
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ch 19: Real Training Starts


Felix's POV



In the morning, my doorbell rang. At this time, only one person would ring on our door.

'Hmm, is she feeling shy? Usually she rings it twice…'


I opened the door and saw no one was in front. I looked around and saw a very light yellow patch of grass sticking out behind a flower bush. If it were normal times, then I would have thought that these antic were very cute, but with what I had to go through yesterday, I had no such thoughts. I only saw a guilty person in front of me. Or so I wanted to think…

'I really wanna pinch her cheeks right now… shut up Felix… '

"Hooo… you should've thought about it before you did it. I won't tease you, but I can't say the same for Mom."

The grass shook as I walked towards it.

I didn't care and lifted Irene like a sack of potatoes and went back home.

"Aaaa! Let go of me!"

"Just so that you can hide again? The tutors are gonna come soon. We're gonna be late because of your antics."

"Hey! You can at least be nice to me!"

"Nice to you? You ran away after making a mess. Do you know how much teasing I had to endure?!"

"I'm sorry….but did you like it?"

"Shut up…."

While talking, we had already ascended the stairs. Melena was out and saw me carrying Irene like a sack of potatoes. She murmured to herself, or at least she thought she murmured only to herself.

"Lucky you…"

I decidedly ignored her and softly kicked the drawing room's door open.

"There you go. You're lighter than I thought."

I hoisted her on a sofa.

"Of course, I'm a smart young lady."

"Of course, just cut off the lady part and add barbarian."


After some antics, our tutors finally arrived, and we studied our lessons.





After the lessons were done, we headed downstairs. Irene seemed to have forgotten the whole ordeal in the morning. Unfortunately, Mom was there to refresh it.

"Hohoho~ My Irene darling is here~"

Irene had chills run down her spine. She robotically turned her neck towards me, but I had already escaped along with Melena.


'Please forgive me. I really feel guilty, but I really can't handle another session. I pray for your survival, amen.'





Melena and I were playing with Rolo and waiting for Irene in the gym. We didn't open the cases because we wanted the opening to be together with Irene and Silia.

"You… you…traitors!"

We saw Irene coming into the gym with lip marks everywhere on her face. It seems that a creature called "Mom" had captured her in her special move "hug trap" and then showered her with dozens of "kiss" attacks. That seems rough….

"Greetings traveler, welcome to my humble abode. I don't seem to recall seeing you in these parts of the town. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)"

"Greet your butt!"

"Hey hey, it was inevitable. You hear that? Inevitable!"

"I'm gonna kill youuuuu!"


We ran in circles in the gym and Rolo ran with us as well until Silia arrived at our home and entered the gym.

Silia's eyes were shining as she approached me.

"Have you opened it yet?"

Ignoring the Feral Irene who was chomping on my hand, I shook my head.

"Nah, we were waiting for you to come first."

"I-I see, thank you."

"You really like your formalities, don't you? Anyway, let's open them up! Melena, help me out and get this Feral Irene off me!"

After leaving Irene to Melena, I lined up all the boxes and opened them up.

The assortment of weapons was breathtaking. Each weapon had at least two copies, making it possible to spar with the same kind of weapon.

My gaze landed on the spears. My favorite weapon to use. It was simply just too practical. I held one in my hand and spun it around.


The spin started slow, but it slowly sped up until it was essentially whizzing about like a fan.


I suddenly stopped it in my hands.

"Good balance…"

"Hey, how did you do that?! That was so cool! Teach me!"

Irene took me out of my contemplation. I looked around and saw that all three of them were surprised.

'I guess I overdid it..'

"Don't worry, I'll teach you everything I know, but first let's wear the safety gear."

We helped each other out in wearing the gear. Thankfully, dad had bought all sizes of gear. A growing girl with budding chest like Silia would have been stumped if not for the variety available.

"Alright, let's get started. We'll be training in all kinds of weapons. You guys should be able to pick out your favorite one by the end of the month. That doesn't mean we wouldn't be training in other weapons, though."

I could see Irene raising her hand like she was in school. It was quite cute. I nodded my head towards her.

"Aren't we gonna practice bows? I don't see any bows here."

"Bows are too dangerous to be used by us alone, if you really want to use them, then we can go to an archery range for practice. Any other questions?"

'It's not that we can't. I just don't trust you guys to be careful enough to practice bows here.'

Silia spoke up this time.

"How did you learn all this? It's a bit too dangerous. Aren't you taking this childish hobby a bit too seriously?"

"My dad is a game company owner, and he has made many fantasy games by now. You can figure the rest out. Don't worry about the safety, I won't allow any of you to spar until I'm satisfied with your proficiency and control."

I shrugged and replied, chalking it all up. But then I squinted my eyes at Silia.

"And…..who are you to say that this is just a childish hobby?….. I take this very seriously, you know?….. Never look down on me ever again, got it?"

Silia stood lightning-struck at the spot. She didn't know that the normally-chill me could be angered.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking down on you, I just misunderstood you…"

"It's alright, it was an honest mistake. We can move on now."

Honestly, I could've not been snappy right now, but I needed an excuse to be. Silia had a big ego as someone who was older than all of us. She wouldn't listen to me if I didn't make the hierarchy clear right now. Although no one said anything about it, there was also the pressure of me being the son of her father's boss. She couldn't act out of line in front of me.

Today, we used smaller weapons to train. No matter what your attunement is, a small versatile blade will always be handy.

I corrected their postures as they struck the training dummy made of soft flesh feeling silicone. Their initial excitement waned when they realized how hard it was to strike true, but I had a plan for that.

They had already formed some discipline in themselves by now, so they were not discouraged easily by seemingly impossible looking things. They were already starting to do what they considered impossible 3 months back, giving them the confidence to overcome things.

I told them to take a step back and watch.

I was 10 feet away from the dummy.

"Watch and learn."

I bent my knees and then pounced towards the dummy like a cheetah with my hands fully extended backwards and my legs taking large steps.

I took the final step and made it firm on the ground in one smooth motion. As my body stopped, I transferred all my momentum on my bladed hand and launched it like a whip.


The wooden rounded tip of the blade tore into the silicone through sheer momentum. A wave was created from the impact site, transferring the energy throughout the silicone dummy and it finally fell down even though it was designed to not do so. The strike was perfectly balanced. If it was not, then this wooden dagger would've snapped in half by the impact.

I could feel it, I was reaching for the bare minimum mana to access the Law of Force.

"HAAH,HAAH,Haah,haah….. you all saw that?"

The maneuver took a lot out of me. I asked while breathing heavily and turned towards them…

They had their jaws rolling on the ground.

*Snap* *Snap*

"Hey, wake up! Are you there?"

Melena was the one to speak up first. Her eyes were shining and her face was flushed. It seemed like she understood something from this demonstration. That's a legendary assassin for ya.

"Fel, can you teach me this? I really want to try it."

"One step at a time, Mel. First, hone your basics, then I'll teach you whatever you want, I promise."


Melena smiled and nodded at me.

"Th-th-that was....SOOO COOOL!!! Hey, do it again! I'll come back with a camera!"

"No… no recording is allowed if you want to come here, got it? I'll give you whatever demonstration you want again and again, but remember that there will be no recording device allowed here. If I ever catch one here, then you're gonna know what a mother and son combo teasing looks like. I'm not joking."

It was the best threat I could give them. They all visibly shivered just imagining it.

I had to make it quite clear. I knew that the footage made from these demonstrations could go viral and could be easily traced back to us, compromising our anonymity. Besides, an 11-year-old boy having this much strength was just not normal by any standards. It might attract some unsavory forces to me.


Irene replied dejectedly.

"Um, Felix, can you beat someone up?"

Silia interjected.

"Are you asking for the possibility, or are you asking me to beat someone up?"


I was curious who she wanted to beat up. I sat on the ground and gestured for them to sit as well.

"I can do that if the possibility is concerned. So,what's the deal? Who do you want to beat up? And why?"

"He is a guy named Norman Weils. He is my senior in the highschool. He has been persistently following me around in school for a week now. I don't know what to do about him. He gives me a very creepy vibe."

"Have you told your father about this?"

".... No..."

"Silia, you're older than us, right? Do we really have to tell you about right and wrong? Shoulds and Shouldn'ts?"

"I get it! But what choice do I have?! That Norman has a wealthy, powerful family and my dad is just a normal day job worker."

"Well, this is some idiotic thinking process. Silia, this is no longer Ormat. You need to leave that place behind you. Here, no one is above the law. Even if they are strong enough to bribe the law enforcement, do you think we would be twiddling our thumbs? Silia Myers, you might not know this, but the Hudson family is really, really powerful. More than we let it out to be. We live a normal life not by necessity, but by choice. "


"Well, although you were idiotic in not telling anybody about this, you did good by not antagonizing him head-on, just by yourself. The Weils family is pretty powerful with their connections, though nothing too much. They have spoiled their eldest son quite a bit and now he's become an 'A' grade entitled prick. Who knows what he could've done in the heat of the moment? This problem is not something that mere beating up can solve. The Weils family is having some trouble keeping their pants closed. I think Dad can help close it for them and even lock it up."

"Hey Felix, you don't need to involve Uncle Richard in this. This small matter will be blown out of proportions like this. We should be able to handle it by ourselves,"

"You don't really need to worry, Silia. I promise you, I'll solve this problem without any ruckus."

Honestly, I've been talking to her in a very mature way. There's no point in hiding this much from her. She already knows that I go to the office with my Dad sometimes. It would make sense for me to be more mature than what my age suggests. She seems to respect me more because of this.

As for Weils family, they weren't that big of a deal. In the last timeline, their eldest son was just an entitled asshole and was involved in scandals quite often. If I didn't have 'Compel' then this would've been quite a hassle, even if I had future memories. But with 'Compel' I can even control a World-level criminal clan, let alone just a rich family. With no one having mana to protect and strengthen their souls, I was like an overpowered shark, ready to gobble them all. This was honestly a free chance to earn a favor from Silia, a future Elemental Arch Mage.

"Alright, let's end the session here. Silia, don't worry, tomorrow you won't be hearing from that prick anymore. Cheer up!"

"Just don't do anything reckless."

"Says the one who can't even properly complain to her parent *Snort*"

Silia shut up and looked down with her head bent.


I sighed and came over to what had now become a bundle of wavy red hair and patted her head. It was weird for a boy, 3 years younger than her, to do this, but oh well.

"I said cheer up. I like your competitive side more than the downcast one. Remember, you have friends who will help you out now and your dad isn't in any vulnerable position, either. My Dad's business is expanding quickly, so your father's value is also shooting up. In the future, there will come a time when these ass- *ahem* poopers will roll in front of you like dogs just to gain any form of attention. Would you believe me on that?"

"Okay… "

"Alright, let's end today's session at this point. I'll talk to Dad about your issue. Irene and Melena, don't talk about the things you saw or discussed here with anyone, same for you, Silia."

It was a more mentally exhausting day for them than physical. They had to control their body movements with precision rather than brute force it.

They all went to their homes or, in Melena's case, her room, and I went to Dad's study. Dad was not there, still at his company. I picked up the phone he had left there for me and called him up.

"Hey dad."

"Son, what's up? Did something happen?"

"I think we can start 'Compelling' the investors and other businessmen in this city. 'Pãy-trêê-ôñ' has launched so the business bureau will not be suspicious if the investors join us. The Wiels Family is also troubling Silia, so we'll be catching two birds with one stone."

"So the starting line is the Weils… hmm, alright, I'll send a driver to pick you up, it's gonna be quite busy from now on."

(A/N: I quite enjoyed writing this chapter.

I could've added more to the action part but remembered that MC was still a child rn.

Leave a power stone if you like my content…and…

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!)

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

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