
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 121 Promotion, Forty-Nine Avenues

No matter how surprised these Chaos Demon Gods are, Furukawa's breakthrough is still in the process of continuing.


Huge chaotic energy swarmed in, and every cell in Furukawa's body was greedily devoured and absorbed, as if he didn't know how many days he had been starving, and he took everything no matter how much it was.

Moreover, these chaotic energies are simply a drop in the ocean for the huge primitive ancient snake body.

"Energy, too little."

At this moment, Furukawa discovered that the chaotic energy from devouring alone was not enough to support his breakthrough to Saint's Realm, nor was it enough to transform the law.

If he only controls one avenue, perhaps these chaotic energies are enough, but obviously he is not only controlling one avenue, so the required chaotic energy is simply increasing at a geometric progression rate.

Also because of this, if a quasi-sage wants to be promoted to Saint's Realm, he not only needs to have a perfect understanding of the laws, but also needs to accumulate a huge amount of energy, which is enough to support the energy consumption from the quasi-sage's breakthrough to the Saint's realm.

If the lack of energy causes this 29 breakthrough to fail, then it will be very difficult to breakthrough again.

Fortunately, Furukawa received a lot of light of merit because of his three sermons. Such a large amount of light of merit, even if he squandered it at will during this period, he still consumed less than one percent of it.

That's why he has such a solid savings that he has such strong confidence to be promoted to Saint Realm.

"The light of merit."

With a thought, Furukawa immediately mobilized the light of merit in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and strands of light of merit from the original chaotic origin crazily poured into his original ancient snake body.

And the chaotic energy contained in just one ray of virtuous light is equivalent to his cultivation for tens of epochs. At this moment, there are at least hundreds of millions of ray of virtuous light in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the chaotic energy contained in it is so huge that it scares the demon god to death.


After getting ample chaotic energy, his breakthrough was logical, and it was a matter of course. The entire body of the original ancient snake seemed to be bathed in the golden light of merit. Nenghuang Haichen.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of epochs have passed.

This time Furukawa's promotion process was too long, it took hundreds of epochs, during which time the entire Chaos City was shrouded in strong Chaos energy.

Of course, this also brought great benefits to the countless demon gods staying in Chaos City, especially those weak demon gods, who could devour chaotic energy that was unknown how many times more than before.

This is a bit like staying in the practice Sacred Land.

"Finally promoted."

Furukawa's eyes showed a frightening light. After hundreds of epochs of practice breakthrough, the light of merit on his body has consumed more than 99%, and only a small part of the light of merit is left.

No one can imagine how much chaotic energy he spent breaking through to Saint Realm.

If it was an ordinary demon god, it would not need to consume so much energy, but Furukawa chose the most difficult path to breakthrough in order to create a perfect road foundation.


At this moment, when the last law rune transformed into a Dao scripture, his whole body vibrated, resonating with the source of chaos.

Vaguely, in the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness, a series of Dao scriptures also emerged, shining with infinite light and containing Dao rhyme. Each Dao scripture represented a Dao in the chaos.

And there are a total of forty-nine such Dao scriptures, which is equivalent to him controlling forty-nine Dao scriptures.

You must know that ordinary demon gods can control a road to be promoted, even if they are the favored sons of heaven, even if they are only a handful of existences in the entire chaos, there are only three thousand such demon gods in future generations.

Among them, there are also some powerful demon gods who can master two or three avenues to advance, which is even rarer among the rare.

And there are only a few who can master the nine avenues for promotion.

Like Furukawa, who has just been promoted to the realm of Saint, he has controlled the existence of seventy-seven forty-nine avenues, which is unprecedented in eternity, and this has also created his perfect Saint Dao foundation and the foundation of the avenue

"Forty-nine Avenues!"

Furukawa's eyes showed a frightening light, and he felt the message of the forty-nine avenues emerged from the depths of his consciousness. The tyranny of this force is simply unprecedented

Avenue of Creation, Avenue of Time, Avenue of Space, Avenue of Star, Avenue of Gold, Avenue of Wood, Avenue of Water, Avenue of Earth, Avenue of Fire, Avenue of Chaos, Avenue of Karma, Avenue of Yin & Yang, Avenue of Light, Avenue of Darkness , The Avenue of Devouring, the Avenue of Wind, the Avenue of Thunder, the Avenue of Chaos, the Avenue of Plague, the Avenue of Hunger, the Way of Sound...

Every avenue floated in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, and seemed to be easily controlled by him, and he grasped the most fundamental power in the chaos at once.

Seventy-seven forty-nine avenues emerged in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, as if they were integrated with each other, as if they formed the basis of a complete world avenue.

This is simply a perfect cycle, a perfect foundation of the avenue, which seems to have turned into a Restrictions formation, the avenue and the power of the avenue echo each other, unfathomable

"too strong."

Furukawa was very excited. He felt that the power of own is more than a billion times stronger than before. If it is the current own, it is estimated that blowing air can kill billions of times before EE,

And the power of the Dao is not comparable to the power of the law.

For example, the Dao of Fire, if the Law of Fire meets the Dao of Fire, it will be defeated in an instant, and the Dao of Fire is the emperor, the master, who controls the life and death of all the power of fire.

As for the law of flames, it is just a part of 913 of the avenue, one of its citizens.

The king wants his ministers to die, and the ministers have to die.

This is the terrifying power of the Dao, which is equivalent to a minister.

Even if he casts a Dao on his body, the Dao Realm can be spread out in an instant, covering it, all the power of the demon gods will be deprived, and they can be easily suppressed

Even a relatively powerful quasi-sage can suppress almost 80% of his power.

In this way, how can other demon gods compete with the demon god who masters the Dao? The saying that everyone under Saint is an ant is not false, but a cruel reality.

In fact, the gap between them is even bigger than any Demon God imagined.


At this moment, Furukawa seemed to feel something. Looking up, his pair of all-knowing eyes saw through everything and directly reached the depths of chaos.

In an instant, above the Chaos City, a gate of the Great Dao suddenly appeared, on which the rune of the Law of Chaos was densely engraved.

This door seems to have opened the way to the source of chaos, which contains infinite source energy and avenue information, which is the root of chaos.

The reason why the Gate of the Great Dao appears is because Furukawa was promoted to the realm of Saint, which caused the resonance of the origin of chaos, and the resulting chaotic vision made the origin of chaos produce gifts