
New Jarl (Short)

With the inept Siddgeir now headless, the crowd cheered as Nenya remained on the platform, the jade and emerald circlet that the Jarls of Falkreath wore in her hands.

"Siddgeir is now dead, and with his death, a new Jarl needs to take his place! One selected by the people, for the people! So vote. Who do you, the people, wish to rule you?"

Hearing her shout, the crowd fell silent, before Lialki stepped forwards, the Bosmer smiling broadly as she shouted "The Guard votes for you, Steward! You led us through tumultuous times and allowed us to thrive; I trust you to continue to do the same for years to come!"

The rest of the Falkreath Guard nodded, and the crowd began murmuring.

Stepping forwards, the Blacksmith Lod glanced around, his relaxed expression at odds with his tone as he shouted "My vote is for the Steward as well! Without her, we would have never known that our coin was being misused, that our faith and trust was being trampled on every day! Her record as Steward is long and lauded, and there is no other more qualified person in this Hold to lead us!"

The murmured continued, and I smirked as I glanced around, seeing that most agreed, but were waiting for someone else to take charge.

Turning my gaze towards my Elven Lover, my smirk deepened as I saw her confident and regal posture, which was only accentuated by her serious expression, her emerald eyes glittering in the light of noon as she surveyed her future subjects.

There was no doubt in my mind that she would be appointed Jarl; it was the most logical thing to do, and the people were simple.

The only other viable option was Dengeir, but most knew the man was too old to retake the throne, leaving Nenya as the only option.

The murmuring continued for a few more moments, before more and more citizens shouted out their approval, making Nenya smile.

Lialki was also smiling, but her eyes were fixed on Rayya, who shivered beside me.

Chuckling, I pat my Thrall's shoulder as I whispered "That's payback for interrupting Nenya and I earlier~!"

She sighed, glancing over at me as she asked "Why aren't you affected by the idea of having a dozen kids on the way?"

Letting out a sharp peal of laughter, I smirked at her as I said "Because I love the feeling of cumming inside, and I have the ability to care for these kids. Also, it makes it harder for my women to leave me~"

Hearing my possessive tone at the end, Rayya sighed again as she followed behind me, walking towards the Longhouse.

Nenya needed to get things sorted out by the end of today, and Lialki and Helvard were advising her on the more dire things on her long list; Nenya had also informed the people that they were welcome to inform the new Steward, when she appointed one, of any complaints or suggestions that they had.

The people were ecstatic about that, whilst the Guard were thrilled that they were actually getting an increase in pay; Nenya had made that the first thing on her list.

After all, whilst Falkreath was out of the way, there were still animals and bandits attacking, so a well supplied and funded Guard was important.

Lounging around in the hall whilst these decisions were being made, Rayya and I chatted amongst ourselves, discussing the next move of our new adventure.

My priority was Lakeview Manor, where I would house my wives, which included Viaka; she would be able to defend the house from bandits and other attackers as well while I searched for other ways to keep my family safe.

That was the only problem with having a remote house, but I think there were a few options available to me, with the main one being magic.

Which meant studying, but I needed to do that anyways...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts