
Prime Evolver System

In the distant future, mankind is on the brink of extinction. Standing atop the rubble of their apocalyptic future, an old man, tired of his centuries-old existence finally managed to find a piece of hope back in the past, before all happened. A young boy, the last shard of light carries within him the last hope of humanity. He may be the one that could finally break the cycle, he may be the one that could finally overcome this eternal curse, this dreaded organism that he himself and many others before him tried to control but ultimately failed. With all his remaining strength, he completes the ritual that will hopefully alter the destiny mankind is about to face. Unfortunately for the boy, the weight, the burden he will have to carry will be immense. Can he overcome the hatred he will be subjected to and stand up from whence nobody should be able to? This is the story of Lucien Shaw, the Wretched One. *** DISCORD COMMUNITY: https://discord.gg/jNyuZB8bKW ***

Shaele · Urban
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129 Chs

Chapter 127 - Like siblings

"What is it? You look as if you have seen a ghost, Jack." Lucien chuckled, unaware of the growing shadow behind him.

"B-b-b-b…" Jack, however, has long since lost his ability to form cohesive, full sentences. Heck, he couldn't even formulate a single word. As if he truly had just seen his whole life flash through before his eyes, he slowly, shakily lifted his arms and pointed behind his friend.

"Wha-" It then finally dawned on him. Albeit just a bit too late, but he could now clearly sense the familiar presence of not one but both of the girls they were speaking about. 

Instantly, feeling a sense of threat, ringing in his mind, sending alarms, Lucien bent down and took a step forward, just evading the swing of the slender-looking arm, causing it to hit nothing but stir the empty air.

"Lucien!" The roar of an angered beast, like a mother lion, reverberated throughout the halls, causing all movement to cease temporarily.