
Prime Evolver System

In the distant future, mankind is on the brink of extinction. Standing atop the rubble of their apocalyptic future, an old man, tired of his centuries-old existence finally managed to find a piece of hope back in the past, before all happened. A young boy, the last shard of light carries within him the last hope of humanity. He may be the one that could finally break the cycle, he may be the one that could finally overcome this eternal curse, this dreaded organism that he himself and many others before him tried to control but ultimately failed. With all his remaining strength, he completes the ritual that will hopefully alter the destiny mankind is about to face. Unfortunately for the boy, the weight, the burden he will have to carry will be immense. Can he overcome the hatred he will be subjected to and stand up from whence nobody should be able to? This is the story of Lucien Shaw, the Wretched One. *** DISCORD COMMUNITY: https://discord.gg/jNyuZB8bKW ***

Shaele · Urban
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129 Chs

Chapter 93 - The Homeroom Teacher

Whilst most of the staff, be it old or relatively new were trying to make sense of the Principal's strange actions, there was one figure that did not share their enthusiasm.

Jonathan was in a bad mood ever since he returned from his little adventure exploring the sewers. Even worse, he got nothing to show for his efforts. He didn't got closer to finding traces of his missing daughter, and the nest, the only clue he found by spending all the money he had on that b*stard of an information broker ultimately ended him being forced to shake hands with the very creatures he despised the most.

Still, he could do nothing. The Alchazard Family assured him that they know where his beloved little angel is. They also gave proof in the form of a picture that she is safe and sound, even if shaken and terrified.