
primal system

in a universe where strength is everything and mysterious forces work in shadow alongside gods it may be of no surprise to learn that there's an entire race meant for great power, that race is called the primals, each possessing a power, an essence, derived from their mother, nature. each one is strong and gifted, able to control entire regions, but only one will stand out from the rest, Syn. this lone primal conquers anything in his path as he journeys through his very long life, starting as nothing but a simple and humble created creature before traversing the large depths of power that god hood brings. growing at an incredible rate, will his astounding growth attract too much attention or is his growth the only thing keeping him alive in this cutthroat world? the only answer to that question is found in his survival. follow him on his travels, through pain and suffering, through good moments, through all the mysteries of the world he encounters. what waits our unusually destructive primal in this world? and most importantly.............will he ever stop being so god damn violent?

classy_fied · Action
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161 Chs


my eyes darted the landscape below, landing on a patch of light, buildings.

with a downward swoop I got closer, able to see more details.

a particular sign catching my interest.

my wings shrunk back into my body, my b plummeting the few hundred feet, my landing sending dust into the air and cracking the rocky ground under my feet.

I dusted myself off amd composed my posture, the people around me were giving bewildered looks and were shuffling to avoid me.

with but a thought a dark gray shirt started growing on my body, now I had shirt and shorts, I stood out less, not alot less but less.

my feet started moving in the signs direction, my eyes catching what i had seen from the air, a note, eith my name large on the top, a location directly under it.

with a grin I made my way to the local tavern, id get to catch up with a friend.

the walk was short and isolated, people dragging their kids away from me as it seemed the parents were able to sense something in me that their kids couldn't.

[beings will acknowledge Gods, even though you are a minor one you are a god now, a God of calamity, that brings fear]

makes sense, guess I'm not exactly the same as I was before, man...I still can't belive I used to have stats at a few hundred, not even a thousand, hard to belive I started out at just a measly 5.

I chuckled to myself as the remiscing ended, the tavern now in view.

walking through the door stares of all kinds were immediately drawn to me, demons more so than any other race, I wonder why?

it only took a few steps for me to recognize raya, her kids nowhere in sight.

sighing a breath of relief since I didn't want to get into anything kid related today I made my way to her table, her face of surprise was priceless.

"been a while."(syn)

"it's been a month!"(Raya) exclaimed.

I laughed, at least she was still the same.

"I know I know, some things have happened."(syn)

she poked a finger at my shoulder, a 'no shit' look on her face.

"I'm aware of both your race change and your title."(Raya) said, keeping a calm composure, it was a mask underneath I knew she was either excited or filled with questions.

"go ahead and ask."(syn)

she visibly relaxed as the questions started pouring in.

"how did you grow so fast in so little time? why was your race changed? what kind of God are you? are you minor or major?"(Raya)

"woah slow down.....I grew in a picket world while my stats were halved, my race changed because well, it's complicated, and I'm a minor calamity god."(syn)

I can't exactly tell her my race change was planned all along by some behind the scenes woman working with nature itself and that I'm reincarnated for the sole purpose of containing an essence of nature and acting on it.

it seemed that Raya could see the weight on my shoulders from bearing this info, she didn't try to probe further, switching the topic.

"so...what now?"(Raya)

"well until one of my siblings needs help I'm free to do whatever I please, well there was this emphasis on training."(syn)

she gave me a gentle smile, confusing me.

"it seems that no matter what changes you will always be you."(Raya)

"hey, don't get all mushy on me now."(syn) I warned, I don't do well with feelings.

she nodded, seemingly getting lost in thought as her stare drifted aimlessly forward, pausing for a moment.

I waved my hand in front of her face, her body jolting a bit as her eyes gained clarity and focus.

"sorry, spaced out there for a sec."(Raya)

"hey! that's my thing."(syn)

she laughed a bit, it seemed forced, like she was trying to stay as positive as possible about a situation, something didn't feel right here, she doesn't usually space out.

"well it was nice talking, I really hope to see you again, take care Raya....ok?"(syn)

she nodded, resuming her spacing out, I felt bad leaving her like this but it didn't feel like I had any right to confront her about it.

so I left, it wasn't the best choice but it was mine, my shirt spreading as it made way for my wings, my body launching upwards.

I couldn't even make it a hundred feet before I had to evade, my senses blaring.

I maneuvered myself to the ground, taking off running the instant my feet hit the ground, landscape blurring past me.

I kept running for a bit, I kept running until no one else was around, stopping quickly as the ground tore apart, my body slowly skidding to a halt, two distinct lines in the ground for at least half a mile.

[minor god of war nearby]

his form stepped from the treeline, armor covering his body like it was a second skin, weapons sheathed all around his body, a few guns here and there.

It looked impossible for him to move but his steps were silent and unlabored.

"so minor calamity god, it seems you've invaded my territory."(minor war god)

"your territory? this planet belongs to nature and its forces, you can't claim bits of land on a whim."(syn)

he grumbled, clearly annoyed at my statement.

"look I'll go easy on you, all you have to do is apologize."(minor war god)

my eyes glowed dark red as my aura exploded, the thick red energy forming a massive storm in the sky as darkened clouds swirled violently in the air all around us.

"you won't intimidate me like that."(minor war god)

he unleashed his aura as well, the thick white energy causing cracks in the ground as sounds of phantom marching echoed in the forest.

"what are you trying to prove here?"(syn) I called out, the storm above me getting more amd more aggressive.

I wasn't answered, the war god bolted forward, approaching quick, dashing to my side once he got close, my eyes following him.

his sword unsheated and began a flurry of slashes and stabs as I evaded them all, he maneuvered around us, he was cornering me!

with a yell my aura exploded once more, the sword being knocked away as it shattered on a tree, my aura returning to being a thin layer of red around me, the storm only growing above.

"the longer this goes on the more damage that'll do!"(syn) I shouted, pointing at the forming clouds and dangerous winds, the sky a shade of red.

the morning seemed to darken further, near night levels of dark, panicked noises from fhe nearby town reaching my ears.

"ya know what fuck it, let's go asshole!"(syn)

my aura seemed to feed on the despair of the nearby town, turning from a thin layer to a thicker fiery layer, my eyes brighter than before.

with bulging and rippling muscles I bounded forward my fist growing metal on its knuckles, spikes adorning them.

with great strength and speed I lunched the war god, his armor chipping and cracking as he was knocked away, a mini sonic boom ripping into existence before me as the god blasted back.

the landscape immediately scarred and swaying after my attack.

lightning was now blasting from the clouds, striking at the area I was in.

I forced myself to close my eyes, breathing calming breaths as my aura subsided, the clouds lightening as the morning sky began peeking through.

minutes would pass before the war gods hobbling figure began approaching the newly made clearing.

"this isn't over yet!"(war god) bellowed angrily, spitting blood and tooth to the ground.