

Kavita was staring up at me, her face serious as she took in my cocky grin, while Cana was alternating her gaze between Kavita and I, her eyes conflicted.

"You can seriously..?"

Kavita's voice was low, and I could hear pain hidden inside her cold tone.

Nodding, I gently laid my hand down on her toned stomach, whispering "I can indeed... in exchange for some power, I was given the task of spreading my Lords domain amongst the mortals... My interpretation has been to impregnate most of the women I bed, sowing my seed as I pleased..."

The Vampire under me grit her teeth, her crimson eyes hardening as she glared at me for that.

Smirking, I continued on.

"Enhanced fertility, to the point that I can impregnate those that can't be impregnated... All for just a little power. That was my deal. What deal will you and your lover give me, hmm~? I offer you something you crave, so..?"

Biting her lip, Kavita glanced at Cana, who was staring intently at me.

"I had a son, before I was turned. Living in Cyrodil, I had a husband that I cherished, and when we came of age we married. I come from a small farming village, and all that I cared about was supporting my love and our child. One day, that peace and haven that surrounded me was shattered; a Vampire found his way into our village, and he butchered the inhabitants. With my beauty..."

Kavita sighed, though her eyes held hate as she spat out "I was forced to watch as that bastard tore apart my husband and turned my son, before forcing him to watch as his mother was raped. When he had used me thoroughly, he turned me as well, but left me bound outside. Dragging my son from my arms, he fled with my son, and for twenty years I searched and searched for him.

Finally, I had managed to track him down; Ronthil, a member of the Volkihar Clan. When I managed to confront that bastard of a Wood Elf, he laughed in my face as he told me how he had sold my son to the Vigilants of Stendarr as a research subject. Before I could kill him, the rest of the Volkihar Clan came to his rescue and forced me to retreat..."

I titled my head, wondering where this was going; I had asked her what she was willing to give, not what she had lost...

A small smile graced her lips, and the Ancient Vampire reached up, almost like she was going to hug me.

However, as I watched her talons extend from her fingers, I suddenly found myself under her, her hands wrapped around my neck as she pinned me down.

Baring her sharp fangs, I watched as her face grew distorted, and the woman growled "I'd give anything to see my boy again. You know not what wondrous gifts your Lord gives you; you spit in the face of all who've ever felt the pain of losing a child."

Meeting her gaze, I was prepared to summon my axe and flames should the need arise when her features softened slightly, but her fangs remained bared.

"And I'd give anything now, just to know that feeling again; of holding my own child to my bosom, watching them grow and mature like I had once before. So that is what deal I shall give you. All of me. That is my answer. I care not about this world, nor revenge; not anymore. I founded a Clan to try and fill that void that Ronthil created, but it's like trying to use a bucket to empty the ocean. If you can give me a child, a true child that is born of me..."

Sitting up on my lap, Kavita stared down on me as she said "Whatever you want from me, I shall give."

Resting her hands on my stomach, she fixed me with those cold ruby eyes, not looking over towards Cana, who was biting her lip.

Glancing between the two, I pursed my lips before trailing my hands over Kavita's waist, enjoying the cool feeling of her skin.

"Honestly, I don't want for much currently. My life is lived day to day, and my goals are... easily obtainable. The only issue is time, but even that isn't a problem. So, what I would want from an Ancient Vampire and a Nightstalker..."

Staring at Cana, I said "You both wish for a child, no?"

The younger of the two nodded, peeking over at Kavita, who was still staring at only me.

"Yes... yes, I do. It's something that Kavita rubbed off on me, over the years. Even though I prayed that I might find a way to make it possible between us, if it's something that you can give us, I will take it. For her happiness, and my own."

Nodding, I stared at the ceiling for a moment, before shrugging.

"Besides wanting to... insert myself into your relationship whenever I show up again, I would like to have you two, at the very least, move in with me when I reach that goal of mine. Two experienced Vampires would be welcome in the future, especially if I wish to... oh, I don't know, overthrow the current Volkihar Clan?"

Giving Kavita a smirk, I said "I told you, I know a few things that Harkon wants... mainly his daughter, Serana. Fun thing about her..."

The two women stared at me in confusion, before their eyes widened.

"She's a Daughter of Coldharbor; a Vampire of the purest blood. Not only that... well, that doesn't matter for now. All I want is your help when I decide to turn Volkihar Castle into a... vacation home for myself~!"

They gave me a dry look, before Cana chuckled.

Her chuckle turned to laughter, and Kavita finally glanced at her lover, her brow raised.

"She's fucking crazy~! Haha~!"

I matched her grin, nodding.

"A little, yes. But..."

Cana managed to calm down slightly, her ruby eyes filled with mirth as she said "A controlled madness. Yes, I noticed. You speak no lies; the oath confirmed it. Ambitious, cocky, but... honest. Very well, I'm fine with this."

Laying beside me, she stared at Kavita as she softly spoke, saying "Vi, there's no need to give up on revenge, not with an opportunity like this laying under us~! Besides, if she's capable of being... branded as a Prince's own, she likely can back it up. At the very least, we know she can give us what you've been craving for all these decades... what I cannot give you."

The Ancient Vampire nodded, before she shook her head.

"I know I said anything, but overthrowing Harkon? Who's daughter is a real Pure-Blood? That's insanity."

Cana and I exchanged a glance, and I added "So's his wife."

That made Cana chortle, muttering "Of course she is..."

Sighing, Kavita lowered herself to lay on my chest, her head on my shoulder.

"Whatever... if, and this is a small if, if you are telling the truth and can back it up..."

Baring her fangs, she licked her lips as she truly smiled for the first time, her eyes colder than ever as she said "Then let's do it. I see no better way to die then to rip that bastard to pieces..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts