
primal system

in a universe where strength is everything and mysterious forces work in shadow alongside gods it may be of no surprise to learn that there's an entire race meant for great power, that race is called the primals, each possessing a power, an essence, derived from their mother, nature. each one is strong and gifted, able to control entire regions, but only one will stand out from the rest, Syn. this lone primal conquers anything in his path as he journeys through his very long life, starting as nothing but a simple and humble created creature before traversing the large depths of power that god hood brings. growing at an incredible rate, will his astounding growth attract too much attention or is his growth the only thing keeping him alive in this cutthroat world? the only answer to that question is found in his survival. follow him on his travels, through pain and suffering, through good moments, through all the mysteries of the world he encounters. what waits our unusually destructive primal in this world? and most importantly.............will he ever stop being so god damn violent?

classy_fied · Action
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161 Chs

show of strength

the man looked at me with worry and disdain, his qeapon was thrown back as I pushed my arm, he flew a good few feet and slid along the ground before regaining balance.


"I'm the one who killed your wife, it was an accident but I don't actually care."(syn) I taunted.

he got even more enraged, his large frame bulging veins as he got up and charged. predictable.

I aide stepped him and before he passed me completely I grabbed him by the back of the chestplate, the metal deforming into a hand hold effortlessly as i used It to throw him back, the entire back of his chestplatw ripping off and remaining in my hands as he twisted and flew in the air.

I let him fall, just watching as he struggled, everyone else was staring at me with awe and fear, well Raya looked like she expected this, which from my past this was totally in character for me, is that a bad thing?

the man landed hard, and far, was he even still alive?

"RETREAT!"(bandit) shouted as the large group began running back into the forest and away from us, me in particular.



"not possible for anyone."(tank?)

"not possible for you perhaps but easy for me."(syn)

she didn't like that at all.

"Raya, what happened to the other races?"(syn)

I didn't care about some image to protect anymore, they'd already seen me fight so I might ad well just ignore them.

"they went underground, barely any of em can be found in cities."(Raya)

"other races?"(crystal staff girl)

"vampires, werewolves, orcs, dragons, that type of stuff."(syn)

"don't forget about you, you're the only one left."(Raya)

"don't remind me, my system already does all the damn time."(syn) at this point of completely forgotten they were there and was just talking with Raya.

"you still have that?"(Raya)


"I don't even have mine anymore, I have my level and power but I can't see them."(Raya)

"just like how it was a few thousand years ago."(syn)

"so you did love through that!"(Raya)

"moving on! what happened after that 2 weeks?"(syn)

"I told people you died giving me a chance to escape and the forest was marked as prohibited land that no one under SS rank could enter."(Raya)

"I wonder what my rank would be?"(syn)

"well above SS+, that's my rank and you're alot stronger, gained a few levels since last time?"(Raya)

"level 53, 7 away from evolution."(syn)

"we need to get those 7 levels."(Raya)


"I originally started breaking your seal to help me."(Raya)

"I'd guessed that much, its all you do, help me for favors in return."(syn)

"ok, one ow! and two, fair."(Raya)

the group around us looked bewildered as they watched our conversation, OH SHIT! they're still here?

"just ignore every word from our mouths, we're insane."(syn)


"yes let's tell them I'm over 7 thousand years old and the only one left of my species, they'll totally belive that!"(syn)

I'd realised what I'd done as soon as I stopped talking.

"kill them?"(syn)


they all backed away quick.

"alright fine! don't blame me for later when they try to capture or sell me and I defend myself."(syn)

"were standing right here."(archer)

"I forgot."(syn)

half of them facepalmed.

"isn't your INT stat above 200?"(Raya)

"oh don't you start with that!"(syn)



"something you lack."(Raya)

"you two argue like a married couple, can you at least let us digest all the info we've heard?"(head adventurer) interrupted.

"oh yeah sure let's walk and do it since I'm only here to make sure she gets home then I'm out."(syn)

"let's get to walking."(crystal staff girl)

I'm starting to somewhat like her.

the group just quietly began walking back down the road, our pace a bit faster than before but not by much, a silnce was hanging over the entire area as no one wanted to say anything.

a daring creature pulled my attention as it tried to wander past the treeline, i shot a small blood bomb at it, the explosion much stronger than before even though the one I sent out barely had any power behind it.

it hissed in pain before slinking back and out of sight, I'd gotten bewildered stares from the group, oh right, they'd never seen me use an ability before they weren't looking when I used my energy blast just a bit ago.

"so.you still possess abilities?"(head adventurer)

"I do, hey Raya what happened to yours?"(syn)

"I only have my racial abilites, claws, fangs, speed and other stuff like that, no other abilities though."(Raya)

he looked hurt that I answered him so fast and switched to talking to someone else, he was definitely not used to that.

I'd make sure he'd be used to it by the end of this, he had an air of stuck up rich kid and I wanted to drive home the point of you're not special, no idea why but when you meet certain people you automatically think to yourself, 'this person needs to be dragged down a level.'

I used to mostly think that about my bosses but now that I don't have any this dude will have to suffer that for now, my boredom needed curing and he needed humility, ah who am I kidding he's more humble than a saint at this point I'm just fucking with him for the hell of it.

"so all systems vanished? along with their abilities?"(syn)

"yeah, it was like whatever was supplying the systems all went down, like a crashed computer server."(Raya)

[I am the power source of all systems, that void cut off that power, systems will start re-emergence in a few hundred years, try not to get sealed again]

yes ma'am, I mockingly thought to myself.