
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 171 The Mysterious Power Of Faith

"Huh? What is this, the power of faith?!"

At this time, Furukawa gave up continuing to study how to open up the prehistoric world. He felt that there was an extra ball of colorful light in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

And this colorful ball of light is almost all-encompassing, including the power of many distracting thoughts, which is a bit similar to the power of sentient beings, but it is more complicated and contains many Impurities

Even this ball of light seems to be filled with billions of trillions of void threads, extending to unknown places, as if covering every corner of the chaotic void.

He soon realized that these threads of the void were threads of faith, and this colorful ball of light was a ball of faith condensed by the power of faith, containing infinite mysterious energy.

"This is the belief from the mechanical race, let me see what it is."

Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam, and his Divine Sense permeated into this ball of colorful light at once, and he felt the endless prayer thoughts from the robot in an instant, as if his sea of ​​consciousness exploded all at once. .

"Oh, great Father God, please bless us with success in this land reclamation operation, and don't encounter those demon gods of Damn it."

"Great Father God, please bless me to get rich. When I get rich, I will definitely offer you buckets of engine oil.

"Great Father God, please bless me to catch up with the beautiful robot Lilith. I have liked her for a long time, and I will confess my love tonight. I hope Father God will bless me to achieve success in no time."

"Thanks to the great Father God, who gave us life, gave us food, gave us safety, gave us happiness, everything we have is given by you.



In an instant, Furukawa sensed billions of trillions of robot thoughts rushing towards him, like an endless sea of ​​beliefs, about to drown his own consciousness.

He knew immediately that this was the power of belief in own by the life of the mechanical race he created.


In the next second, the chaotic Eight Trigrams technique in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness immediately started to operate, sorting them into different categories, and sorting out the prayers of hundreds of millions of believers in an instant.

Fortunately, his Chaos Eight Trigrams technique has been upgraded to a new level, and his computing power has reached the Dao level. Otherwise, if such a huge amount of data rushes in at once, it will explode his sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, and he can't handle it at all.

But to Furukawa at this moment, this bit of data is nothing at all, a breath of time is all processed, and it will not have any impact on his sea of ​​consciousness.

"The machine clan has actually grown to such a huge scale."

Furukawa was a little surprised. Before his Closed Door Training, although he imagined that the machine family would develop very quickly, the development of the machine family at this moment is still beyond his imagination.

During his Closed Door Training, Brain Zero continuously calculated and deduced, collected a large amount of data, and created endless robots, making them all over the chaotic world.

No, it can't be said that it spreads all over the chaotic world, but the chaotic area within the known range has the figure of the machine family, leaving the base of the machine family.

At this moment, the number of machine clans can no longer be calculated in units, but can only be calculated in megabytes.

After all, the biggest advantage of the mechanical race is productivity. As long as there are enough materials, they can produce robots endlessly, which is simply not comparable to other life races.

Because other life races still need to grow up, fall in love, get married and have children, etc., it takes a long time to be able to give birth to offspring, but mechanical talents need it.


As long as the factory assembles parts and produces chaotic chips with souls, then endless production of robots can be produced, which also makes the number of mechanical families explode.

Now the chaotic chip is restricting the development of the mechanical clan. After all, the materials that can condense the chaotic chip are still scarce, and it takes a lot of time to swallow the chaotic energy and then convert it into soul energy.

This also leads to the impossibility of endless growth in the number of machine families, and there is still a limit.

And because of this, Furukawa discovered that the power of faith in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness is so great that it seems to connect the beliefs of billions of robots and listen to the prayers of countless believers.

"It's really a mysterious power of faith."

Furukawa was amazed. He created the Machina clan unintentionally, but he never expected that the Machina clan would provide him with so much power of faith.

Moreover, these powers of belief are different from other energies. They are illusory powers, emotional powers, and have infinite magical effects.

This kind of energy can enhance the original energy of the world, can strengthen the barriers of the world, and can also be used to enhance own Cultivation Base, and even be used to comprehend the Dao.

After obtaining the power of belief of these beings, it is actually equivalent to getting the approval of a part of the origin of chaos, so that it is easier to understand the law of the origin of chaos.

Even these powers of faith can be converted into various energies, which can be used to refine Medicine Pills, Magic Treasures and so on.

Its effect is no less than the light of merit.

It's no wonder that the immortals in later generations took the divine way after they couldn't walk through the immortal way, gathered the power of infinite faith, and the speed of cultivation was unmatched by other immortals.

As long as the power of faith is sufficient, the own Cultivation Base can be improved endlessly.

Every believer can even act as his own eyes and ears as long as his own believer goes.

"However, the power of faith seems to be flawed. Faith is poisonous."

Furukawa squinted his eyes. With his omniscient eyes, he immediately analyzed the power of faith, and instantly obtained the various ingredients that make up the power of faith.

Although the power of faith has infinite uses and is of great benefit to practitioners, it also contains various distracting thoughts and negative emotions of believers.

After all, most people who believe in gods are selfish. Some hope that they will be free from disease and disaster, some hope that they will live a long life, and some hope that they can get glory and wealth.

Some want everything to go well for themselves and so on.

These selfish thoughts are distracting thoughts.

If the gods don't make a distinction, they will swallow the jujube whole, and swallow all the power of faith.

If it's only part of it, it's okay, it's not a big deal, but if the power of these endless distracting thoughts is instilled, even a demon god will be eroded by the thought power of these sentient beings, and finally lose his mind and become completely enchanted.

Of course, there are some believers who do not have any selfishness, they simply believe in the gods, and they can sacrifice their own lives for the gods. The power of such belief is extremely pure, without any Impurities.

And such believers are fanatics, even saints.

Therefore, the gods like most are fanatics and saints. They are the source of the power of the gods, and they are also important assets that cannot be lost.

However, the vast majority of lives are just shallow believers, and there is no way to reach the realm of saints.