The young looking man, bowed at the sound of his name. His stark, silver hair falling across his face.
"Hurt," Remus began. "You are by far, the most capable of the Worthy. Your potential, far exceeds reasoning, and you are strikingly intelligent."
"You arrived at the steps of my castle, an extremely malnourished child. Your father had brought you here, seeking a better life. Only to perish upon arrival, leaving you to fend for yourself, at the age of three."
"Any other being would have died, never making it to my door step."
"Just like many of the other Worthy, I seen a fire in your eyes. I knew you would accomplish great things."
"You have been by my side the longest, and were my first true Worthy. That puts you on level with my own child. The only difference between you and Lancet, was blood."
"Nothing more."