
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 213 Changes At The Gate Of Eternal Life!

At this moment, near the Gate of Eternal Life.

Boom boom boom!!!

The Lord of Death, the Lord of Disaster, and the Lord of Destruction are still bombarding the Gate of Eternal Life, and countless terrifying magical powers bombard it, producing waves of terrifying fluctuations, as if there are bursts of rhythms of destruction , like the drums of war are beating.

If an ordinary demon god heard such a sound, his blood would boil and his soul would be shattered. He could hardly bear such a destructive wave.

In the years of these billions of epochs, they never left here for a single moment, concentrating on blasting the door of eternal life.

Rest when you are exhausted, and continue bombing when you have enough rest. This is repeated, and there is never a moment of relief.

Even though it is extremely difficult to open the door of eternal life, it contains the weight of a chaotic world, but after their efforts like a foolish old man moving mountains, a slight gap finally appeared.

"I feel it, I feel the infinite source power inside the gate of eternal life, once opened, we can gain the power of eternal life, surpass Eternal Ancient, and become the strongest demon god in history."

The eyes of the Lord of Destruction showed a glimmer of excitement, with incomparable joy.

After spending such a long time, if there is no success, even the Demon God will feel frustrated and lose confidence.

But at this moment, it saw the hope of opening the door to eternal life.

Especially looking outside the crack of the door, there seems to be a trace of 847 terrifying energy fluctuations leaking out. This kind of energy fluctuation surpasses everything, even the Chaos City Lord has never grasped it.

It is conceivable that if they can enter the gate of eternal life, they must be able to reach the unprecedented Realm.



At this moment, a big black handprint immediately appeared on the door of eternal life, and slapped it fiercely on the door, producing a terrifying sound, which seemed to detonate everything.

With a sound of "Pfft!", the Lord of Death, the Lord of Disaster and the Lord of Destruction couldn't bear the sound of the three gods, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of divine blood, causing serious injuries to their bodies.

"what is this?!"

The Lord of Disaster's eyes widened. He didn't know why he saw the black handprint appearing. He felt endless panic, and his whole body couldn't help shivering and trembling.

It seems that this black handprint symbolizes disaster, Death, doomsday, darkness and evil. It seems to make everything die, and it contains terrifying power to the extreme.

bang bang bang!!!

But this was just the beginning, the moment the first black handprint appeared, it seemed that densely packed black handprints appeared on the door, at least hundreds of millions of them.

They slapped on the gate of eternal life crazily, thumping, producing a terrifying Death melody, and the entire gate of eternal life was vibrating crazily, buzzing, and constantly shaking the moon

Even after the bombardment of the three great gods after hundreds of millions of epochs, they couldn't make the door of eternal life shake like this, but being bombarded by these black handprints formed such a terrifying vibration.

At the same time, there were bursts of terrifying magic sounds from outside the door, as if they were extremely flustered, terrified, and frightened, as if they were running away from something or being chased by something.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly, let us in."

"Help, help, help, open the door, they're coming, they're coming.

"Ah, open the door, open the door quickly, help, help."

A series of terrified voices came over, seeming to permeate the gate of eternal life, causing the vibration of the original chaos, and directly transmitted to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the three major gods, the Lord of Death, the Lord of Disaster and the Lord of Destruction.


"Damn, what's that sound?"

With a bang, upon hearing these sounds, the Hearts Demon in the heart of the Lord of Destruction was instantly shattered, and a trace of clarity appeared in the depths of his pupils, as if he had escaped the control of the Lord of Hearts Demon.

At this moment, there is endless fear in its heart, and it can't wait to escape from here immediately.

"I don't know why, but my soul shows a warning sign. If I open this door to eternal life, it will cause endless disasters and give birth to Ragnarok." The Lord of Disasters said in a deep voice.

It was promoted to the realm of Saint with the avenue of disaster, and it is extremely sensitive to the infinite power of disaster in the chaotic world, so it can be called the power of the avenue that it is born to master.

For an existence like it, disaster is not a crisis, but an opportunity.

But at this moment it is extremely fearful, extremely afraid of the disaster coming from outside the door.

"It's not just a simple disaster, I seem to see Death, the Death that destroys everything, everything returns to nothingness, and chaos collapses." Death's hand is also trembling.

As the existence that controls Death, it should not be afraid of Death.

But at this moment it is also afraid, it seems that if it opens the door of eternal life, it will suffer endless bad luck, even Death can't break free, the end is even more terrifying than Death

Such a result is not acceptable to it.

"No, you must not open this door to eternal life, otherwise we will all die." The Lord of Destruction clenched his fists, feeling deep fear.

At this moment, it seems to perceive that behind the gate of eternal life is not the way of eternal life, but may be a deadly trap, once it goes out, it will definitely die.


At this moment, when the three gods were about to say something, the voices outside seemed to scream: "No, no, it's too late, it's too late, they're here

"Open the door quickly, open the door quickly, or we will all die, we will all die."

"It's over, it's over, it's too late."

One after another voices let out a shrill scream.

Then there seemed to be a gigantic monster outside the Gate of Eternal Life, it was the shadow of Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun, and it also seemed to be terrifying giant beasts.

There were a few clicks, which seemed to be the sound of chewing, bone crushing, flesh and blood biting, and the sound of Death, and then the black handprints on the door disappeared, as if being dragged away forcefully, without any resistance.

"This this!"

The body of the Lord of Destruction was trembling, and his pupils showed endless fear. Although he didn't know who the masters of those black handprints were, he knew that the masters of each handprint were many times stronger than he didn't know.

But now, he was eaten by an unknown creature in an instant, without the power to resist. What kind of world exists outside this door?

"No, no sound."

The Lord of Death couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He listened carefully, but he couldn't hear any sound anymore.

"What the hell just happened?"

The Lord of Disaster squeezed his fist.

"I don't know. Anyway, it's not a good thing. This place gives me an ominous premonition, a very bad feeling. If I open this door, I'm afraid not only will I not be able to obtain the power of eternal life And possibly Death. "

The Lord of Destruction felt that his own instinct was strongly warning himself that he must never open this door to eternal life. .