
Primarchs in Multiverse

Nightcorex11 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Leman Russ 3

"What?!" screamed the entire ORC, voices ranging from high to low.

"This is your brother's orders," said Grayfia. "And, his final decision after giving this a lot of thinking. Also, a house for our guest has already been arranged."

She looked at Leman clad in casual human clothing and continued, "It's advised to familiarise your self with the peerage since you would be spending a lot of time with them from now on."

Leman gave a nod, he rubbed the spatial storage ring Sirzechs had given before teleportation, and looked back at the Rias and peerage, "Alright then, I want ye all represent yourselves. Who are ye?"

Rias composed herself followed by Akeno and then others.

"I am Rias Gremory, heiress of House Gremory- I hope you have learnt the rest of the things about our society from my brother," said Rias introducing herself.

"I did- and, what about ye all?" asked Leman looking at the rest.

"Akeno Himejima, the Queen of this peerage."

"Asia Argento, I-I... I am the Bishop."

"Milksop," muttered Leman before moving on to Koneko. "You feline one."

"Koneko Toujou, the Rook." she bellowed.


"Yuuto Kiba, the Knight."

"Ya remind me of my brother, Fulgrim. I don't like ya. Lastly ye, scrawny one. Introduce yer-self."

"Issei Hyoudou, the pawn," said Issei. He already made up his mind about Leman. Another arrogant prick devil-like Riser Phenex, "also your breaths stinks of alcohol."

No sooner did the words left Issei's mouth, he felt a tight grip around his collar and the disappearing of the floor on which he stood. Leman lifted the pawn and brought his face near himself.

"What in the wolf did ya just howlin' say about me, ye milksop? I'll have ya know I was throned the top of my tribe in the kingdom of the Russ- and I've been involved in numerous execution of traitor Primarchs- and I have over 300 million confirmed kills. I am trained in Wolf warfare- and I am the top CQC expert in all of Imperium. Ye are notin' to me, but just another Nancy cat-loving bitch."

Alcohol reeking spit splattered all over Issei's face with every word of the Primarch. He couldn't say his work as his breath stopped.

"Alritey then, yer all are pathetic in yer own ways," remarked Leman. He looked at Grayfia who still maintained her regular cold appearance: "Take me to my new resident, I'll meet ye milksop again, tomorrow morning. Now, it's the time of rest."

Grayfia nodded and they were enveloped again by the same mystic light that brought them here. Leman dropped the pawn and backed away into the magic circle before disappearing.

"Issei," screamed Asia while dropping on the ground and using her Sacred Gear in case Issei had suffered any damage.

"Who was that guy?" asked Issei trying to assess what just happened.

"I don't know," replied Rias, "but I have a bad feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of him."


Grayfia took the Wolf King as said to his new residence, a 'New Den' is what Leman called it. But It was a fairly standard normal housing similar to Issei's house, nothing fancy just right as Leman demanded.

Disappointed he became when he found out that there was no liquor in the House. Grayfia left soon after directing all the rooms in the house to Leman just like she was ordered to.

Time passed, night came, Leman laid on his new bed, naked, after putting away the clothes he got from the Devil King and snickered to himself. There was a time where he wouldn't seek help from Xenos or accept any gift from them, especially ones who were enchanted with sorcery like the ring he wore. But now, he was a changed man. Ten thousand of warp voyage has changed him.

He snicked to himself again. 'Who am I lying to? Inside, I am still and forever be the same. The Emperor's executioner. Leman Russ.'



The ground shook as the explosives fell from the aircraft. The desolate ground of a lifeless planet that had never seen a bit of life before was now a battlefield between one of the strongest ones the galaxy had to offer.

Dropods fell from the sky and more wolves came. The traitor legion who made this shattered world their base were now thinning in number. Piles of Astartes corpses, both Loyalists and traitors filled the group, they dropped to never be found again in the large cracks which gave the shattered planes it's then infamous name. The name which was going to be wiped from the Imperial records.

Astartes against Astartes, battle-brothers against battle-brothers, the Second Legion against Sixth Legion, Lighting Bearers against the Vlka Fenryka. Prior to Horus's Heresy, this was the greatest mark of shame upon the Imperium.

Amongst the cacophony of war and destruction that fell upon the shattered planes, two stood still facing each other. Icarion Anasem, Primarch of the second legion and Leman Russ, Primarch of the sixth legion. One brother traitor and one brother loyalist. Both standing on a shattered rock, surrounded by wide cracks as deep as the abyss itself.

"I once considered ya my brother, " said Leman, "but I am not here to celebrate nostalgia. I hope yer Xenos allies are sweet, ya are going to join them shortly."

Unsmiling, Icarion laid his blade against the palm of his left hand and drew it slowly down. Blood ran dark from the gash he made and washed over the steel, and then the katana was enveloped by lighting. The light from the blade made his face the appearance of a death mask. The blade was lightning from the point to the crossguard, but Icarion felt no discomfort from it. Leman was ready for the fury to be unleashed, he held his sword in one hand, shield in another.

"I am a storm becoming lighting," Icarion muttered closing his eyes, before lashing out with abhorrent fury.

When Icarion charged at him, Leaman was fast enough. The lighting blade shifted to meet the cold power sword. Long ribbons of lighting trailing in its way, steel clashed on steel. No sooner was the first slash was made, Icarion made another. But this time Leman's shield got in the way, metal chips flew from the force of the blow. Strong and fast the strikes came. From up and down, from left and right, each one Leman blocked.

Lighting swept about Icarion's blade, marking each strikes passage. With each strike, the lighting grew stronger. Leman caught one blow high on his shield, making the wolf painted on it lost his head. Leman counter cut as Icarion moved away from the strike range, before launching a lighting backslash.

Leman moved to the right, but Icarion blocked him with a quick sidestep and drove him back towards the crack that leads to the dark chasm of death down below. Leman gave ground until he felt that was no ground for support at the back. A quick glance over his shoulder showed him what was behind and made him almost lose his head when Icarion attacked anew.

Leman fought back to good support with a reckless counterattack. Not until did Icarion retreated a pace did he realized how near he was to fall to his death. With a howl of revulsion, he pushed savagely with his shield, Icarion struck again, a large piece of Leman's shield broke and flew away, the remaining one still clung to the Wolf King's arms stubbornly. But now his left arm was mostly defenceless.

"Enough!" shouted Leman. His aura extinguished the lighting in his opponent's blade like a candle flame. Leman's sword struck out and plowed into Icarion's armour then through his flesh, where is shoulder joined in with his neck and clove him clean down the breast bone. The blood came gushing out in a hot red rush. Icarion's knees folded themselves like for prayer, when his mouth opened, blood and his last words came out, with the Leman's sword still in him, the ground drank blood.

"Why do you do this? You know his methods know no honour?" said the Primarch on the verge of death.

Leman pulled out his sword. His brother was still alive, even though barely.

"Because I am his Executioner."

These were the last word Primarch Icarion heard before his brother raised his sword and aimed for his neck.