
Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art

Refining the residual essence of the Burning Heaven Demon Emperor's soul, acquiring the enigmatic Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art, and transmuting the ordinary meridians into majestic dragon veins, witness as Long Hao ascends to unparalleled supremacy across All Heavens and Myriad Realms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that I am solely improving the translation and do not claim credit for the original work.

that_bored_dude · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

Similar to the Profound Yellow Great World where Human Race coexists with Monster Beasts, within Subduing Demon Abyss, besides the numerous Demon Races, Demon Beasts also roam. Demon Beasts, unlike human-shaped Demon Races, are more destructive and less intelligent, driven by an instinct for slaughter and consumption.

Legend has it that the Supreme Demon Emperor in the ninth layer of Subduing Demon Abyss is a Purgatory Demon Dragon with eternal, inextinguishable demon flames, capable of burning the heavens and boiling the seas, and refining the world—an unimaginable terror.

Demon Beasts are further categorized into three levels and four grades, with Earth Level Demon Beasts equivalent to the Transcendent Realm powerhouses of Human Race.

"This time, I've really stepped into something big... God, I was just talking!"

Long Hao wore a depressed expression, finding himself unintentionally cursing his own fate.

Amidst the howling winds, rock debris scattered in the hurricane, revealing a colossal black shadow. A creature exuding demon qi emerged, akin to a demon flame.

The strong demon qi assaulted Long Hao's senses.

"Hey, hehe...," Long Hao chuckled awkwardly, realizing the situation he was in. The giant figure stepped forward, causing a resonating thud, reminiscent of an ancient giant elephant with massive stone-like hooves.

Finally, Long Hao saw the creature's appearance: a gigantic head with two long, pointed horns resembling a yak, razor-sharp claws, and a dark, iron-like hide.

Earth Level Demon Beast – Vigorous Ox Demon!

Even among the Demon Beasts in the abyss, Vigorous Ox Demon was considered formidable. With natural divine strength, robust build, and a unique ability to emit a demonic howl affecting human souls, even Transcendent Realm powerhouses found it challenging.

"Alright, if you encounter it, you have to fight it!"

Since Demon Beasts regarded their prey with relentless hostility, it was an irreconcilable situation. Long Hao could sense the hunger and thirst in the creature's eyes, making it clear he was the intended target.

"Hmph, let me show you who the real hunter is!"

Long Hao roared loudly, his muscles bulging as the strength of ten Flood Dragons surged through his body. A giant dragon silhouette emerged behind him, roaring towards the heavens.

The might of the Flood Dragon overwhelmed Vigorous Ox Demon, making it instinctively recoil in the face of the oppressive threat.

This reaction was deeply rooted in the primal essence of its soul. The Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon, responsible for creating all living things, held a heavenly might that could suppress any creature.

While Long Hao's cultivation in Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art was still in its infancy, a faint trace of the Ancestral Dragon's essence lingered within him.

However, Vigorous Ox Demon quickly erupted in anger due to Long Hao's provocation. Moo! A furious roar, accompanied by strange demon sounds, echoed like a chorus of a thousand ghosts, assaulting Long Hao's mind.

For a moment, Long Hao felt entangled in malevolent forces, his soul seemingly devoured, and fear's negative emotions gripping his heart, rendering him immobile.

This was the unique skill of Vigorous Ox Demon – Demon Sound Devouring Soul!

When unleashed, even Transcendent Realm powerhouses struggled to resist. Fleshy Body Realm cultivators with more fragile spiritual wills would suffer severe soul damage, potentially leading to mental incapacitation.

Simultaneously, Vigorous Ox Demon charged rapidly, its massive hooves descending like a falling stone pillar, threatening to crush Long Hao into pulp.


In a critical moment, Long Hao unleashed the power of the giant dragon, and amid the harassment of demon sounds, a red glow emanated from one of his Seven Apertures.

"Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art, suppress for me!"

All the dragon veins within Long Hao's body lit up, unleashing the might of the giant dragon that dispersed the malevolent ghosts. Simultaneously, Long Hao's consciousness snapped back.

"Great Sun Rising!"

A fist imbued with explosive strength collided with the iron hoof, creating a shockwave that ruptured the air. Deng deng deng... The powerful impact forced Long Hao to retreat more than a dozen meters, while Vigorous Ox Demon slid backward, leaving deep furrows in the ground with its limbs.

In a single exchange, the two were evenly matched.

"Haha, it seems like just a newly-promoted Earth Level Demon Beast."

Initially perplexed by why an Earth Level Demon Beast would appear on the first layer of Subduing Demon Abyss, Long Hao now realized that the Vigorous Ox Demon had likely just broken through and coincidentally encountered him.

Grinning, Long Hao's blood boiled, and the fierce fighting spirit ignited within him.

"What does an Earth Level Demon Beast matter? Today, I'll kill this Vigorous Ox Demon with the strength of ten Flood Dragons!"

"Come at me!"

With a roar, Long Hao leaped forward, pointing at the head of Vigorous Ox Demon. The simple, ordinary punch carried the strength of ten Flood Dragons.

"Long Rainbow Piercing Sun!"

Pu pu...

Vigorous Ox Demon emitted a mournful and painful sound as its thick skin was shattered, and its metal-like bones nearly collapsed. Black demon blood streamed from its nostrils like a waterfall.

After this punch, Vigorous Ox Demon was left staggering, its eyes glinting with stars.