be honest." Moorza said impatiently, as though he wanted to drop the subject as quickly as possible. "Anyways, how has life been, brother?"

Moorza's brother sighed from within the tower. "I saw a woman die today."

"Oh? Pray tell."

"Some thugs tried to rob her. Not that she had much.. she resisted, and they killed her. They left the body in the gutters. I imagine she's been swept away with the grotesque waters…"

Moorza nodded. "Yeah, that sounds about right. The rabble below our feet are quite fickle. They are more like animals than humans. I find them both entertaining and disgusting."

Again, Moorza's brother sighed. "They are still human, brother. It is not their fault they were dealt a poor hand in life."

Moorza shrugged, "I just don't understand why you are so infatuated by them. I mean, they are no more than mere insects swarming across the decaying streets. They serve no purpose other than to serve, and they can hardly even do that."

"They still live and breath. That must mean something in of itself."

"More like they contaminate the air we mages breath." Moorza said.

"Are you really so lacking in compassion? Those people are to be yours to rule one day, you know."

Moorza scoffed. "Yeah, if dear old dad ever bites the dust. And I don't really see that happening."

"I find them to be intriguing. They go about their lives, each to their own, no story is the same, though they may cross. They are all uncaring of the mages and royals above them, their only concern is their own survival. I find their tenacity to be a powerful thing."

"You've never left this tower to see them up close, brother. They smell of rot and disease. Their tenacity is only due to their own selfish greed. They are no more than animals scrambling for the scraps left by us royals." Moorza waved his hand, "Their lives are meaningless. They make no difference in this world, thus, they are worth nothing to it."

"I've made no change in this world. Does that make my life meaningless, brother?"

Moorza scowled. "That isn't to any fault of your own. That is the cruelty of our father, you know that as well as I. The curse he put upon you.."

"I am aware. But is it not the same for them? They are powerless to change the world around them, yet they cling to life. Does that not stand for something?"

"No. They are different. Rabble to be crushed. You do not lack power as they do, our father fears me, and so he made you. But he fears even you. You have the strength to kill even the gods, it is no fault of your own you are trapped in this cage."

"Yet if I were to choose, I'd stay here." Moorza's brother spoke.

"What? But why? You could be king! You could be greater than the Nameless himself!"

"Those words are not ones to be spoken carelessly, brother. And I would choose to keep in my cage because I love the denizens of this world. If even the tip of my foot were to touch the stone of this earth, the world would burn to ash, and all life would be erased. I do not wish that upon this land."

Moorza crooked his head. "So, if I were to lift my hand against father, if I were to call upon the moon, and father told you to end this world, you would refuse his command?"

Moorza's brother was quiet now, as though pondering this. "I.. do not know."

Moorza turned away, clicking his tongue as his heels banged against the tower, the metallic ring reverberating through the metal spire.

"It is not fair." He said. "You were still born. Our father only deemed you worthy of life in order to be a safeguard against me, and he locks you away because he fears the very curse he gave to you. Stupid bastard.." Moorza looked down at his clenched fist. "When I have the power.. I'll take the throne for myself, and I shall order Kyrune to construct a grand city of steel, a city that goes on for eternity, so that you may walk free."

"Oh will you now?" Came a voice.

Moorza almost fell from the tower as he was startled. He looked up above him to see the twisted, snake-like grin of Tahar above him, the mage's white cloak snapping in the cold breeze.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up." Moorza spoke, looking away from the mage as he ignored him, staring back down at the rabble below.

"How did I know I would find you here once again, dear prince?" Tahar hissed. "You are truly a sucker for punishment, aren't you?"

"I dare you to try, freak. I'll kill you where you stand." Moorza spoke with confidence.

"Moorza…" his brother spoke, "Just leave. It isn't worth it. Father will be angry with you.."

"I don't give a damn what he does." Moorza spoke. "He can be mad all he wants. Maybe if I make him mad enough he'll dain to actually show me his face."

Tahar sighed. "You know, this was fun at one point. But it has quickly become a rather annoying chore. Quite tedious indeed."

"Then leave. If it's so sipid, then why don't you just let me be?"

"I am afraid that will not be the case." Tahar spoke, reaching down and grabbing Moorza by his hair. "Off again to tell Queen Lyra of your mischief. Maybe I will let her punish you this time around, hm?"

"Let me go, you snake!" Moorza growled. "Unhand me!"

"Brimgaurn, I will be sure to inform Kyrune of your behavior as well. I am certain he will be quite unhappy." Tahar hissed, then leapt into the air, dragging Moorza away into the night.

In the cell, Moorza's brother, Brimgaurn, looked down at his hands as the silence pressed upon his eardrums. He stared at the riveting flames that danced across his blazing skin of golden light. Ribbons of billowing flame danced about his body, merging and separating with his unstable form like the solar flares of a star. He peered out of the window, down at the dancing candles of the homes below the tower.

"Will I… ever see that city of glimmering steel, brother?"