
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Ch 30: Dirty Secret


Thank you all for the 'Power Stones' you guys have been giving me lately. I don't really know what they do, but they seem like good stuff and I like good stuff.

This motherfucker is a 5600 word long chapter. Don't blame me! A big time skip needs big explanations!.... Also, I'm trying to wind up the 'Vol.1 Earth' as quickly as possible. LET'S GOOOOOO!!!)


Third Person's POV


Felix sat Melena on the computer chair and he himself sat on the bed.

Melena was quite nervous about this meeting. She already had guesses about what happened to her and how it all happened.

"*Sigh* Alright Mel, I have a lot to tell you. You may have already guessed quite a bit of it by now, but hearing the whole story from me would probably help you more."

And so Felix fired away.

He didn't hide anything from her. He first started to tell her about her legendary assassin phase and then how he found information about her childhood.

Felix was hesitant to tell her the details about her childhood, but Melena vehemently insisted on listening to it. It was hard for Felix to tell such gruesome things to someone who was still a child and one with a history of trauma at that, but he relented at last. Melena had become a strong child with all the training she has been through. Besides, the tea had already been spilled at this point. He couldn't withhold any information now.

Felix slowly disclosed her past childhood to her while constantly checking her emotions through telepathy. He was ready to stop at any time if he felt like her trauma was resurfacing. Thankfully, although she was extremely sad and frightened about the 'what ifs', she didn't relapse into her trauma. She just hugged Felix and cried her heart out.

Melena had already forgotten about her real parents at this point, but this revelation renewed her memories of them. When she recalled her last moments with her father, she shuddered. At that time, she childishly thought he was coming near her to cut off her fingers. Little did she know back then that there was something even more sinister that could've happened to her.

After she calmed down a bit, she lifted her head from Felix's chest.

"Are you alright now? If you need some time, then we can postpone this all for a later date."

"Mhm, I'm better now."

Melena replied in a hoarse voice.

"Don't push yourself. You already know what you need to know. The rest of the meeting would be just you asking the questions."

"I'm fine Fel, no need to worry."


Felix sighed and hugged her tightly.

"Mel, I just want you to know that we all really love you. Honestly speaking, Dad and I didn't know what to do with you after we rescued you. At that time, not even a week had passed since my memories regressed. The moment we caught on to your trail, we rushed to your location, while Mom knew nothing about our real agenda and thought we were going on a trip. We never thought that Mom would come to love you and accept you as her daughter. In turn, Dad and I also came to love you as a family member. I don't care if you were or will be a Legendary Player anymore, nor does Dad. Mom still doesn't know about 'Etheria' and the Convergence. For all I care, you can just play video games for your whole life and never even touch 'Etheria'. We'll still love you, even if you made that decision. Just never think our love for you was just a show. We really do love you."

Melena removed herself from Felix's hug and gave him an unexpected head butt.

*Bang* *Ouch!*

"Felix, I'm not a child anymore. I know that all the love and care everyone has given me is genuine. I have never doubted it to this second…. You worrywart… don't overthink things this much… By the way, why's your head so hard?! It hurts like a motherfu- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

As she was beginning to curse, Felix's hand shot out and twisted her ear.

"Huhuhu~ Now where is Mel learning all of this?~ I don't think anyone in the house ever said anything close to this, did they?"

Melena removed his hand from her ear and shot back.

"Ho~ And how do you know what I was gonna say?~ Even if your real age is bigger than mine, Mom doesn't know that, does she?~"

"Tsk, let's call it a draw, shall we?"

Felix didn't have a comeback and raised the white flag.

"Hehe~ alright~"

Melena had a triumphant smile as she agreed. At least her mood was a lot better now.

"*Sigh* Do you have any questions? Or anything you want to be explained again?"

"2 years back, I read an article about 'San Montalor Operation'. It happened just a few weeks after you rescued me. It was your doing, right?"

"Yeah, we got them good, didn't we?"

Felix replied with a grin.

"Hehe~ Yep, it was pretty bold of you to even fu- *ahem* mess up the Mayor."

"He was just a loser… anyway, got any more questions?"

"Hmmm, are you gonna consider making a harem?~ "

Melana asked with a sly smile.

"Hey, if this is all you have, then I consider this meeting to be completed."

Felix quickly opened the door and kicked Melena out.

"Hey! That was a real question, you know?!"

"If you want an answer, then at least grow up to be an adult, pipsqueak! Irene, come in."

Melena retaliated back, but Felix just closed the door on her.

"Huhu~ Mel, did you just ask him that question?~"

Silia came from the back and asked.

"Yep, he seemed quite dodgy about it. What do you think?"

They walked around the hallway as they talked.

"Hmm, there is no way a guy would ever refuse it. He's probably just waiting for all of you to grow up. No need to get sullen about it."

"Who said I was sullen? From the moment he told us his real age, I knew the reason why tried to dodge us all the time in the past. But even if I know the reason, it's still funny to tease him, isn't it?"

Melena had a smile akin to a sleazy old man as she said it.

"Huhu~ Speak for yourself. I'm already an adult. I can do whatever I want~ Even beyond just teasing~"

"Silia!.....Please! Don't do it! You can't let your 'sisters' down! We shall rise and fall together!"

Melena nervously grabbed both of Silia's shoulders and shouted.

"When did I ever make such a pact?~"

Silia teased.


"Tsk, relax. I won't do anything much in the future. Happy now?"

"You're the best! Now let me dive in those huge jugs."

"No! Even Felix hasn't touched them properly yet!"

"Huhu~ then let me do the opening ceremony for him."


Silia ran downstairs and Melena chased after her.


Rolo saw them running, and playfully chased after them as well…


Back inside Felix's room.

"Irene, I don't have much to say about your future, but it's not for a good reason…."

"Felix, don't dilly dally around so much and just tell me. You know I can take it right?"

"*Sigh* I guess so…"

And so Felix reluctantly told her about Aunty Martha's tumor and her eventual passing.

When Irene got to know that her mother had passed away in the previous timeline, she visibly shook up and clenched her hands. But in the end, she controlled her emotions. Although her eyes were a bit wet, she didn't cry or whimper or anything like that. She was constantly repeating the same mantra in her heart; 'It's okay, Irene. It didn't happen this time, so there's no need to worry. There is no need to dwell on the 'what ifs'. Mom is completely fine now, Felix made sure of it.'.

Felix was internally surprised at how well Irene was taking it all and did a check on her through telepathy to see if it all was just an act. When he checked on her, he was even more surprised. Although he did feel sadness and conflict in her, the majority of her emotions composed of trust and commitment towards him in her thoughts.

"Feelee, you told mom about it while fully knowing what it was, right?"

Irene asked with a slight smile on her face.


"I know you won't accept it but still, thank you, Felix. I don't know how I would be without mom, but there's no need to worry about that anymore because of you."

"About that…"

Felix told her about her past self and her behavior after Aunty Martha passed away. He then told her about the stalker and the 'Abigail' case and how they had messed her up in the previous timeline. He didn't brush up on his own crimes. He told her extensively about his own past self's negligence towards her and the high possibility that she took up that lifestyle partly because of him.

Irene had a frown on her face as she listened to it all, but didn't say a word until he finished saying what he wanted to say.

After Felix said his piece, Irene stood up and walked toward him as she opened her mouth.

"Felix Hudson, you big dumb dumb! Let me guess, you blame yourself for what happened to me, right?"

"Y-yes…. Ou! Ou! Ouch!"

Irene got in front of Felix, twisted hard on his ears.

"With your supposed 'eternal memories', I believe you haven't forgotten the fact that you were 12 at that time, right?"

"Hey! At least release my ear before speaking!"

"Hmph! Serves you right! You are beating yourself over something that you were not even supposed to have a clue about! I don't wanna hear any of this shit in the future, am I clear?!"

"Yes! Now release my ear!"

"Tsk, come here."

Irene released him from his 'torture' and hugged him tight in her still developing bosom, like a mother would…

"Look, I know where you're coming from, but did you not change my and my family's life for the better in this timeline?"


"You worrywart…. I don't know what to do with you… and you're supposed to be a 27-year-old man…."

Irene started brushing Felix's hair with her fingers.

Meanwhile, Felix was having an internal breakdown.

'How did this even happen?... Wasn't I supposed to be the one consoling them? Then why the hell am I in the reverse position right now?!.... Hey, what's she doing now?!'

Irene casually sat down and made herself comfortable on his lap.

"Tell me, did you take care of that bitch named 'Abigail'?"

"The authorities already raided her mansion and arrested her. Don't worry all the victims were safely extracted too. As for Abigail now…. From what I've heard, that psycho has already committed suicide in her cell."

Felix didn't tell her that it was all his doing.

"Serves that bitch right."

"Hey, hey, tone down on the cursing."

"Shut up. Let me have my moment."

"*Tsk* By the way, why have you made yourself cozy on my lap?"

"You got a problem with that? Do you want another serving of homemade ear twisters?"

"No ma'am"


Irene made a contended hum and rested her head on his shoulder. Felix sighed and hugged her shoulder with one hand to support her.

"Hey, Feelee. Wanna know a deep secret of mine?"

"Hmm, sure… what is it?"

"One kiss on the head for your order, please."



Felix was quite curious about this supposed 'secret' so he relented and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Now, fess up."

"Huhu~ Mr. Hudson, aren't you getting too impatient to hear a woman's secret?~"


"Alright! Alright! Don't regret after listening to it. Come closer."

Irene extended her hands and brought Felix's ear closer to her mouth. Then she whispered…

"Well… you know… how should I say this?... ummm, I'm quite into the idea of sharing my man… it feels kinda hot to me… "

Felix's back shot straight, and he stared at Irene in disbelief.

"W-What?....I-I believe everyone has their o-own f-f-fantasies… I-I can't be an exception…"

Irene tried to justify herself while blushing deep red.

"You….you know what is wrong with that, right? Let me spell it out for you. First of all, you're having these weird fantasies at such a young age. Second, you're basically saying you're a cuc-, man, I don't wanna even say that…"

"Hey! It's not as weird as you're making it out to be! I'm a growing girl! I also need a channel!... But…but…do you hate it?..."

Irene exploded to defend herself but then suddenly deflated and asked in a mosquito like voice.

"Irene… no man would hate it but… it is a bit weird… and I'm more afraid of the scope of it…"

"I-I know w-what you're th-thinking! I-I promise its nothing like th-that! Y-you would be the only one for me! But you can do whatever you wan- *flick* ouch!"

Felix flicked her forehead to stop her perverted ramblings.

"You speak as if were already in a relationship…. Besides, how did my innocent Irene get so perverted? You're a kid, for Christ's sake!"

"You and I getting together is inevitable, Felix Hudson! You know it, I know it! There is no need to beat around the bush!"

Irene looked up at Felix with her blue eyes shining bright and said with an all-knowing voice.

"As for how I discovered this 'passion' of mine…. Well, it was …. porn…."

Her voice suddenly lowered itself to a murmur as she spoke the last part…

"Goddammit! I knew that that shit was destroying younger generations! Now, look at you! Did you not see it's for adults only! I should've told Aunty Martha about it when I heard you say those adult words!"

(A/N: In reference to the time when she said 'masochist' in ch 28)

"That age confirmation button is like a toilet paper fence! Besides, how else am I gonna relieve myself?!"

"Shut up!.... We're not discussing it again until you're an adult, got it?!"

"Tsk, I thought you'd be bolder than this… "

Irene's eyes dulled out a bit in disappointment.


"Ouch! Idiot, that hurts!!!"

"It was supposed to hurt! Now, shooo, get out of my room!"

"Huhuhu~ Feelee~ You can't escape my grasp even if you kick me out for now~ I'm looking forward to the harem~ Ba Bye~"

Irene jumped out of his lap and hurriedly left the room before she gets another flick on her forehead.

"Man… Melena is the only one who's still relatively innocent among all three. She's only a bit of a yandere, that's all…."

Felix dropped his back onto the bed as he rambled to himself.







Felix's POV


After staring at the ceiling and rambling in my head for a while, I took off and headed downstairs.

The girls didn't seem to be in the house anymore. Rolo wasn't there either. They were probably hanging out with some friends they had made at the gym.

Just like Silia, there were cases where the actual employee wasn't as important as their children. In fact, there were quite a few of them. We had made separate underage-only lounges for them in the gym. They were restricted to only work out in gender-separated gyms and if they were eligible for training, then their parents had to be supervising them. Although these protective measures were a bit redundant, as there was surveillance everywhere, it doesn't hurt to keep their parents assured of their children's safety.

The girls had bonded with some of them quite well. They hung out and practiced together occasionally. Sometimes, they even threw sleepover parties in each other's houses. At the very least, the girls were starting to have a proper social life outside just the four of us. I didn't mingle too much with them, as a lot of the girls in the group didn't leave a chance to 'talk' to me. Man… they were quite crazy, I tell ya.

I turned the tv on and watched some news.

There was a weird discrepancy in the news, which couldn't be found 3 years before.

There was no news that indicated any sort of big crime. Not just Ertonville, but the whole Lantir was the same. It had become oddly very peaceful.

For others, it was pretty odd, but of course, I knew the exact reason why this was all happening.

My plans with Tri-Scar were finally coming to fruition. Tri-Scar already was a pretty big criminal organization initially, with 4000+ members, but now, it had swollen up its numbers in the units of tens of thousands of members.

The best thing about it all was that, although the numbers had swollen, these members were the 'clean cut' left of all the members.

I had already 'Compelled' a lot of the normal members of the clan. Their job was to 'accidentally' clean out the 'bad eggs' from the clan. The 'bad eggs' were dumped into the deep sea, in the middle of nowhere.

I didn't have to worry about Clan's size decreasing because of this clean out anymore. There were already more than enough members for intimidation and information gathering purposes.

The general process of taking over other gangs was quite simple, actually. A lot of the members would sneak into other gangs as normal members and then dismantle them from the inside. Tri-Scar comes in at the opportune moment and absorbs them through intimidation. It was simple and effective.

Of course, those gangs never knew that their secrets were leaked through someone who they considered their 'brother'. Even if they did suspect it, they were quietly snuffed out.

The first place where these operations took place was Ertonville and then extended to my whole country, Lantir.

99% of all the authorities in Lantir were basically my people at this point. The higher ups knew about what was going on and even secretly helped Tri-Scar out by supplying them with information and safe-houses. It was a symbiotic relationship.

At this point, Lantir was the most dreaded country for any criminal out there. From what I'd heard, they were even making up myths and conspiracies about Lantir in their inner circles.

But Lantir wasn't the only place where these operations were going on. It was happening in the entire world. Tri-Scar was just subtle about it. It would not do us any good to underestimate these criminal organizations. Some of them were even secretly backed up by their governments. I had to dip my hands personally into cases like these. Slowly 'Compelling' the government workers whenever I had the time. When it's time, I'll snuff them all out.

Of course, there was always a void whenever we eradicated a gang and it was bound to be filled up with some other guys. But they would still need a lot of time to set up their reigns and fill that void. There wasn't really a need to worry about those lynch-pinch scavengers.

Besides, my real purpose was never to end this 'criminal eco-cycle'. This was just the short-term benefit of having an underground organization at your beck and call. It was just something that I could be proud of, giving me the drive to move forward.

There were two long-term purposes for creating this organization. First was to quietly eliminate all the unsavory bastards who fucked up the relations between Earth and Etheria. Tri-Scar was already on it. I had given them all the information I had about those bastards and they were silently being eliminated, even at this moment.

Second and most important purpose for their existence was spying/espionage. Not just in the real world, but also in Etheria when the 'game' launches. They would be my secret force for information gathering in both in the open world of Etheria and also inside the guilds that would be made.

I had already made a lot of changes in the real world at this point, enough to make changes to the future in 'Etheria'. I wasn't afraid of the changed future or the supposed 'Butterfly Effect'. What I had done was needed for a better future.

This spy group would help me circumvent any consequences my interference might have caused. They were already refining their espionage skills by blending in with small fry gangs and the general public. They would be a fearsome force if all my planning bears fruits.

But there was a caveat to all this. With such a large force, there was a probability that a number of gang members would awaken great 'talents' in the 'game'. If they were my normal employees, I couldn't have been happier. But the thing was…. they were not. They were essentially my slaves. I had 'compelled' them to such a degree that they would notice it if they were to get strong enough.

When the time comes, I will have Salazar make a database of all his goons and their talents. Unfortunately, if any of them have greater talent than the limit, they would have to be snuffed out before they grow their feathers. I wasn't going to take any risks for merely a good talent. Their existence could threaten me, my family, and my plans. Obedient slaves were all I needed from the underground world.

*Click* *Creak*

"Darling~, why are you out here alone? Did Melena go out with the girls again?"

Mom entered the house, Dad came inside a few seconds later.

"It's fine, Mom. It's pretty nice to relax alone sometimes."

"Hehe, I know exactly how you feel, son."

Dad remarked with a hint of camaraderie in his voice.

"You guys and your 'guy talk'...."

Mom was getting irked, so I quickly changed the topic.

"Anyway, how was your little date?"

"Oh! It was wonderful! The restaurant had such good food! And your Dad...…"

Mom rambled on happily for a long time. I just sat there and listened to it all without any complaints.

Mom and Dad, both were 3 years older now, but they looked much better than before. It was all thanks to the gym.

Although Mom worked out on the private gym floors along with her neighborhood friends, she had still made quite a few friends there. She chatted with them in the lounge area before and after her workout routine. It motivated her to go to the gym daily and the results of that diligence were on full display.

She had toned down quite a lot and her skin was practically glowing now. Although she didn't really take it seriously, I still made her practice with weapons and do reflex training, giving a sharp, intimidating glint in her eyes. I haven't and don't plan to tell her about the future. My Mom would be the last person I want to see at the front lines. I just let her be the caring and chirpy mother she has always been. There was no need to make her worry when men of the house were already taking care of things.

Dad, on the other hand, knew exactly what was going on and demanded me to train him. I respected his decision and acquiesced. I honestly didn't want him to be on the front lines either, but as a husband, he demanded me to train him for any unforeseen situation where he would have to secure Mom. I couldn't reject him when he put it that way and so I trained him hard. Both physically and mentally.

The results were there to see. He had toned down a lot and behind that suit was an array of muscles that were ready to burst into power at any time but were flexible enough to maneuver in impossible ways. His black eyes were steady as a mountain. They were quite intimidating. This was the result of him personally killing some of the scumbags we had caught, to strengthen his mind and steel his heart.

Mom and Dad didn't join Etheria when it launched in the past timeline. Dad was quite sulky at the 'game' for ruining his business and Mom was there to support him, so they both never logged into 'Etheria'. This posed a problem for me. I didn't know their future 'talents' and their 'Law Compatibilities'. I could only give them general glyphs from all the Laws to 'meditate' on. Mom was quite skeptical of this 'meditation', but still did it after seeing how diligent Dad was about it.

"Alright, I'll give you both some 'time' now. You guys must be quite exhausted from the date"

I said with a sleazy, all-knowing smile.

"Hoho~ Look at you!~ Alright, go on now~ Let your parents have some 'rest'~ Right Richard?~"

Dad was sweating bullets and had a look of betrayal on his face. I ignored it and scooted away.

"Wa-wa-wait Darling!"

I heard Dad's shouts as I went upstairs and snickered.

"Hehe, serves you right."

While they were having their fun, I opened my work-only laptop and checked if the businesses were going to plan.

On the business side, things were going really smoothly.

Besides all the industries we already had a foot in, we had also made a large scale gaming news channel as well. Its popularity was still in its infancy, but those who knew about it viewed it quite positively. The reviews they made for the games were very blunt with no bootlicking at all, which was quite appreciated by all the viewers. The channel also hosted quite a few gaming tournaments and issued 'speedrun bounties', which was gaining popularity among the pro-gamers. The money to host all these events was 'generously given' to us by our 'friendly' investors.

I had 'Compelled' quite a few investors in these past few years. Not only did they provide me with their funds, but they also introduced their contacts to make all of my business operations run smoothly.

Honestly, there wasn't much need for our private business except for garnering public reputation and employing more players. We had all the money we could ever get.

This happy news made me and Dad more inclined towards the choice of not selling Dad's original game company. There simply wasn't any need to do it for some 'chump change'. Useless or not, we both had quite a lot of sentimental value towards it. It was our origin.

The same could also be said about our daughter's companies and industries.

With this option, we didn't have to move our employees to a different company just because we had shut down our original one. That would be quite a tedious and time-consuming process.

Speaking of employees, people were practically fighting to join our companies at this point. We didn't even need to personally go and hire them now. Many factors contributed to make this happen.

Lantir, my country, was now known as one of the safest and happiest countries in the world by recent surveys. People were lining up to move there, but very few got the approval to do so. one of the few options they had was to join one of our companies to enter here. The whole government body here was already my lackey at this point and approved anyone who I told them to do.

Our companies and industries also had great reputation and enticing job offerings to put icing on the cake. Whenever we personally sent a job offering to someone, 90% of the time they accepted it immediately. That's how we 'collected' even more important future players and added them to our fold. From alchemy and blacksmithing to spell casting and brute forcing, they covered all the aspects, and they were all dang good at it too, with a minimum talent grade of 'B' rank.

I had tried to find the other legendary players, but unfortunately, it all came to naught. They had just hidden and skewed their information that much. I had used all my contacts, both legal and underground included, to find them, but it was all for nothing. All the news and information leaked about them was probably intentionally fake, just to juke all the information collectors.

But no worries, I'll deal with them when the time comes. I already had 5 legendary players in my fold.

While on the subject of legendary players, my own were doing pretty good except for one person, 'RayChaser' aka Ivan Moore.

Last year, his grandma's condition suddenly got worse, and she has been hospitalized to this day. Although she was better than before now, and could even walk on her own, the doctors didn't recommend her to leave the hospital's premises. The costs of her hospital bills were way more than what Dad's contract with Ivan stated, but Dad still pitched in money for the bills from his own pocket.

Needless to say, Ivan was extremely grateful for this help, which he didn't even have the courage to ask for. He was a jolly guy, but he rarely ever asked for anything more than what he was already given. Dad knew his personality quite well and just footed the hospital bills in the name of 'being fond of the grandma'. Uncle Geralt aka 'ColdSteel' and his crew also pitched in to help and had made almost regular visits to the grandma ever since.

Even if it's fucked up to say it, Uncle Ivan's grandma's health problems did make the legendary players bond with each other a lot better.

Alexio and Mariana had just completed their bachelor's. They were instantly recruited to Dad's company as promised and were now living a great life. Thankfully, they didn't get complacent and continued their training. This was partly because of the friends they had made while working in the gym and also because of Alexio's competitive spirit.

Alexio has been training hard alongside Geralt, Ivan and other important players. They were all now skilled and disciplined to the point of holding their own spar matches without my supervision. Training was their favorite pastime activity now. When I asked them why, they said that it was quite fun and also relieved their frustrations. Alexio especially said the 'frustration' part with passion. Thankfully Mariana wasn't there to hear it, or else… Perhaps only God could have saved him.

In general, all the employees were quite happy. With the whole of Lantir and its government under our control, we made Ertonville a paradise that they couldn't ever complain about.

To add icing to the cake, the whole government was making sure that their information remains secure. They were even planning to launch a satellite at our 'request' for a more private communication channel. Of course, the employees were only told that Dad's information protection firm was securing their information. Otherwise, if they knew the truth, they would most probably be creeped out by it and may even resign.

The employees' general outlook on the whole Hudson Household was very positive. Not just the legendary players, Dad was pretty generous with all the employees in their times of need. The employees in daughter companies hadn't ever seen their 'big boss' but were still quite happy with their work environment. I hadn't interacted with them or 'Compelled' them personally, so their loyalty was a bit questionable. However, there was no need to worry, as very few of the important players worked in those companies.

We had employed almost all the important players in our main company so that they could bond with us and each other better. The only exceptions were some doctors and other miscellaneous professions that we couldn't personally accommodate. But no worries, Lantir and especially Ertonville were our own backyard. Just one call and those guys 0were employed in the most suitable places for them with in Ertonville. We just had to somehow get them to join our guild when the time comes.

The interactions with them were so genuinely positive at this point that Dad and I were seriously considering telling the truth to the more trustworthy ones.

We had the option to just directly 'Compel' them but decided to take the safer side and only 'Compel' those who didn't have much of a talent. Even then, they had had to take the final leap by themselves to be completely trusting of us. For those with adequate talent, they had to be treated a bit carefully. In the future, they would probably be able to detect if their minds were tampered with or not. We could only garner their trust through time and effort. And perhaps maybe a bit of very very subtle 'Compelling' at the right moments.

One of the employees was the most important target among all. It was Derick Myers, Silia's dad and probably my future father-in-law…

I had talked to Silia about it and she was ecstatic hearing the news. I knew she felt guilty for hiding such a big thing from her father for such a long time.

As her future husband, I have to do something about it, don't I?

*Creak* *Slam!*

"F-F-Fel! What the hell am I hearing downstairs?!"

Melena suddenly barged into my room and cried out. Her face was beet red.

"Hooo~ They're really going at it, aren't they?~"

"Sh-Sh-Shut up! And quit with your creepy smile!"

"Hehe~ Don't mind them, it's not like you've not heard them before~ Today is just a bit more exciting day than the past ones~ anyway, did you come here to just tell me that?~"

"N-no… With your memory, you already know about the upcoming college entrance tests, right?"

"Yeah… what of it?"

"Can you tell me its contents?"

"Piss off!"

Last year, Melena had caught up in her academics with both Irene and me. She had worked really hard to accomplish it. After that, Irene and I didn't have to worry about leaving her behind and speedran through all of our remaining courses along with Melena. According to our tutors, we were now eligible for our college entrance exams. We had accomplished it at a relatively early age, only around the age of 15-16.

"You selfish cheater! You already know the test content. Why can't you share it with me?!"

"Pass the test with your own efforts. Besides, with the changes I've made in Lantir alone, who's to say that the test content won't diverge from the tests in the last timeline? Besides, there is a whole half-a-year left for the exams. You're worrying too much."

"You meanie…"

"Hey, cheer up! I can still help you with your studies, though. I have a whole database in this noggin *flick* *flick*."

"I-If you are so persistent, then how can I refuse…"


'I've been played…This sly actor…. She's getting good…'

(A/N: Just from this chapter alone, you can infer that a lot of the future content is gonna mainly center around adventure and quests. There will probably be some guild conflict and stuff like that but it won't be that much, just enough to spice things up a bit.

Leave a power stone if you like my content…and…

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!)

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

PinkPencilcreators' thoughts