
Primal World Automata

Kingdom-building Automata in primordial world. What if, the Super Ancient Magic Civilization was built by automata? After the Human – Spirit war ended, the last Great Sage, Master of Automata, Ebraham Raiss Van Ur was falsely accused and sealed for a thousand years. When he gained his consciousness, his soul occupied a mystical rock aimlessly drifting in the outer space of a star millions of light years away from his home star. The star system however, though greatly resembles his previous world with a virgin habitable planet untouched by human’s hand, it was plagued by spatial rifts that occurs every once in a while. This unnatural phenomenon is a Pandora Box that brings either opportunities or disasters to the world. As he turned himself into Automata, Ebraham teach magic to fairies, and adopted a young mother and her twin children as his descendants. At that time, he planned on peacefully watch them grow as he gradually pass them his knowledge of the world and magic. But a self-proclaimed god, a group of high schoolers, a son of heaven and many strange things emerge from the Pandora Box (spatial rift). Just what is the fate that lays before him? Could his knowledge and superior magic prevail against this fate?

Wan_SaatLalu · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Mind Projection Screen

"But you need to understand the function of these items first. If you feel like these items are not helpful, you are free not to accept it. No need to hold yourself because of me" Ebraham said.

"How can I do that. Sir Ebraham, you already done many things to help me. Surely your gift will be helpful for me, especially when you had made it for my own sake. I'll gladly accept it" Alicia hurriedly said.

There was no way she would doubt Ebraham at this point. Ebraham had previously mention that, other than being beneficial for her, the gift would also be helpful for him. Since that was the case, Alicia was ready to accept it just so she could provide some help, even if it was insignificant.

"Don't rush. Hear me out first" Ebraham interjected.

"This is Mind Projection Screen, while this is the screen's console. Like the big screen in the wardroom, both of these things are magic devices. However, while that big screen shows the outside scenery, the Mind Projection Screen shows what's inside you mind.

"Your mind projection will be showing on this screen, so even I could see what's going on in your mind" he explained.

Although Ebraham explained the function of Mind Projection Screen as if it could read one's mind, the magic device was not that omniscient. He did not explain about the level of mind that the magic device could reach.

A person's thought process which controlled his or her action was done in reasoning faculty of that person's mind. Only by reaching that layer would enable someone else to read that person's mind.

Unfortunately, the Mind Projection Screen could not reach that layer. The magic device could only connect to the memory of that person. Or to be precise, when that person was recalling something.

This restricted the magic device from exploring that person's mind and memory. Which was why the Yesterday's Memory Potion was needed to obtain the full data of that person's memory as the potion would made and help its consumer to recall all of his or her memories.

Since it was a heavy topic, Ebraham choose not to touch about it and tell Alicia the worst interpretation of the magic device's function.

He would only gradually explain to her about that topic if Alicia decided to still use the magic device even under that kind of risk.


Alicia was shocked after hearing Ebraham's explanation.

Surely this is a magical world' Alicia inwardly thought.

Looking at the magic device that could peer into one's mind, Alicia was once again reminded that this world was not just a magical world, its technological advancement was also very high. And the source of these technologies was this gentle-looking old man in front of her.

Everything that Ebraham had created was very magical and beyond her imagination. She could not even grasp the basic mechanism of these magical devices, what's more knowing the process of making it. For Ebraham to easily create these items showed that he possessed a very deep understanding of the world and a vast range of knowledge.

Exposed to these magical things, Alicia even had an impression that all alternate worlds were very high level and only her world was backdated.

Unfortunately for Alicia, even if she met otherworldly people from otherworld, they might similarly not understand these magic devices just like her. It was not that otherworld was not advance. Rather, Ebraham's world was just that high level.

After thinking for some time, Alicia spoke.

"I understand. Still, I'll accept this gift" she said.

Although Alicia did not quite understand how reading her mind could help him, she knew that it was for her own sake.

"You better think twice about this" Ebraham caution her again.

"Mhm. I trust you" Alicia resolutely said.

Her trust had moved Ebraham a little which put him in a good mood.

"Alright then. Here. Wear this on your hand" he promptly said while giving the watch-shaped console to Alicia.

The console was easily equipped oh Alicia's right hand. It automatically adjusted its size to fit Alicia's slender wrist.

While Alicia was checking the console on her wrist, Ebraham laid the Mithril Silk on the table.

"Alright. Let's start the Ownership Procedure" Ebraham said after everything was set up.

Before the Mind Projection Screen could be activated, a connection between the magic device and its user must first be established. To do so, Ownership Procedure must be performed.

Ownership Procedure was a step of branding a magic device or other magic equipment with a strand of the owner's magical energy. The brand is called Owner's Imprint.

Not all magic device needed to be branded with Owner's Imprint. The procedure usually done to a delicate magic device that requires fine control or treasure level magic equipment to prevent it being stolen by others. However, only magic devices that have Owner's Imprint were items that are truly owned by the owner.

In the case of Mind Projection Screen, while it was true that it was a delicate magic device, Owner's Imprint was primarily needed to established the connection between the device and its user.

This was to provide the magic device an identification of its owner. It was especially important procedure for a magic device that required a connection to its owner. If the magic device could not identify its owner, it would confuse anyone who supplied it with magical energy as its owner. If that happened, only disaster awaits.

Following which, Ebraham took a strand of Alicia's magical energy and completed the Ownership Procedure to both console and screen.

Seeing that there was no problem with the magic device and the procedure, Ebraham activated the console of Mind Projection Screen on behalf of Alicia since she could not do it by herself.

After the console on Alicia's hand was activated, it let out a gentle glow, appearing to be very high-tech and magical at the same time.

Alicia liked the simplistic design of this magic device.

Then, Ebraham also activated the screen that was laid on the table with a touch.

Immediately, the pure white Mithril Silk turned black. At the centre of the screen was an ever-changing abstract in a form of an orb.

This was not a loading screen. With Ebraham's level of magic engineering, a loading screen had long become part of history.

"What is this?" Alicia involuntarily asked with her eyes wide opened after seeing this weird sight.

While and even before Alicia had uttered her question, the abstract visibly became more active and changing into more defined objects but was still an insubstantial form.

The ever-changing abstract was Alicia's present state of mind in a form of an image.

This was the case if one's mind was not focused on something, especially to an untrained mind. It could never stay still.

Yet if one were to peer into a master's mind, one could see a definite still image. The form of the image was different depending on which master's mind one was looking at, but the stillness of that image was the stillness state of mind; the stillness mind of a master.

And of course, Alicia could not have this state of mind since she was just a normal person, even a magicless person until just recently.

Ebraham wanted to explain about the ever-changing abstract image with application so that Alicia could understand it herself, so he said,

"Try think of something"

Immediately, Alicia had a thought of her late husband, Valerio, of which an image of a handsome man appeared on the screen. But it only lasted for a fraction of a second as it changed into an aggressively revolving abstract.

Seeing that, Ebraham hurriedly controlled the screen and changed the mode of it.

'That was a close one' he inwardly thought while an imaginary cold sweat dripped at his forehead.

This minor incident was his negligence. Looking at one's state of mind while not knowing what it was, was as if looking at an infinity mirror while not knowing it was a mirror; it could make one goes crazy.

During its application in the Empire, the Mind Projection Screen was only seen by the operator, not the captured soldiers. So, the problem of the captured soldiers going crazy by Mind Projection Screen did not even exist. Ebraham had over looked at this problem.

Thankfully Alicia had only looked at it for a short period of time.

It was not that dangerous at first, but when Alicia saw Valerio's face, her emotion got better of her, consequently affecting her mind.

"As you can see, this screen shows your state of mind. This image is when you are not focusing on something. And this image is when you focus on something. This magic device automatically records your thoughts in the form of image" Ebraham said while sliding the screen and showing Alicia the recorded data.

The screen of Mind Projection Screen was built with two modes; real-time viewing and recording viewing. Currently, Ebraham was showing the recording viewing to prevent Alicia from experiencing the infinity mirror symptom for a second time.

Maybe she could use the real-time viewing if she was stronger in the future, but for now, better stick with the recording viewing mode.

"Every image that appears on this screen is from your memory, since you can only think of something you already know and see. Even if you try to imagine something new, you can only come up with a combination of something from your memory, after all" he continued.

Hearing the explanation, it truly dawned to Alicia of the advantage of this screen. Not only it read her mind, it could record her memory and preserve it as data.

"Now, look at this image. I presume this is your husband, right. Try to remember every detail about him" Ebraham said as he wanted to show the true value of this magic device to Alicia.

Then a complete image of Valerio was showing on the screen. However, the image was blurry as if it was a bokeh photo.

When Alicia saw the image of her husband again, she was already satisfied. However, Ebraham said otherwise.

"Although this is the most detailed image of your husband that you could remember, it was not a complete one. These blurry parts are the memory that your brain ignore to remember" he said while pointing out the flaw of the image.