
Ling Yun - Long Xiang

"What exactly is happening in this place? This mist is getting thicker, and the beasts also seem to be getting more angry." Zhiyu Yushen muttered softly, and a spirit fox appeared beside her. "Can you sense them, Hu Ling?"

"Sorry, I couldn't feel their presence or movement, Master." Hu Ling replied by shaking her head. "Apart from these formations, this mist is also weird, and I feel that something has been monitoring us since we came in here."

"I agree with your beast; I also feel the same way as her, but I couldn't find the source." Xiao Xiao said as she nodded, and her body was enveloped in a red and light blue aura as she had activated both of her bloodlines.

Tian Yueling then asked Zhiyu Yushen. "Have you never experienced something like this when you went here in the past?"