
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 199 Chaotic Virtual Network

However, it is not so easy for countless beings to enter the spiritual world created by Furukawa to survive. After all, no matter how much these chaotic demon gods respect the creation, they will have scruples and are afraid of any conspiracy.

However, Furukawa has already thought of a way, that is to create a chaotic virtual network world, so that the life of the entire chaotic world can enter this chaotic virtual network to play.

You must know that the entire chaotic world is really too big, and the distance of 100,000 light years is only a short distance, which can be regarded as the distance from the doorstep of the house.

Even Furukawa doesn't know how big the entire chaotic world is.

There are even some demon gods who live on the edge of the chaotic world. So far, they have been unable to reach the city of chaos.

You may also encounter other hostile demon gods on the way, which is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die.

Try to think how difficult it is to communicate over such a long distance.

Just like the ancient human society, it may take more than a year for news from the southern end of China to reach the northern end.

Sometimes human beings only know the news within a radius of ten miles, but they don't know the news in places farther away. This is the situation of backward communication.

Of course, due to the birth of the mechanical clan, technology has been greatly developed in the chaotic world, but even so, the mechanical clan only uses electromagnetic waves to communicate.

The problem is that the speed of the electromagnetic wave is too slow, at most it will move forward through the United States.

If electromagnetic waves are used to communicate within a planet, it may be that the message arrives extremely quickly, and other people can receive it by dialing a number at random.

But if it is placed in the chaotic world, it will infinitely magnify the shortcomings of electromagnetic wave communication.


Even if there is no electromagnetic wave interference on the way, it will take a billion years to resist a distance of one billion light-years in diameter.

Such communication is also meaningless at all.

Therefore, the electronic communication network manufactured by the machine clan is actually only suitable for the machine clan to use. As a local area network, other Chaos Demon Gods have no need to use it at all, and it is very Convenient.

If Furukawa can create a chaotic virtual network that spreads across the entire chaotic world, and the news arrives in an instant, even if Tianya is within walking distance, the entire chaotic world may be detonated in an instant, causing countless demon gods to go crazy.

After all, if there is such a convenient communication tool, no demon god can refuse it.

Because if you can connect from one end of the chaotic world to the other in an instant, you don't know how much time is saved and how much convenience the demon gods get.

This is equivalent to a society that has evolved from a primitive society to an intelligent age at once.

However, it is very difficult to achieve this. Many Chaos Demon Gods also want to solve this problem and have come up with many methods, but so far they have not solved it. No Chaos Demon God can solve this pain point.

"It is not impossible to refine a communication network that can be reached in an instant."

In fact, Furukawa has already thought of this method. It is unrealistic to use electromagnetic waves, soul fluctuations and other powers. Their speed is too slow to reach the instantaneous speed.

But he found a solution, which is to use the line of Karma.

From cause to effect, from effect to cause, this is the infinite meaning of Karma Avenue.


Moreover, the Karma line is endless, arrives in a flash, is hidden in the long river of fate, will not be disturbed by any force at all, and can perfectly bear the communication conditions.

If the infinite karma threads are intertwined with each other, it will be a virtual network covering the entire chaotic world, it will be a web of destiny, a web of Karma.

This can solve the problem of communication time delay.

"Integrate the Karma Avenue into this spiritual world, refine it into the Karma Realm, which is the gathering place of all Karma, and become the source of connecting countless lives in the chaotic world, so that countless lives in the chaotic world can be easily connected to each other , the Internet of Everything, within easy reach of Tianya."

Furukawa's eyes showed excitement: "Even the lives of these chaotic worlds can log into the spiritual world through the line of Karma, communicate with each other, and finally form a huge chaotic virtual world.

In an instant, he had already thought of a way to refine the chaotic virtual network.

Because the most important communication problem has been solved, it is to use the line of Karma, so that it can connect to every creature in the chaotic world, and even guide them into the virtual world of chaos through the line of Karma.

Of course, how to let them build Karma is actually very simple.

That is to let them buy a piece of communicator and drip blood on the communicator, which establishes a Karma relationship with the chaotic virtual network world.

Thus they can log into the chaotic virtual network world.

And when these beings enter the chaotic virtual network to survive, they can feed back a large amount of soul energy and spiritual power, and promote the growth and evolution of the chaotic virtual network.

Hundreds of epochs passed in the blink of an eye.

After Furukawa's painstaking refining, adding a variety of supernatural powers, and assisting a large amount of chaotic materials, the host of the chaotic virtual network was finally refined successfully.


In an instant, a huge black and white ball of light floated in front of Furukawa, like a planet, inside seemed to be a chaotic world, full of vitality.

And deep in the core of this huge black and white ball of light, there seems to be a core, which is the ball of Karma, and there are densely packed runes of the Karma Avenue inside, exuding endless mysterious atmosphere.

Any life that establishes a Karma relationship with the Karma Ball can enter this virtual world through the Karma Thread.

Vaguely, dense Karma threads also emerged inside this black and white light ball, intertwined with each other, as if forming a Karma net, a Heavenly Dao net.

"Finally the refining was successful."

Furukawa clenched his fists, refining this chaotic virtual network was a huge effort, as well as the huge material of the chaotic world, he felt that his body seemed to be weak for a while.

To be honest, this is no less than opening up a prehistoric world.


At this moment, Furukawa sensed that there was another chaotic phenomenon in the sky above Chaos City, and a huge door of Chaos Origin emerged, roaring.

It seems that the chaotic virtual network that I refined caused the original chaos to vibrate and was recognized, and the huge to the extreme light of merit flowed down from the gate of chaos.

Even this kind of light of merit is bigger than the sum of the lights of merit Furukawa obtained in the past. Even the Restrictions formation of Chaos City can't resist such a chaotic vision, and the endless golden light almost covers the entire Chaos City Mountain . . . .