
Primal Resonance: The Mana Awakening

In a world where the supernatural and the mundane coexist, a new power is about to be unleashed. Mana, the life force that flows through all living things, has begun to stir and awaken on Earth, granting extraordinary abilities to those who can harness it. The story follows three strangers whose lives become intertwined as they navigate this emerging reality. Lena, a young scientist, Kai, a former soldier, and Ryder, a street-smart thief, must learn to work together to protect themselves and the world from those who seek to exploit the mana for their own gain. As they confront personal demons and a growing conflict, they must make difficult choices that will determine not only their own fate but the fate of humanity itself. "The Mana Awakening" is a gripping sci-fi/fantasy novel that explores the consequences of unlocking a primal force that has remained dormant for centuries.

Artoriapendraragon · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Ryder' Revelation

The soles of Ryder's boots pounded against the cracked pavement as he darted through the maze of alleyways, his pursuers hot on his trail. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, fueling his desperate flight as he wove between towering buildings, his eyes scanning for any opportunity to lose his would-be captors.

Rounding a sharp corner, Ryder found himself facing a dead end, the looming brick walls cutting off his escape. Panic gripped him as he whirled around, his gaze landing on the gang members closing in, their faces twisted with menace. With nowhere left to run, Ryder instinctively raised his hand, a primal surge of energy coursing through his body.

To his utter astonishment, the concrete beneath his feet began to shift and morph, rising up to form a makeshift platform that lifted him up and out of harm's way. Ryder's eyes widened as he watched the solid ground bend to his will, defying the laws of physics with each passing second.

Landing on the elevated platform, Ryder took a moment to catch his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Staring down at his hands, he flexed his fingers, marveling at the power that had just erupted from within him. This was no mere trick of the light or figment of his imagination – the concrete had responded to his unspoken command, shifting and shaping itself to his needs.

"What the hell?" Ryder muttered, his brow furrowed in a mix of wonder and confusion. He had always been adept at navigating the urban landscape, using his keen instincts and quick reflexes to evade capture. But this... this was something else entirely.

Ryder's gaze darted back to his would-be captors, who had stopped in their tracks, their expressions a blend of shock and bewilderment. Taking advantage of their momentary hesitation, Ryder willed the platform to rise higher, carrying him up and over the alleyway, leaving his pursuers behind.

As the city skyline stretched out before him, Ryder felt a strange sense of exhilaration. The power coursing through his veins was unlike anything he had ever experienced – a primal force that seemed to respond to his very thoughts and desires. Closing his eyes, he focused his mind, and the platform shifted and contorted, molding itself to his will.

"Unbelievable," Ryder breathed, a grin spreading across his face. He had always prided himself on his resourcefulness and adaptability, but this... this was something else entirely. With this newfound ability, the possibilities seemed endless.

Ryder knew he needed to explore the limits of his power, to push the boundaries of what was possible. But for now, he was content to simply savor the thrill of his escape, the wind whipping through his hair as he soared above the bustling streets below. Whatever this force was that had awakened within him, one thing was certain – it was about to change everything.

Ryder stood on the elevated platform, his chest heaving as he tried to make sense of what had just occurred. He stared down at his hands, flexing his fingers as if expecting them to transform before his eyes.

This wasn't possible. It defied every law of physics he had ever known. Yet the concrete had responded to his unspoken command, molding itself into a makeshift staircase that had lifted him to safety. Ryder shook his head, still struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what he had just witnessed.

For as long as he could remember, Ryder had prided himself on his ability to navigate the urban landscape, using his keen instincts and quick reflexes to evade capture time and time again. But this... this was something else entirely. This was a power that transcended the physical world, one that seemed to bend the very fabric of reality to his will.

Ryder's gaze drifted to the distant skyline, his mind racing with possibilities. If he could manipulate the concrete beneath his feet, what else might he be capable of? Could he reshape metal, redirect energy, or even defy the pull of gravity itself? The implications were staggering, and Ryder felt a surge of exhilaration at the prospect of unlocking the full extent of his newfound abilities.

Closing his eyes, Ryder focused his mind, willing the platform to shift and contort. To his amazement, the concrete responded, molding itself into a series of steps that descended to the alleyway below. Ryder took a tentative step forward, testing the solidity of the improvised staircase, and then another, a grin spreading across his face.

"Unbelievable," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He had always been a survivor, a master of improvisation and quick thinking. But this... this was something else entirely. This was power, raw and primal, coursing through his veins and responding to his every whim.

Ryder descended the platform, his footsteps echoing in the narrow alley. As he reached the ground, he turned his gaze skyward, his mind already whirring with the possibilities. If he could harness this power, the world would be his to command. No more running, no more hiding – he would be the one in control, able to bend the very elements to his will.

A sense of exhilaration and purpose filled Ryder's chest, replacing the fear and uncertainty that had gripped him just moments ago. He was no longer a mere pawn in the game of survival; he was a player, a force to be reckoned with. And as he stepped out into the bustling city streets, he knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

Ryder's mind raced with the implications of his newfound power. No longer confined to the constraints of the physical world, he felt a sense of limitless potential coursing through his veins. Determined to explore the full extent of his abilities, he set out to push the boundaries of what was possible.

Ducking into a secluded alleyway, Ryder focused his mind, reaching out with his hand. To his amazement, the concrete beneath his feet began to shift and morph, molding itself into a series of platforms that rose up to meet his touch. Emboldened, he experimented further, willing the platforms to twist and contort, shaping them into elaborate structures that defied the laws of gravity.

Ryder's eyes gleamed with fascination as he watched the material respond to his commands, bending and reforming with each subtle shift of his hand. He pushed himself, testing the limits of his control, and was rewarded with even more astounding results. The concrete seemed to flow like water, obeying his every whim and transforming into intricate patterns and shapes.

Stepping onto one of the platforms, Ryder felt a surge of exhilaration as it lifted him higher, carrying him effortlessly through the air. He marveled at the sensation, the wind whipping through his hair as he soared above the bustling streets below. It was as if the very elements had become extensions of his own body, responding to his thoughts and desires with uncanny precision.

Emboldened by his success, Ryder began to experiment with other materials, reaching out to manipulate the metal of a nearby dumpster. To his delight, the steel warped and bent at his command, twisting into a series of spikes and blades that he could use as weapons or tools. He then turned his attention to the energy that seemed to crackle in the air, focusing his mind to redirect and harness it, creating bursts of light and heat that danced across his fingertips.

Ryder's grin widened as he reveled in the sheer power at his fingertips. No longer was he a mere thief, scraping by on the streets and relying on his wits to survive. Now, he possessed the ability to reshape the very world around him, to bend the laws of nature to his will. The possibilities were endless, and Ryder couldn't wait to put his newfound talents to use.

As he continued to explore the limits of his abilities, Ryder couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and purpose that he had never experienced before. This power, this mana as he had come to think of it, was more than just a means of escape or survival – it was a tool, a weapon, a key to unlocking a future beyond his wildest dreams.

Ryder knew that he was on the cusp of something extraordinary, a transformation that would forever alter the course of his life. And as he stepped out of the alleyway, his mind brimming with schemes and ambitions, he couldn't wait to see just how far he could push the boundaries of what was possible.

As Ryder continued to explore the limits of his mana-fueled abilities, a cunning grin slowly spread across his face. The possibilities that stretched out before him were nothing short of staggering, and he could already envision a future where he would wield this extraordinary power for his own personal gain.

No longer would he have to rely on his wits and agility alone to survive on the streets. With the ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality, Ryder knew that he could pull off heists and schemes that were once the stuff of fantasy. Imagine the wealth and resources he could amass, the enemies he could evade, the power he could command.

Ryder's mind raced with ideas, each one more ambitious and daring than the last. He pictured himself effortlessly slipping past security systems, his mana-infused abilities allowing him to reshape the physical world to his advantage. Vaults and safes would be no match for his skills, their contents his for the taking.

And when the authorities inevitably gave chase, Ryder would simply reshape the terrain, creating platforms and pathways to spirit himself away from their grasp. No more running and hiding – he would be the one in control, the one calling the shots. The thought sent a thrill of excitement coursing through his veins.

Ryder's gaze drifted to the towering skyscrapers that dominated the city skyline, his mind already formulating a plan. Perhaps he could infiltrate the offices of a wealthy corporate executive, using his mana to bypass security and access their private vaults. The potential haul would be staggering, enough to set him up for life and provide the resources he needed to truly explore the limits of his abilities.

Or maybe he could target a high-profile auction house, using his powers to spirit away priceless works of art and antiquities right under the noses of the elite collectors and curators. The thrill of the heist, the challenge of evading capture – it was all part of the allure, and Ryder couldn't wait to put his skills to the test.

As he plotted and schemed, Ryder couldn't help but feel a sense of giddy anticipation. No longer was he just a street-smart thief, scraping by on the margins of society. Now, he was a force to be reckoned with, a master of his own destiny. With the mana flowing through his veins, the world was his playground, and he was determined to seize every opportunity that presented itself.

Ryder knew that he would have to be cautious, that there were likely powerful forces out there who would seek to harness the mana for their own nefarious purposes. But in that moment, he didn't care. The lure of wealth, power, and freedom was too strong to resist, and he was willing to take any risk to achieve his goals.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Ryder set out to put his plan into action, his mind buzzing with the endless possibilities that lay before him. The world had no idea what was about to hit it.

Lena's brow furrowed as she pored over the reams of data scrolling across her computer screen, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she cross-referenced the latest energy readings from around the globe. Something was happening, something that defied all scientific explanation, and it was her job to uncover the truth.

For weeks, Lena had been monitoring the strange disturbances that had been detected across the world – spikes in electromagnetic activity, localized shifts in the Earth's magnetic field, and unexplained bursts of energy that seemed to defy the laws of physics. At first, she had dismissed them as anomalies, glitches in the system, or the result of some as-yet-undiscovered natural phenomenon.

But as the readings grew more erratic and powerful, Lena couldn't shake the growing sense of unease that gnawed at the back of her mind. There was a pattern emerging, a common thread that connected these disparate events, and she was determined to unravel the mystery.

Lena's fingers paused as a particularly troubling set of data caught her eye. The energy readings were spiking in a densely populated urban area, the fluctuations growing more intense with each passing minute. Narrowing her eyes, she zoomed in on the map, her heart pounding as she recognized the location – it was the same neighborhood where a string of high-profile robberies had occurred in recent weeks, all of them seemingly impossible to solve.

Could it be? Lena murmured, her mind racing. Could there be a connection between these unexplained disturbances and the recent spate of criminal activity? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she knew she had to investigate further.

Lena's fingers flew across the keyboard, pulling up surveillance footage and police reports, her eyes scanning the data for any clues that might shed light on the mystery. As she pieced together the fragments of information, a disturbing picture began to emerge – one that suggested the perpetrators of these crimes were wielding some kind of extraordinary, almost supernatural power.

Lena's breath caught in her throat as she considered the implications. If there were individuals out there who had somehow tapped into this primal force, this "mana" as she had begun to think of it, the consequences could be catastrophic. What if they were using it for their own nefarious purposes, exploiting it to commit crimes and evade capture?

The scientist in Lena yearned to understand the nature of this phenomenon, to unravel its mysteries and harness its potential for the betterment of humanity. But the realist in her knew that the wrong people getting their hands on such power could lead to untold destruction and chaos.

Steeling her resolve, Lena turned to her colleagues, her expression grim as she presented her findings. But as she had feared, her superiors met her warnings with skepticism and unease, their faces etched with concern at the implications of her discoveries.

"You're telling me that there are people out there who can manipulate the very fabric of reality?" one of them scoffed, his brow furrowed in disbelief. "Lena, this is the stuff of science fiction, not reality."

Lena's jaw tightened, her eyes narrowing as she held her ground. "I know how it sounds, but the data doesn't lie. Something extraordinary is happening, and we need to act before it's too late."

As the debate raged on, Lena knew that she was treading on dangerous ground. But she also knew that she couldn't ignore the mounting evidence, no matter how fantastical it might seem. The fate of the world might very well hang in the balance, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

Lena stood before her colleagues, her expression resolute as she presented the mounting evidence of the global mana phenomenon. The energy readings, the unexplained disturbances, the patterns of criminal activity – all of it pointed to the existence of a primal force that defied scientific understanding.

But as Lena laid out her findings, she was met with a wall of skepticism and growing unease. Her superiors exchanged dubious glances, their brows furrowed in a mix of disbelief and concern.

"You're telling me that there are people out there who can manipulate the very fabric of reality?" one of them scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Lena, this is the stuff of science fiction, not reality."

Lena's jaw tightened, her eyes narrowing as she held her ground. "I know how it sounds, but the data doesn't lie. Something extraordinary is happening, and we need to act before it's too late."

Another colleague, a senior researcher named Dr. Emilia Vargas, leaned forward in her chair, her expression grave. "Lena, I understand your passion for this investigation, but you have to consider the implications. If what you're saying is true, then we're dealing with a power that could be catastrophic in the wrong hands."

Lena nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Exactly. That's why we need to get ahead of this, to understand it and find a way to control it before it spirals out of control."

But her superiors remained unconvinced, their faces etched with concern and trepidation. "Control it? Lena, we're talking about something that defies the laws of physics as we know them. How can we possibly hope to contain it?"

The room fell silent, the weight of the unspoken question hanging in the air. Lena could feel the tension building, the fear and uncertainty palpable in the faces of her colleagues.

Finally, one of the senior administrators spoke up, his voice stern and unyielding. "Lena, I'm going to have to ask you to cease this investigation immediately. The risks are simply too great, and we can't afford to have this kind of information getting out to the public."

Lena's eyes widened, her heart racing as she realized the gravity of the situation. "But you don't understand. If we don't act now, the consequences could be disastrous. We have a responsibility to-"

"Your responsibility is to follow protocol and respect the chain of command," the administrator interrupted, his tone brooking no argument. "This matter is now out of your hands. I suggest you focus your efforts on more... conventional lines of inquiry."

Lena opened her mouth to protest, but the look in the administrator's eyes told her that it was a lost cause. Clenching her jaw, she nodded stiffly, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just witnessed.

As she left the meeting room, Lena couldn't shake the feeling that she was on the verge of uncovering something truly earth-shattering. But now, with her superiors actively working to shut down her investigation, she knew that she would have to tread carefully if she wanted to uncover the truth.

One thing was certain: the mana phenomenon was real, and the stakes were higher than anyone could have imagined. And Lena was determined to get to the bottom of it, no matter the cost.

Despite the warnings and resistance from her superiors, Lena refused to back down. The mana phenomenon was real, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

Undeterred, Lena doubled down on her research, pouring over the data and scouring every available resource for clues. She knew that the answers she sought were out there, hidden amidst the chaos and confusion that had gripped the world in the wake of the mana's awakening.

Lena's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes scanning line after line of code and data as she pieced together a network of individuals exhibiting mana-based abilities. Each case was unique, with the manifestations of power ranging from the manipulation of physical matter to the harnessing of raw energy.

As she delved deeper, Lena began to discern patterns in the data, glimpsing the outlines of a larger picture that was slowly coming into focus. There were those who seemed to wield the mana with a sense of purpose and control, while others appeared to be driven by more primal, destructive urges.

Lena's brow furrowed as she studied the profiles of these mana-wielders, her mind racing with questions. What were their motivations? Were they aware of the true nature of the power they possessed, or were they simply reacting to the sudden and overwhelming changes in their lives? And most importantly, where did their allegiances lie?

The more Lena uncovered, the more she realized that the stakes were higher than she had ever imagined. These individuals, whether they knew it or not, were sitting on a powder keg that could easily ignite and plunge the world into chaos. And if the wrong people were to gain control of this primal force, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Lena's superiors had warned her of the dangers, but she refused to be cowed by their fears. She knew that the truth had to be uncovered, no matter the personal cost. And so, with a steely determination, she pressed on, her investigation delving deeper into the shadowy world of the mana-wielders.

As she pieced together the puzzle, Lena began to realize that the path ahead was fraught with danger. There were powerful forces at work, entities that would stop at nothing to keep the mana's existence a secret or to harness its power for their own nefarious ends. And Lena knew that she was treading on thin ice, her every move scrutinized and her every discovery a potential threat to those who sought to maintain the status quo.

But Lena was undaunted. She had come too far to turn back now, and the weight of her responsibility weighed heavily on her shoulders. The world needed to know the truth, and she was determined to be the one to uncover it, no matter the personal cost.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lena pressed on, her mind racing with the implications of her findings and the challenges that lay ahead. The mana was real, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

As Ryder continued to explore the limits of his mana-fueled abilities, he found himself growing increasingly bold and reckless in his exploits. The thrill of wielding such extraordinary power was intoxicating, and he reveled in the newfound control he had over the physical world.

Ryder's days were spent pushing the boundaries of what was possible, manipulating concrete, metal, and energy with effortless ease. He would reshape the urban landscape to his liking, creating elaborate pathways and platforms that allowed him to navigate the city with unparalleled speed and agility. And when the authorities inevitably gave chase, he would simply bend the very elements to his will, evading capture with a triumphant grin.

But as Ryder's reputation began to spread, he soon found himself drawing the attention of powerful individuals and organizations who had also become aware of the mana awakening and the potential it held.

It started with whispers on the street, rumors of a mysterious figure who could defy the laws of physics with a mere thought. Ryder initially shrugged it off, confident in his ability to stay one step ahead of the game. But as the chatter grew louder and more insistent, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

Then, one night, as Ryder was in the midst of a daring heist, he caught a glimpse of a figure in the shadows – a tall, imposing figure who seemed to radiate a sense of power and authority. Ryder's heart raced as he realized that he had been followed, that his exploits had not gone unnoticed.

Abandoning his plans, Ryder made a hasty retreat, his mana-infused abilities allowing him to slip away with ease. But the encounter had shaken him, and he knew that he could no longer afford to be so reckless.

In the days that followed, Ryder found himself constantly looking over his shoulder, his senses heightened as he scanned the city streets for any sign of the mysterious figure or those who might be in league with him. The thrill of his exploits had been replaced by a growing sense of unease, and Ryder knew that he was treading on dangerous ground.

Yet, despite his newfound caution, Ryder couldn't resist the allure of his mana-fueled powers. The temptation to use them for his own gain was simply too strong, and he found himself drawn back into the game, his ambitions and greed overriding his better judgment.

As Ryder continued to push the boundaries, he began to attract the attention of other individuals who had also tapped into the mana's power. Some were driven by a desire for wealth and power, like Ryder himself, while others seemed to have a more altruistic agenda, seeking to harness the mana for the greater good.

Caught in the middle of this burgeoning conflict, Ryder found himself torn between his own self-interest and the growing realization that the stakes were higher than he had ever imagined. The mana was a force to be reckoned with, and those who wielded it held the key to shaping the future of the world.

Ryder knew that he was playing a dangerous game, but the lure of the power was simply too strong to resist. And as he continued to push the limits of his abilities, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the mana might hold, and what price he might have to pay to unlock them.

Lena's superiors, sensing the growing threat posed by the mana phenomenon, delivered their ultimatum with unwavering authority. "Lena, we're ordering you to cease this investigation immediately. The risks are simply too great, and we can't afford to have this kind of information getting out to the public."

Lena's jaw tightened as she met their stern gazes, her mind racing with the implications of their demand. She knew that the consequences of inaction could be far worse than the potential dangers they were so afraid of. The mana was real, and it was already beginning to shape the course of events, whether her superiors liked it or not.

"But you don't understand," Lena protested, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and determination. "If we don't act now, the world could be plunged into chaos. There are people out there who have already tapped into the mana's power, and they're using it for their own gain. We have a responsibility to uncover the truth and prevent this from spiraling out of control."

The senior administrator shook his head, his expression unyielding. "Your responsibility is to follow protocol and respect the chain of command. This matter is now out of your hands. I suggest you focus your efforts on more... conventional lines of inquiry."

Lena's eyes narrowed as she recognized the finality in his tone. She knew that further argument would be futile – her superiors had made their decision, and they were unwilling to budge, no matter the consequences.

But as Lena left the meeting room, her mind was made up. She couldn't – she wouldn't – ignore the mounting evidence and the potential threat that the mana posed to the world. The stakes were too high, and the cost of inaction was simply too great.

Steeling her resolve, Lena made the difficult decision to go rogue, severing ties with the research facility and striking out on her own. She knew that she was risking everything – her career, her reputation, even her freedom – but she couldn't live with the knowledge that she had turned a blind eye to the truth.

As Lena gathered her resources and prepared to embark on her unsanctioned investigation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She was venturing into uncharted territory, facing an enemy that defied all scientific understanding. But she also knew that she was driven by a deeper purpose, a need to uncover the truth and prevent the mana from falling into the wrong hands.

With a deep breath, Lena stepped out into the world, her mind brimming with questions and her heart filled with a steely determination. She would not rest until she had uncovered the full extent of the mana's power and the forces that sought to harness it. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and Lena was determined to be the one to tip the scales.

As she set out on her journey, Lena couldn't help but feel a sense of both fear and exhilaration. She knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but she was more than ready to face whatever challenges lay in her path. The mana was real, and she was determined to be the one to unravel its mysteries, no matter the cost.

As Ryder navigated the increasingly complex web of mana-wielders and power brokers, he couldn't help but sense an opportunity amidst the chaos. While others were consumed by the ethical and societal implications of this newfound power, Ryder saw only the potential for personal gain.

With his mana-fueled abilities, he knew that he could pull off heists and schemes that were once the stuff of fantasy. The world's most secure vaults and impenetrable strongholds would be no match for his skills, and the wealth and resources he could amass would be beyond his wildest dreams.

Ryder's gaze narrowed as he set his sights on a high-profile target – a prestigious auction house that was set to host a showcase of priceless artifacts and antiquities. The potential haul was staggering, and Ryder's heart raced with the thrill of the challenge. He knew that the security would be tight, the authorities on high alert, but he also knew that with his mana-infused abilities, he was more than a match for any obstacle that stood in his way.

As the day of the auction approached, Ryder meticulously planned his heist, mapping out every detail and contingency. He would need to time his movements precisely, manipulating the physical environment to bypass security measures and slip in and out undetected. It would be the ultimate test of his powers, and Ryder couldn't wait to see what he was capable of.

On the night of the event, Ryder positioned himself outside the auction house, his senses heightened as he scanned the area for any signs of trouble. With a deep breath, he reached out with his mind, feeling the familiar tug of the mana as it responded to his command. Slowly, he began to reshape the concrete and steel, creating a hidden passageway that would allow him to infiltrate the building unnoticed.

Slipping through the shadows, Ryder made his way towards the main exhibition hall, his eyes darting from one priceless artifact to the next. He could practically taste the wealth and power that lay before him, and he knew that with a few well-placed manipulations, it would all be his.

But just as Ryder was about to make his move, a sudden movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Whirling around, he found himself face-to-face with a familiar figure – Lena, the scientist whose investigation had inadvertently crossed paths with his own.

Ryder's heart raced as he realized that his actions had drawn the attention of Lena's investigation, and he knew that he was now in a precarious position. Lena's eyes narrowed as she regarded him, her expression a mix of surprise and suspicion.

"You," she breathed, her voice laced with a hint of accusation. "I should have known you were involved in all of this."

Ryder's mind raced as he weighed his options. He could try to overpower Lena, using his mana-fueled abilities to subdue her and continue with his heist. But something about the way she carried herself, the determination in her gaze, gave him pause. She was no mere bystander, and Ryder knew that underestimating her could be a costly mistake.

Gritting his teeth, Ryder made a split-second decision. With a flick of his hand, he manipulated the surrounding environment, creating a barrier of concrete that separated him from Lena. As the scientist recoiled in surprise, Ryder turned and fled, his heart pounding in his chest.

He had escaped for now, but Ryder knew that his actions had set in motion a chain of events that he could no longer control. Lena's investigation had crossed paths with his own, and the stage was set for an inevitable confrontation – one that would test the limits of Ryder's mana-fueled abilities and the strength of his own ambition.

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