
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 106 Karma Barrier, Rebound All Attacks

"who are you?"

The Golden Demon God and other Demon Shendu looked at Furukawa very vigilantly. Although Furukawa brought them strong pressure, they were also extremely proud Demon Gods, so naturally they would not be scared away immediately.

In any case, they are powerful demon gods standing at the pinnacle.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the original ancient snake, but many demon Shendu call me the Lord of Chaos City." Furukawa looked down at the many demon gods indifferently.

"Primitive ancient snake? Chaos city lord? Are you the great supernatural being who opened the altar to preach?" Hearing this, the golden demon god and other demon Shendu were shocked, and looked at Furukawa in disbelief.

Since this period of time, they have been very familiar with Furukawa, and their reputation has spread throughout the entire chaos.

Whether they want to go to Chaos City to listen to the sermon, or the demon gods who don't want to go to Chaos City, they all have heard of Furukawa, but they didn't expect to see this legendary great supernatural being here.

"That's right."

Furukawa nodded.

"Interesting, really interesting."

Hearing these words, the Golden Demon God immediately burst out laughing: "At first, I wanted to go to Chaos City to compete with you, to see if your reputation is in vain. But I didn't expect to see you in this place. Very good."

It looked at Furukawa's eyes, full of fighting spirit.


To be honest, it has long been very upset with Furukawa, because most of the demon gods in the entire chaotic world now think that this primitive ancient snake may be the strongest demon god in the chaos.

This kind of discussion immediately made the Golden Demon God very unhappy, because it thought that it was the strongest, but it was just because this guy used some means to let the whole chaos know his reputation.

If this primitive ancient snake encounters Own, it will definitely be killed by itself without a whole body, so it never wants to go to Chaos City to listen to this primitive ancient snake's preaching.

After all, if he really went to Chaos City to listen to this guy's preaching, wouldn't he be inferior to this guy?! Everyone is a demon god born from chaos, why should he be a short guy for a lifetime?!

"It turned out to be the legendary Chaos City Lord, but I didn't expect to grow up like this."

"Sure enough, he is a great supernatural being who can make countless demons boil in the entire chaotic world. This momentum is not fake.

"However, even if he is very powerful, he still has not attained the Dao. He is still a demon god at the same level as us.

"That's right, it's too arrogant to want to preach to the demon gods of the entire chaotic world with this little ability."

Many demon gods stared at Furukawa, their eyes were very unfriendly, they were all very unhappy to see Furukawa's existence, so they chose not to go to Chaos City to listen to the sermon.

Now this rightful lord has actually appeared, and it immediately makes them feel the same hatred.

"Oh, what do you want to do?"

Furukawa raised his eyebrows and looked at the group of demon gods indifferently.

"What do you want to do, of course I want to kill you."

The golden demon god shouted loudly: "If I kill you, then I will be the strongest demon god in the chaotic world, no one can doubt it, so let me die now.

A terrifying murderous aura erupted from it.


"Do it, tear this Chaos City Lord into pieces."

"Jie Jie, luck is really great, I didn't expect to meet the Lord of Chaos City here, this is our luck."

"If we can kill such a powerful demon god and devour his flesh and blood, maybe we will be able to prove the Dao immediately."

"That's right. I feel that the flesh and blood on his body is of great benefit to me. If I can devour his flesh and blood, it will definitely make our Cultivation Base advance by leaps and bounds. This is a greater opportunity than obtaining Chaos Magic Treasures."

"That's right, compared with Magic Treasures, getting the Tao is the most important thing."

Many demon gods were filled with terrifying killing intent. They glanced at each other and reached an agreement in an instant to join forces to destroy Furukawa here.

whoosh whoosh!!!

In an instant, the Golden Demon God and other Demon Gods shot out instantly, and they cast a powerful Realm of Law, covering Furukawa's body, like worlds crushing one after another, producing terrifying destructive power.

The chaotic time and space in all directions have produced terrible power, and the endless torrent of laws is crushing, which is simply unavoidable and unstoppable.

"Dare to do it to me, you are so stupid."

Furukawa was condescending, his eyes revealed a look of indifference, he didn't move, just floating in place.

Boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, these laws bombarded Furukawa's original ancient snake body in a torrent, producing terrifying destructive power, just like huge stars exploding at this moment, the void in all directions was blown to pieces, and the void barrier It also shattered like glass, forming dense cracks, like spider webs.

Originally, the torrent of these laws would be difficult for any quasi-sage-level demon Shendu to resist, but Furukawa is not an ordinary quasi-sage-level demon god, and his strength is far beyond the imagination of these wide gods.

Supernatural powers - Karma barrier.

In an instant, the supernatural powers of Furukawa's original ancient snake body immediately activated, and a thin layer of Karma barrier appeared on his original ancient snake body, like cotton.

Immediately, the torrent of these laws was completely wrapped up by the Karma barrier, not a single ray of energy leaked out.

In the next second, Karma barrier produced unparalleled supernatural power, and endless Karma runes flickered, from cause to effect, from effect to cause, 470 buckets and stars moved.


The torrent of these laws bounced back from Furukawa's original ancient snake body at once, and all of them bombarded dozens of powerful demon gods including the golden demon god.


"Are you kidding me, our attack was actually bounced back?"

"What kind of supernatural power is this? How can it be so terrifying?"

"Impossible, the gap between us can't be so big, this Chaos City Lord hasn't learned the truth yet. Why? What did this guy do?"

Seeing this scene, the Golden Demon God and other dozens of Demon Gods were stunned. How could they expect such a thing to happen, and they had never seen such a terrifying supernatural power, it was simply beyond imagination.

Originally, these torrents of laws were intended to kill the primitive ancient snakes, but now they bounce back to them, which is simply reaping the fruit of oneself.

At this moment, they felt how terrifying their own power is. Although they can display such destructive power, it doesn't mean they can stop it.

After all, attack power always surpasses defense power.

bang bang bang!!

In an instant, the torrent of these laws was like a star, all bombarding these demon gods, and a huge wave of laws erupted, seemingly destroying everything. .