
primal system

in a universe where strength is everything and mysterious forces work in shadow alongside gods it may be of no surprise to learn that there's an entire race meant for great power, that race is called the primals, each possessing a power, an essence, derived from their mother, nature. each one is strong and gifted, able to control entire regions, but only one will stand out from the rest, Syn. this lone primal conquers anything in his path as he journeys through his very long life, starting as nothing but a simple and humble created creature before traversing the large depths of power that god hood brings. growing at an incredible rate, will his astounding growth attract too much attention or is his growth the only thing keeping him alive in this cutthroat world? the only answer to that question is found in his survival. follow him on his travels, through pain and suffering, through good moments, through all the mysteries of the world he encounters. what waits our unusually destructive primal in this world? and most importantly.............will he ever stop being so god damn violent?

classy_fied · Action
Not enough ratings
161 Chs

prison didn't last long


dude didn't even sleep last night, he's still in the same position bit now he's crying, seriously what the hell happened and why is he here?

"so there's the kingdom destroyer."(guard)

"huh me?"(alian)

"no him."(guard)

"wait what?!"(alian)

"none of your business prisoner."(guard) yelled as he started walking away from me.

now I was even more wary of this dude.

hours were passing by slowly and this dude never moved, once.

guards had come and gone, escape attempts had shown and flown, Is he dead?

"so put him in the arena."(warden)

"he doesn't move."(guard)

"what do you mean?"(warden)

"he's been staring off In front of him since he got here last night, hasn't moved a single muscle since."(guard)

the two men were in front of my cell as they finished this last bit of conversation.

"you prisoner, has he moved at all?"(warden)


"see I told you."(guard)

I could only watch as they entered the cell, picked him up and left, they were headed to the arena, not a good place.


I looked over at Luan as I hugged her close, ignoring the burning sensations all over my body.



that voice is a liar, a liar.

"fog my love, this isn't what I wanted for you."(dream Luan)

"it doesn't matter."(fog)

"it does, I'm gone and that's ok....OK.... need to wake up."(dream Luan)

"I'm not asleep...I'm not asleep...I'm not asleep.....

my surroundings shifted and swirled as they changed ever so quickly into a massive void with me at its center, as I rocked back and forth repeating, I'm not asleep.

I'm not.


the peisoners body was covered in bruises, cuts, and his bones were poking through on his limbs but he didn't even seem to mind.

he was sent to the arena then the torture chamber, he was a punching bag in the arena for hours before being tortured for more hours seemingly with no end in sight, but still he didn't react.

his eyes were glossed over and his what I guess was handsome fave was beaten and worn, he looked like he aged 20 years in one day.

ah bad Amira stop sympathizing with a person who tried to commit genocide.

ever since I brought him in I've been attracted to him, like I've known him for years.


[conditions met ability demon from the depths unlocked]

[ability activated]


his wounds began healing rapidly, his face unaging and the runes on his restriction collar glowing brighter and brighter.

until he started to stand, his eyes all black except for a red iris in his eyes, everything else was black.

"ahhh freedom shall soon be ours."(demon from the depths-DFD)

"what are you?!"(Amira)

"I'm hurt you don't remember him."(DFD)

"you did name him after all."(DFD)

"fog? that you?"(Amira)

"no, I'm much much worse, and he's currently busy reliving his last day with the love of his life."(DFD)

"what happened?"(Amira)

"ten years of history happened then the birth of a new species, the death of a new species, and the death of a kingdom."(DFD)

"well ta ta so much to do so little time."(DFD)

"wait no I didn't get the chance...."(DFD)

"I'm not gonna be controlled by some punk ass loser who thinks they're better than me."(fog)

[ability force deactivation]

I reached for the collar at my neck and pulled, snapping the metal like cheap cardboard.

I ignored the open mouthed woman next to me as I calmly walked away, ignoring trying to find a door and just walking to a wall and knocking it down.

a large coliseum stood before my eyes.

over the sight almost as fast as I'd seen it I just hopped to its roof and back down to the ground, hands in my pockets as I calmly strolled away and towards the treeline.

the familiar shading of tree canopies returning to my mind, a calming feeling washing over me as I walked away.

[you ok?]

*not in the slightest*

[stopping another bandit attack like old times might be fun]

*those were only fun when I had someone to do it with*

[I could help]

*you're a voice in my head that tells me to do what I want*

no reply.

I only walked for a few minutes before I reached a clearing with a rock in the center of it, thinking that I wanted to chill anyway I made my way to the Rock and leaned against it with a sigh.

it felt like the tension of my entire body was being drained away.

that was until snapping sounds in the distance sturred my senses into alertness.

the sounds were from humans, only one, under 140 pounds, female, unarmed.

seeing no threat with that I resumed being unalert of my surroundings so I could nap.

"excuse me sir I happen to be lost and in need of help."(girl)

"I have no idea where we are."(fog)

"how are you so calm?!"(girl)

"panicking solves nothing."(fog)

"well could you help?"(gir)

"with what?"(fog)

"directions, I'm looking for the new species so I could study them."(girl)

"they're already dead."(fog) I told her without opening my eyes.

"how, they were just announced by the world system today?!"(girl)

"just head back the way you came."(fog)

[you have been codexed]

*the fuck?*

before I could say another word the girl was nude before me with a determined look on her face.