
Primodial Speed System

Having lived miserably and died both young and stupidly,henry Stallone got reincarnated into another world that might even be tougher than the former,follow henry as he races through time in a new world filled with technology and magic,using the power of a god as he encounters different entities including super humans,gods,spirits,god hunters,titans and even death herself,as he paves his way to become the strongest,live this second life to the fullest and get to the finish line of time itself.

crimson_jake · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 1 : unfortunate end

"where the fuck am i" henry exclaimed as he suddenly woke up in a different place than when he last fell asleep ,he seemed to be floating in an endless abyss of nothing but darkness.

"what's going on"he thought as he tried to look around for a source of light but was soon disappointed as he couldn't see anything but utter darkness. 

"i must be dreaming",as that was the only explanation for what was going on,as the last thing he remembered was him falling asleep on the couch in his apartment,while the sound of an alarm was constantly disturbing his peaceful sleep,and yes it wasn't just a normal alarm.

"come to think of it,i was constantly disturbed by the sound of the fire alarm going off at the building" but of course he ignored it as he was half way across dreamland already,but who could blame him he was known to be a deep sleeper after all,as he even got the nickname 'sleeping ugly' among his colleagues when he was in the boarding school as he wasn't particularly part of the ones you could even call average not to talk of the pretty ones.

"No it couldn't be" he grimaced as he hoped it wasn't what he thought,

"I'm actually dead" that when it dawned to him.

 "but this isn't heaven" not that he thought he would make it,he wasn't considered as the type you would call righteous or unrighteous either,but he definitely was not a believer,so yes he definitely can't make heaven but still, 

"this isn't hell either,so where the fuck am i". 

so it's rather safe to say he didn't know where he was and had no clue what was going to happen next. 

normally a person who believed in rebirth would have an idea what would happen but our buddy here didn't even believe in superstitions and reincarnation so he just remained on the spot,lost in his own thoughts.

"i can't believe I'm dead,my life just ended stupidly" he sighed "maybe it's for the better,it's not like anyone would even mourn over me" he said as he thought of his past life that he didn't get the chance to see flashing before his eyes as he died a very miserable death.

"i think I'm even lucky to have left that cruel world,it wasn't meant for me from the start" he said as he comforted himself, as indeed life hasn't been very fair to him from day one.

His father had died on the day he was born,he had his mother had to live in the slums of the city due to his father's family who seized all the properties owned by his father for themselves.

His father was a very successful businessman who had lots of properties and was very wealthy even before he got married to his mom,it was going to be a perfect family until the tragedy struck and he and his mother where forced to live a wretched life.well until his mom died on his 10th birthday.

he was taken in by his mother's sister who sent him to a boarding school which was definitely where he spent the worst days of his life.

he graduated at the age of 16 thankfully in one piece and was given an apartment by the government as a orphanage fund resort during one of those elections,and got a job at a supermarket as an errand boy so he was able to meet some of his needs and survive.

A year later the owner took some pity on him and made him a sales boy due to him having a thing or two for maths as it was his favorite subjects in high school and he initially wanted to study accounting at the university,and one could say he almost fulfilled his dreams; Almost.

he gathered enough money from his workplace and his daily hustle for two more years before finally trying out at a close by university,he got the admission into the university to study financial accounting and he had enough money to cover at least 2 years tuition, until tragedy struck.

For starters,he came back from work one fine evening only to discover that someone broke into his house and stole all the money he had saved up,and of course he didn't have a bank account as he had to be at least 20 in the country at the time so all his money was with him,although kept secretly in his wardrobe it was still discovered by the theif.

His whole life was shattered and to make it 'better' he had already resigned at his workplace and even been replaced,so yes he didn't know where to start as he just layed on the couch where he cried himself to sleep,and then the fire incident occurred leaving him where he currently is;lonely,sad and possibly in a dream.

"yeah i am definitely lucky,cause i would have definitely ended my own life myself,this just made it a lot more easier and less painful" he said 

"or maybe i should have gone to church and been all holy,cause i can't just stay here floating endlessly in darkness,thinking about my wasteful life" he said as he started to feel uncomfortable,but then he remembered "In those novels i used to read,am probably supposed to look for the light and head towards it right"he said as he turned and turned but found nothing "it's hopeless" he sighed "i should just accept my new fate,at least it's not so bad,it's kind of peaceful and quiet" maybe too quiet it was driving him crazy "shit who am i kidding this is much worse,I'll rather just be alive and sit at home all day than stay in complete darkness" i would give anything to see even a speck of light again " he finally snapped as he learnt the value of life or maybe the value of light.

"can't i just die or something am losing it here"he continued to speak,just as he said that a small dot sized light appeared at a distance which of course didn't go unnoticed by henry,"where did you come from" he asked the light,he immediately started to move towards it,flapping his hands in a motion similar to swimming but to no avail,he couldn't leave the spot "fuck,even the after life is unfair to me" just as he cursed the light started moving in his direction.