
Primal Chaos Demon God

Rudra was comprehension genius living as the servant in a martial family ostracized by the fellows people in the family because of his looks and his inability to cultivate exiled from the family. forced to fend for himself in the outskirts. miraculously after a minor accident he now has the ability to cultivate. Witness his story as with his comprehension talent and now his ability to cultivate he changes his destiny forever, opening him up to a world he would never experienced, people he would have never met, and powers he would have never had,

Kindhearted · Others
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44 Chs

Imperial City

Crowds of people started chatting.

"She is actually an inner disciple of Earth Sword Academy. Father was right, I have to get this girl no matter what. She is mine." When Max heard the words of people present, he was surprised. He never thought that the girl he was chasing was from one off three great sects. if he could make her his, His life will be set,


Max was about to get up when he heard that girl's voice. He raised his head and saw that she was calling for Rudra.

So when are we leaving for Imperial city Rudra asked Lily.

"Heh, you don't know what is good for you. Miss Lily invited you out of her goodwill and not because she needed you so show some respect to her." Max laughed sinisterly.

Rudra looked at Max and then again directly ignored him.

"You!" Seeing that he again ignored him, Max become so angry that he started trembling.

Seeing these two, Lily could not help but let out long sigh.

"It is ok Meet me at teleportation circle in the evening." Lily said to Rudra.

"I will. Thank You."

After saying this Rudra turned around and left the restaurant.

In the evening Rudra walked toward the plaza which was at the center of the River Mile City where three great sects and imperial family together invested to build a teleportation circle which is directly connected to the imperial city.

Lily was already there waiting for him there was 4 more people with her, Rudra greeted her and they directly walked toward the plaza because of Lily they did not have to wit in line for his chance he did not even needed to pay for teleportation.

. He tried to pay for using teleportation circle but Lily outright refused it, They stand on it. Guards there were waiting for more people to come. A total of ten people can teleport to the imperial city at once. There was only eight people there so the guards were waiting for two more person to come.

Teleportation circles consumes spirit stone to teleport people from one place to other and spirit stones in Sun Empire are very expensive. Rare to the extent that even second grade sects are normally not able to afford it for teleportation purpose. So, the guards that were guarding the teleportation circle were instructed to them by their superiors that they are allowed to use teleportation circle to teleport only when ten people are there otherwise not.

There was also the second option and that was if any of the person pay for the missing number of people can they use teleportation circle to teleport.

Generally, there was not many people who are willing to pay for the missing number of people. And Lily no problem in using teleportation circle with others.

After waiting for a while two more people came. One was a middle aged man and the other was a handsome young man carrying sword on his back. Now that there was ten people present here, guards teleported them to the Imperial City.

At a certain place, many peoples was gathered and making a lot of noise. There was a long line of people waiting for their turn to teleport. It was a big plaza where one could see two teleportation circle. From one teleportation circle, people were coming to the Imperial City and from another teleportation circle, people were being teleported to another city.

A light flashed on the teleportation circle from which people were coming to the Imperial City. Ten people, young and old, suddenly appeared there.

It was Rudra and the group. With a flash of light they were teleported and within a second they reached here, to the Imperial City.

Seeing the crowd of people as well as the long line of people waiting for their turn to get teleported, Rudra and two other men were stunned for a moment. It was clear that those two other men were also here for the first time.

"Don't stand there. Hurry up and get down. There will be another batch of people coming here soon from the teleportation circle." Lily said to Rudra

Only then Rudra came back to his senses. Then he hurriedly got down and squeezed in the crowd of people to hide his embarrassment luckily he was still wearing the mask.

You should quickly go and register yourself for the the competition, Lily smiled and said to Rudra.

I Know, What about You , He replied.

I will now return to my sect, Maybe we will meet in the future. Rudra nodded his head in agreement and thanked Lily for her kindness after that they both walked toward there separate way.

To Lily, Rudra was just a passerby in her life same was the case for the Rudra. .......

Currently, he was standing in the middle of a road and everywhere around him was a bustling sight of people.

The Imperial City encompassed a vast expanse of land. Many peoples were walking here and there. Somebody entered some shop and somebody exits. Everywhere was the commotion of all the peoples there.

A few moments later, Rudra walked toward a random small shop to find out about the place and process of registration. After getting the information he wants, he came to an inn and entered it.

Seeing him enter, a young lady in her mid twenty walked toward him with a smile on her face and said, "Welcome dear guest, do you want to rent a room or do you just want to eat something"

"I want to stay here for a night" Rudra answered her with a smile.

the cost to rent a room for a single night is 1000 silver. That young lady who seems to work for this inn told him about the process of the inn.

Listening to her, Rudra was surprised as for only a single night one have to pay a 1000 silver coins., in the Imperial City, a random inn that he choose to stay, has a price of a 1000 silver coins for only a single night.

He payed her 10 gold coins as the price to stay here .

After getting the money, that young lady took him to the second floor of the inn and walked toward a certain room. She opened the gate of the room and let him enter. When Rudra entered in the room, the young lady said, "If you need anything you can call me."

"Ok, thank you." Rudra nodded his head. That young lady turned back and returned to the first floor. When she left, he closed the door of the room and planned to cultivate.

Tomorrow was last date to register he plan to go for registration tomorrow early in the morning.