
Primal Chaos Demon God

Rudra was comprehension genius living as the servant in a martial family ostracized by the fellows people in the family because of his looks and his inability to cultivate exiled from the family. forced to fend for himself in the outskirts. miraculously after a minor accident he now has the ability to cultivate. Witness his story as with his comprehension talent and now his ability to cultivate he changes his destiny forever, opening him up to a world he would never experienced, people he would have never met, and powers he would have never had,

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44 Chs

Earth Spirit Fruit

On his way to sunshine city Rudra encountered a tyrant bear, It was demonic beast at consolidated realm,

Just as the Tyrant Bear was about to charge over, the green broad sword in the Rudra's hand was like a shooting star. With a 'sou' sound, it passed through the two bear claws and entered the stomach of the other party.

"Good sword !" Rudra could not help but praise it. It was much easier for him to kill a demonic beast in comparison with his self made spear.

The Tyrant Bear falls to the ground with its eyes wide open. Sometime later, it died.

Rudra slowly approached the corpse of Tyrant Bear. "I could have sell the corpse of Tyrant Bear for quite a lot of money, but unfortunately I have no way to carry this giant corpse to sunshine city. He could only leave the corpse behind .

After reluctantly giving up the corpse of the Tyrant Bear, just as he was about to leave, he saw a relatively obscure cave some distance away. Thinking about the dead Tyrant Bear, he came up with a vague answer. This cave was the home of the Tyrant Bear.

Rudra carefully walked towards the cave. Standing at the entrance of the cave, a pure smell assaulted him.

Rudra frowned and moved forward. After ten meters, a simple cave inside the cave appeared in his line of sight. The temperature of the cave was rather low, and on the ground, there were a few vines that were climbing up the walls of the cave. And on a vine, a dark violet fruit attracted his attention.

"This is?" Rudra was startled, then slowly walked toward the vine. The fruit was as big as an infant's fist and it was sparkling. Rudra could clearly feel a trace of spirit energy being emitted from the fruit.

" Earth Spirit Fruit"

The three words directly popped up in his mind.

He vaguely remembered the appearance of Earth Spirit Fruit. When he just a servant and started taking care of herbs in the medicine garden of the Lee family, he once saw this Earth Spirit Fruit in the medicine garden.

This kind of fruit was extremely hard to find, and it was guarded by a powerful magical beast. If an expert of the First Stage of consolidated Realm swallowed the Earth Spirit Fruit, he would directly level up by three or four levels reaching Fourth or Fifth Stages Of Consolidated Realm.

Rudra was currently only at the first Stage of consolidated Realm. If he swallowed this Spirit Origin Fruit, what kind of level would he reach?

Thinking about this, he carefully picked the Earth Spirit Fruit to form its vine. A light and elegant fragrance pervaded out from it.

Rudra immediately sat down with his cross-legged on the ground and swallowed it. Immediately after, the spirit force contained within the Earth Spirit Fruit began to flow into Rudra's limbs and bones, his entire body was flowing with dense gold light.

But after some time all the spirit energy of Earth sprit Fruit was absorbed by his body without him able to breakthrough . Rudra was astonished, he knew he needed more spirit energy than other to breakthrough but he did not knew that more sprit energy was this absurd.