

Adept Psychiatrist and loyal family man Dr. Hadrian S. Rawsone has his life turned upside down when secrets from his obscure past threaten to undermine the life he has built for himself and his family in the wake of torment from a disgruntled former patient, giving rise to an unseemly monster long thought to have been buried within the sands of time and repression.

Knight_Wind · Realistic
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137 Chs

Chapter 97: Something Of A Perplexing Predicament

The Grounds, The Bortnik Family Farm, Unknown City, Unknown State...

The lazy afternoon sun had been ideal as Lonnie found himself messing about in the pasture ripping up weeds and tending to a good deal of the heavy lifting as far as keeping up the farm had been concerned. He'd been working for quite some time and even worked up something akin to a sweat as he moved about gathering wood for the fireplace and tending to the well-run-over vegetation that lined the property. He wore a pair of solid color jeans and dark-colored boots as he moved complete with a red and black checkered shirt. His hands were rough due to the work in the yard, but he seemed pleased to be doing something worthwhile for himself as he moved through the high grass. Lonnie preoccupied himself with his little projects as a way to take his mind off the ailing Alexei as the lad had not been feeling so well the past few days despite their reunion.

The onset was sudden, as Lex started to believe he'd been afflicted via some stomach virus that had been possibly going around and Lonnie simply allowed him to rest turning his attention to seeing to the lad's health and then his various projects with the yard and barn to keep himself busy while Lex recovered. Sadly, Lex had been lounging in bed for days much too weak to venture out of it longer than to visit the restroom before returning to where he passed out from a good deal of fatigue. He had often complained of tenderness in his chest and found it difficult to keep much of anything he'd eaten down.

Lonnie ventured back into the house at near on sundown and looked in on Lex who had continued to lounge in bed as Lonnie climbed in along with him after seeing his way to discarding his dirty attire following his keeping busy out in the yard. The older man kissed Lex along the shoulder and slowly wrapped his arms around his smaller waist as he noted how the lad seemed to be still very much exhausted despite sleeping alone for hours. Lonnie's concern had been quite well founded given the sudden onset of Lex's symptoms, but he managed to keep his concerns to a minimum so as not to upset Lex and simply held him as the day passed quietly without them.

Despite the symptoms from his apparent illness, Lex had enjoyed being in Lonnie's arms and the surprising tenderness he showed toward him in his time of need. It was an odd thing to see Lonnie Collins of all people being caring and concerned for anyone especially when there was no sex involved nor further benefit to himself. The ailing lad melted into his lover's embrace as his heavy eyes closed once more.

Lex's comfort had been short-lived as he felt the inevitable call of nature and rushed from Lonnie's arms toward the bathroom as the older man watched puzzled as to what had been taking place, but not saying a word. The lad had taken to shutting the door when he'd first gotten sick and had done so as Lonnie rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling.

He climbed out of bed after a few moments and approached the door which he found to have been locked by Lex as if he'd been trying to keep something from him. Lonnie leaned against the door and did his best to consider the ailing lad's condition.

"Lex," he said softly. "Open the door."

Lex appeared to ignore him for a few moments trying his best to compose himself as he had not liked the idea of appearing weak in front of Lonnie of all people.

"Lex opened the door," said Lonnie once again still leaning against the hardwood. "I know you're sick, but this is ridiculous."

{"Just leave me alone Lonnie."} said Lex with tears streaming down his cheeks behind the closed door. {"Leave me alone and go chase one of your whores it's what you want to do anyway now that I can't screw you like always."}

"Don't you start this fucking shit Alexei," growled Lonnie annoyed despite his attempts to keep a lid on his rising temper with Lex being as ill as he was.

{"Well it's true, you've just been biding your time before you take off to fuck some whore down the road because I can't give you what you want because I'm sick."} replied Lex rather hostile in his tone. {"Just go ahead and do it, you've been waiting around just so you could."}

"What the fuck's gotten into you?" growled Lonnie his temper getting the better of him. "I just wanna know how you are doing and you jump down my throat on shit I haven't even done yet and wasn't even thinking about doing."

{Yeah fucking right, I know you've been keeping an eye on that bitch down the road, you fucked her before and you think I didn't know about it."} growled Lex suddenly angry. {"You've been spending an awful amount of time in the yard and not far from the property line of her place."}

Lonnie had reached his boiling point.

"You know what FUCK YOU!" he growled beating his fists against the wood door. "I haven't even touched that bitch down the road, but now that you mention it I might as well fuck her since she'd be a better lay than your sorry sickly ass!"

Lex heard him storm out the bedroom door and immediately scrambled to unlock the bathroom and attempted to rush after him as more tears streamed down his pale cheeks. He'd been ill and suffering the effects of mood swings that caused him to lash out at Lonnie but he feared more than anything that his lover would find someone else and leaves him high and dry.

While Lex rushed out the bathroom door, he had not taken notice of Lonnie standing a few ways behind him. The older man scooped him into his arms and carried the ailing and tearful blond lad toward the bed and lay down beside him. He had been shocked that Lonnie had tricked him so well but grateful that it had been a ploy to get him out of the bathroom.

Once they reached the bed, Lonnie held him close like he had before the lad rushed off to the bathroom to answer the call of nature which had become a frequent thing for Lex as of late which further added to his rather puzzling predicament.

Hot tears continued to stream down Lex's cheeks as he closed his eyes and melted back into Lonnie's embrace.

"I'm sorry," he said softly unable to fight back the remainder of the tears. "I didn't mean it."

"Shhhh," replied Lonnie softly kissing his cheek and wiping away his tears. "Just rest."

Lex did his best to comply as he silently wondered what was happening to him as he had not been as out of tune with his body since puberty and he was living with his grandparents.

"I love you, Lonnie," said Lex before drifting off.

Lonnie sighed and closed his eyes as he held the blond lad closer who had been wrapped in his arms.

"I love you too," he replied kissing the semi-slumbering lad atop the forehead. "Whatever this is...we'll deal with it together like everything else."

Lex seemed content with that as he drifted off to sleep still in Lonnie's arms as the older man lay awake pondering to himself in the silence of the bedroom.