

its the year 2220.... two hundred years ago one of the worlds power decided to experiment on the human embryos adding animal DNA and something else they found on a ancient artifact. As the first babies were born you couldn't see anything wrong with the child but, as the new generation grew, they became stronger ,faster, healthier but what they didnt predict that after altering the DNA again, they created The youkai. This is a boy x boy love . Contains mature language. Contains sexual content.

Avalon0moon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

My first job

Today i have a interview, the first in my whole life...i look in the mirror and i try to style my hair to look messy but classy.

At school i don't ever style my hair because it will attract too much attention but not in a good way. Last time i actually fixed my hair a little lighter than my usual color, half of girls in school looked at me like i was their enemy . That much attention was bad for the heart...but for a job i could make a sacrifice. As i style my hair i notice a faith line of silver at my temple, i guess i will need to dye my hair again.

I look at my clock and i notice i need to leave so i could be early there. I call a cab in front of the house in our neighborhood and i get out to wait the car. As i take the cab i give the address and i arrive after 20 min , i pay the cab and i get out . What i see its amazing....the hotel its a combination of modern buildings and aspect of old Versailles . The entrance is so opulent with colors of mint green ,blue and gold. Even flowers are arranged to complete the look with natural silver leaves ,light blue hydrangea and peach roses.

Its breath taking.....i enter and i go at the front desk for my appointment.


" Hello, welcome at Saranghae Hotel . Are you here for a job?"

" Yes, i am...i have a appointment with Friedrich Cain?"

" Yes, he is our director... please take the lift to the 2th floor. The last room ."

" thank you ...ummm? "

" Cassie. Good luck, Bye"

I go at the elevator and i go to the 2th floor and i notice other 5 guys waiting for their turn . Two are youkai , two are humans and the last i don't know what he is because i can't feel it .

As i chose a seat i can hear their conversation...

"Look at him, he is so plain and he actually wants to work for the great leader's son."

"He is a fool even humans are more dressed than him."

I hide my eyes behind my hair and i start to think that maybe i made a mistake dressing in a shirt and black pants. The others have some clothes that look very expensive and at their cuffs they have intricate lines that makes some symbols to show the family marks. They actually show of their family worth and i realise i am nothing. Humans choose to stay silent and the other is looking at those youkai like he wants to kill them.

I wait my turn for one hour and i am alone now, i don't have hopes to get a job but i will do it anyway. The door is opened now and i walk in the office and i am face to face with a gorgeous guy.. he is well build with muscles that are not buff but firm and strong at the same time . I walk next to the desk and he makes a sign to sit in the plush chair.

"Your name please."

"Hello ,i am Yuki Maltai."

As i say my name he rise his eyes from the papers and he looks closely at me.

"You are....half?"


"I never met a half youkai ."

" Me neither.."

My sass answer brings a smile to his beautiful face showing fangs peeking from his mouth.

His smile it makes him more beautiful and his hair that is midnight blue and with eyes so green he takes my breath away . Even if he is gorgeous i don't know why i have no spark of attraction for him. Its like i am looking at a brother or my friend. .

" Good answer. Now the only post that is available for now is for cleaning in private chambers of vip and for our boss but there are some conditions..."

"Ok, what are the conditions?"

" First....no trespassing where you are not allowed,

two: no women that could compromise or disturb boss life. Three: no relatives at work , no sister, brothers or cousins and four : no unnecessary noise.

" umm why are all about women?"

"Well this is not a secret so i can tell you. Our boss is so handsome that women are sexually assault him."

"wooow. Really?"

"Yes. Last time a chick put a drug in his drink and after that she entered his chambers and tried to lie that he has taken her virginity and he should be responsible....lets say that she didn't know about the video cameras hidden in the room that showed us her lie....."

" Poor guy... To be hunted by women for sex and fame.... "

" hahaha. I didn't expect that you will say that . Usually they say he is lucky ."

" Not my business..."

" So how about you... describe yourself."

As i hear about describing myself i take a big breath and i sort in my mind what i can say to him...

" Well mister Friedrich....."

" Call me Cain from now on....Friedrich is so mouthful don't you think?"

" well Cain i don't know how to start ....im a shy person that likes quiet places ,i am still a student in a mixed high school, I am a only child because my father never got married , never knew my mom, i have no cousins that i could bring them to work and i promise i will work hard ."

" How old are you? "

" i am 17 years old...almond 18

"Your powers?"

"I don't know.....i mean i never showed powers and even if i have them i got no training ..."

"You know its quite improbable that you have no powers. You are a half youkai so eventually they will come naturally. OK the last question is what type of youkai are you?"

" I don't know...i don't know my mother...."

"What did the test said on your 5 grade?




As i told him this he just rises from his desk and he comes next to me and he is looking at me seriously....

"Congrats on your first job. When can

you start?"

" wahhhh.... Right away?"

"Ok , follow me and i will give you a tour of our splendid hotel."

"This hotel was created by him you know with influence from the golden age of humans. I will introduce you to your colleagues that will work in the hotel but you will not whatsoever give the access key to someone else. We will entrust you with our privacy so you must be responsible. If someone tries to black mail with something you can come at me and i will take care of it. My room its at 22th floor, room 105 and boss is at the penthouse so we will take the elevator .Ok for now my room is a disaster so can you fix it?"

" Right away."

" That's the spirit. Ok, the tools are at the end of the corridor and you can come and clean my room and in a hour i will come back. This is the key...go ..."

I opened the door and what i saw is like the world war 3 had happened in this room . I go at the closet and i take some substance for cleaning the dust and i start my work.

After two hour i am beat, this room is now spotless and i wait to see if Cain will come back. What can i say ...,the man is a pig.

I never saw a room so luxurious but so dirty . As i wait for Cain i look at his bedroom, so opulent with a round bed and every deco in the room is in red colors with grey . Everything is well balanced and even his bathroom is all about black and accents of red lights, its like everything is about seduction. As i think about this i feel my ears getting red from embarrassment for thinking like that....

"woooaaaaa. Is this my room? I haven't see this clean since i moved here ."

" when was that?"

"A week ago..."

I don't know why but I couldn't stop from laughing...

"In a week?" And i continue to laugh ....but i didn't know he is watching me closely.

" you know.....when you laugh its like you are another person."

"thank you and i'm sorry. I usually don't start laughing like a maniac."

"I'm relieved. first i will treat you with some food in our restaurant and next you can go home . I will need your program at school that i could make your schedule because school is important and if you are as good as you proven today you will be well paid kiddo...."

"Thank you Cain."

"I don't know why i have this feeling that we will become good friends".

I am eating for the first time a amazing stake with wild mushroom at the restaurant. I am so full that i cant drink water right now. Cain was amused of my enthusiasm for food but for me its heaven. Because i praised all the food i tasted , the cook gave me two portions for at home and i had even two raspberry muffins with me.

As i took a bus to get home i am thinking that i forgot to ask Cain ,what is the boss's name.?

Later in the evening.


As i was taking a shower my phone start ringing .i ended my shower more quickly and i saw messages from Black.

-Did you manage to find a good help for me?

- Yes i did and i can tell you he is gorgeous....

- i don't think i asked about that...

- i think you will like him. He is a half youkai, he is quiet, shy and he is hardworking. He cleaned my room in two hours.

- really. You vouch for him?

- i like him ... i feel like he is my little brother

- his name?

- Yuki Maltai

- yuki....hnnn

- when you will come here. I am bored without you.

- i will come friday with father and Saturday morning i will announce official that we are opened.

- ok. goodnight my friend.