
An Old Desire


Hell, or at least some part of it, was in dismay.



Two of the oldest entities present there were clashing with one another. No Devil existed that didn't know of them and no devil existed that didn't fear them. It was one thing for humans to fear their names and them, it was another for even Devils to run as far away as possible upon news of their arrival.

Hell's populace feared for it's survival.

Many fought and died in a bid to escape the plane. Devils would after all, upon death be transported to the human realm and then come back when they died there. The cycle had been in place for as long as any could remember.

Of course, the two that clashed now had never seen the human realm. Neither had once, in their long lives, died or lost. How could they? They were things many feared on instinct, how could even a Devil born of War trump them? That just made them all the more feared and revered.

"And what's with that way of standing?" Failure gazed down in curiosity, the energy that made up it's, or as the voice would suggest, his face twisting and turning in tandem with his voice. In response, Darkness remained completely silent, only staring up at the massive entity in front of it.

A jet black sword with bells dangling from it's hilt formed just above it's head, pointed at Failure. In the background, the dark that came with it coiled around the red light Failure's numerous eyes seemed to emit.. yet, it still 'failed' to win.

"Oh come on now. I was trying to have at least one civil conversation." How long had it been even? Millennia perhaps? They'd not interacted in a very long time.... Failure was somewhat depressed that none of hi's kind seemed to want to associate with him. Those that were born around him often ended up attacking him and the younger ones just ran away.

The sword shot towards his massive frame, only to be intercepted by one of the many eyes floating around the area. The red marble convulsed and blood sprayed everywhere as it crashed into the ground, the charred black now had a red liquid flowing about it.

"Ouch..." Failure grumbled and swatted at his fellow Devil, albeit the movement was rather slow and soon the arm fell to pieces, it had been cut apart faster than anyone or anything could understand. Darkness looked at the spasming arm on the ground with a neutral face, as it had been right from the start.

"Huh." Failure wasn't displeased in the slightest bit, he only laughed once more, the land and sky shaking under his thundering voice.

A chilling silence overtook the landscape once the laughing Primaeval Fear settled down and then, out of nowhere, one of the bodies forming Darkness' legs fell to pieces, the tall entity stumbled disoriented for a moment.

"My power isn't brute force you know." Failure lowered his head down, so close that his fellow Devil could only see a raging and roaring rift.

"Leave, or you simply fail to exist."

It appeared that the ancient entity did not take nicely to being looked down on and attacked.

Failure then turned his head to the skies and declared, "Let me leave or your realm ceases to exist."

At that moment something shifted in the realm, it wasn't hard to understand what the Devil was referring to. He would destroy Hell itself if he wasn't permitted to leave and what could stop it? He was Failure, making something 'fail' was well within his domain.

"@$%." Darkness uttered something incomprehensible, more similar to an animal's sound than anything resembling a language or manner of speech.

The next instant, blood and flesh was blown to shreds. Failure had a gaping hole in his chest and one of his 3 arms crashed to the ground, trying and failing to support the Devil's massive body.

"You 90s looking shit."

Failure pointed one hand in it's direction, Darkness replied by doing the same, one of it's numerous arms stretched out in the direction of it's kind.

A massive earthquake shook the land, massive ravines formed across the previously charred but plain ground and torrents of wind that lay to waste whatever was unlucky enough to be caught in their way spread outwards from the two clashing entities.

Moments passed, moments greatly troubling for Hell's residents, and it seemed to go on for what seemed like an eternity until something snapped.

Darkness' legs buckled and it fell to it's knees, forced to kneel in the face of it's adversary before being blown off into the distance. The Darkness retreated along with it's own body.

"Hell! Let me out!"

Failure roared, the land around it falling into a pit of nothing, no ground and no sky remained as the ancient entity showed just what it could do, what it WOULD do were the one he addressed not to comply with his demands.

A primal and animalistic roar rang out, this time it didn't come from the two clashing however. A large entity in the shape of a centaur with a featureless head except for it's giant mouth which was open in a grimace ran at Failure, it's entire body aflame.

Only, what happened next was completely anticlimactic.

"Little shit never learns."

A clap resounded throughout the area.

Failure had crushed his assailant within two of his arms.

A meaty paste fell into the void as Failure shook his hands, trying to get rid of the nasty burning blood on his hands.

All of a sudden, the ancient entity vanished into nothingness. All that it had laid to waste through sheer power slowly put itself back together, the cracked pieces slowly returned to their original shapes and forms.

A few minutes later, Hell had returned to how it was before.

Fields of grass and flowers, a sky made from uncountable parallel doors, a calm breeze wafting throughout the land.



Tokyo, Japan,

Some distance off the bustling and busy city of Tokyo, with it's high rising buildings and busy population. In the middle of what appeared to be a small animal farm, in a pen with numerous cows, a black miasma spilled from a crack.

The miasma then expanded to epic degrees, forming a tall pitch black humanoid that started contracting not a few seconds later until it just became human sized.

It looked around for a few moments before looking at it's own hand,

"They weren't fucking around. I'm a lot weaker."

Failure muttered out thoughtfully but soon returned to observing his surroundings, his head quickly moving from one side to the other. The sensations he felt just standing around made a smile form on the being's face, it was nice to finally be out of there... Well it wasn't the first time he was here but the last time was during the Stone Age.

Shaking his head again, the ancient creature started walking around, curiously observing everything. The grass, trees, the animals he remembered to be called cows frozen in fear.

Failure did not care that his power was considerably lessened by leaving Hell, it was more than enough for anything not like himself regardless, after all, every Devil was weakened upon leaving, he wasn't a special case.

Finally, he was back in the modern age again. It had been a goal he'd had since he was born and even if the sense of achievement he'd have once had was nowhere to be found, some part of the being was still happy.

For something quite literally named 'Failure', that was a feeling to treasure.


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