
Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art

Refining the residual essence of the Burning Heaven Demon Emperor's soul, acquiring the enigmatic Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art, and transmuting the ordinary meridians into majestic dragon veins, witness as Long Hao ascends to unparalleled supremacy across All Heavens and Myriad Realms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that I am solely improving the translation and do not claim credit for the original work.

that_bored_dude · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 14

The Abyss Demon Race, despite their fierce and bloodthirsty appearance, proved to be creatures capable of experiencing genuine fear. Long Hao, sneering at their supposed bravery, proceeded to unleash a relentless assault.

Despite sustaining several injuries during the melee, with his back and limbs covered in blood, Long Hao displayed no signs of pain. Instead, the intense combat seemed to invigorate him. Born in the civilized world, he now embraced his innate martial spirit, unafraid of confronting the horrors that Subduing Demon Abyss presented.

In the midst of the battle, Long Hao's eyes gleamed with determination. Despite the relentless attacks from the demons, he remained steadfast, his eyes fixed on the prospect of annihilating them.

Following the destruction of the demons' confidence, Long Hao continued his relentless assault. Like a released longbow, he struck behind a high-level demon, his massive fist carrying explosive strength. The demon's head was instantly smashed under the force of Long Hao's punch.

The brutal slaughter continued, leaving behind a gruesome scene of broken corpses and black demon blood. In the aftermath, the once ferocious demons now lay defeated, their scarlet eyes filled with fear and unwillingness.

As the bloody battle raged on, the dark sky grew even darker, and the earth cracked open from the sheer number of demons slain. Eventually, Long Hao emerged from the battlefield, his footsteps steady and heavy, his entire presence exuding a suffocating aura.

Looking around at the carnage he had wrought, Long Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of shock. The reality of being responsible for such destruction, juxtaposed with his earlier incarnation as a demon, left him introspective.

A cold wind blew, carrying the heavy scent of blood. Long Hao felt a surge of nausea and weakness, causing him to squat on the ground and vomit. From a student in the civilized world who had never even killed a chicken, he had transformed into a fearsome entity feared by the demons.

In this world governed by the law of the jungle, survival meant becoming stronger, and becoming stronger meant being more ruthless than others. Long Hao realized that he needed to adapt to this reality, embodying the persona of an unrivaled powerhouse.

Once the realization settled in, Long Hao calmed himself and began collecting demon beads. Despite the violent scene surrounding him, Long Hao saw these demon beads as valuable resources, the key to his rapid strength improvement.

This time, facing a siege of 55 demons, Long Hao successfully suppressed and killed most of them, leaving only a few to escape. The harvest of demon beads was substantial, and Long Hao's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"The big harvest is undoubtedly a significant gain!"

Anticipating the boost in strength after absorbing these demon beads, Long Hao marveled at the unpredictability of what might transpire.

However, the intense battle had left its mark on Long Hao. Dozens of wounds covered his body, and though none were fatal, the constant dripping of blood weakened him.

"It seems I need to find a place to recuperate."

Gratefully, Senior Sister Ling Shu had provided him with a bottle of Blood Origin Pills before his journey to Subduing Demon Abyss. Long Hao decided to head towards the pitch-black Demon Mountain, where he could hide and heal.

Pitch-black Demon Mountain, resembling a Demon Dragon lying on the ground, marked the junction between the first and second layers of Subduing Demon Abyss. Long Hao knew this area was dangerous, with Earth Level Demon Race comparable to Transcendent Realm powerhouses. Crossing the mountain would lead him to the second layer, presenting new challenges and opportunities.

Settling into a cave outside the pitch-black Demon Mountain, Long Hao blocked the entrance with a boulder and began the process of healing. The Blood Origin Pill worked swiftly, complemented by the refining speed of the Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art. Within half a day, Long Hao's wounds were healed, and his foundation was stronger and purer.

"Forty demon beads... I wonder how many dragon veins can be awakened?"

Long Hao contemplated the potential for growth. Awakening the first dragon vein had consumed most of the Seven Apertures Dragon Heart Pill's energy. After utilizing the residual energy, three demon beads had awakened the second dragon vein. Now, Long Hao estimated that awakening a dragon vein would require at least five demon beads.

With 40 demon beads, he could potentially awaken eight dragon veins, adding to the two already awakened. Ten dragon veins meant 100,000 Jin divine strength, surpassing the limits of Fleshy Body Realm and even rivaling Transcendent Realm powerhouses.

"Let's begin."

Armed with previous experience, the refining process of demon beads was faster and devoid of risk. Long Hao initiated the process, absorbing the demon beads, lighting up the dragon veins one after another. His aura began to rise, impurities expelled, marking the growth of his strength.

Long Hao felt a hot pain in his body, signaling that the healing process was underway. Refining the demon beads was swift, with no further accidents. The powerful Transcendent Realm-like aura emanated from Long Hao, coinciding with the rising winds and gathering clouds outside.