
Chapter 20: Jacob's Commission (Please vote and follow!!!)_1

Translator: 549690339

"I understand," Marvin nodded and said, "but we must agree on one thing in advance."

"If Miss Maggie, who has guts, does not reciprocate your feelings and you are simply harboring unrequited love, then I will no longer intervene in this matter."

"Of course, of course...."

Jacob Valentine nodded repeatedly, "I am truly in love with Miss Maggie, and I also believe that Miss Maggie loves me."

"Very well, since that's the case...."

Pulling out his pocket watch, Marvin checked the time, "I will head to South Street before 2 p.m., how does that sound?"

Today was Saturday, and it was only a half-day of work, but perhaps because of last night's curse, most of the factories in town did not open today, which is why there were so many people at the church this morning to listen to Marvin explain the truth.

If everything goes as expected....

Maggie Criss and Jacob Valentine should both be at home in the afternoon—unless they have other activities planned.

"I will be waiting for your visit at home," Jacob Valentine said, placing his left hand over his chest and bowing slightly.


Returning to the kitchen, lunch was ready. The freshly fried herring was incredibly crispy and, apart from salt, required no other seasonings. However, Mrs. Cecil still brought out a portion of sour cream to cut through the richness.

Compared to last night's cold boiled potatoes, Yuniya preferred the fresh-out-of-the-fryer French fries, relishing the crispy exterior and tender interior, eating with great delight.

The only disappointment....

Was the lack of ketchup.

Eating French fries without ketchup was like having pizza without cheese—completely soulless!

After lunch....

"Nia, get ready, we're going out."

"To buy new clothes?"

"Yes, but before we buy new clothes, we need to go to South Street first to fulfill Mr. Jacob's commission."

"Got it, Daddy!"

Yuniya hopped off the stool, ran upstairs with a patter of feet, put on her little leather shoes, tied her scarf by herself, and then returned to Marvin's side.

"Mrs. Cecil, we will be going out for a while, so if any parishioners come by, could you please tend to them?"


"Little Black, let's go."


Little Black, who had been sunbathing on the windowsill with his older brother, Fat Orange, looked up in confusion, his eyes full of questions.

Previously, when Marvin went out to work, to officiate funerals, weddings, and such, he never took Little Black along!

What was going on today....

"Hurry over here, it looks like we'll need you for this one."


With a belly full of questions, Little Black obediently followed behind his master, riding in a Hansom cab toward South Street.

At 2:07 p.m., 156 South Street.

The street was ravaged by bone-chilling winds, and as soon as he got off the carriage, Marvin could feel a draft.

It seemed this winter was still very cold...

Muttering to himself, Marvin glanced at the house numbers on the wall, confirmed the address, and then approached to knock on the front door.

Thump, thump, thump!


After just two knocks, the door swung open, and Mr. Jacob, who had been waiting for some time, greeted Marvin with great joy, "Priest, you are indeed timely! Please come in!"

Welcomed by his generous invitation, Marvin entered with Yuniya and Little Black and immediately smelt the strong odor of alcohol.

"Mr. Jacob, you haven't quit drinking?"

Marvin furrowed his brows.

Usually, Jacob Valentine was a mild-mannered man, but once he drank, his disposition would change drastically. Although he wouldn't resort to violence, his loud shouting was still unbearable.

"Quit, I've quit..."

Jacob Valentine's cheeks were slightly red, and he stealthily hid the brandy behind him, chuckling: "Ever since I drank too much and accidentally fell from the upstairs, I've quit. I even swore it in front of you, Priest!"

"I hope you can keep your oath."

"Certainly, certainly.... Eveline! Eveline!"

Amid Jacob's bellowing, a young maid wearing a cap and an apron came rushing out with a feather duster in hand. Her face was flecked with freckles and full of fright as she tremulously asked, "Mr. Jacob, what can I do for you?"

"Didn't you see the Priest and company have arrived? Go make some tea!"

"Under... understood..."

Just as the young maid was about to turn around, Marvin spoke up, "There's no need for tea, Mr. Jacob, let's cut to the chase. Is Mrs. Maggie at home?"

"At home! She's at home!" Jacob answered, "I've been watching her! Should we call her over, or should we go to her?"

"It would be quite rude to summon her over, so let's go talk to her there."

"No problem!"

With a prompt agreement, Jacob walked to the forefront and, as he opened the door, quickly tucked the bottle of liquor into his coat. He then dashed next door to number 155 and started banging on the door with his fist clenched.

Bang bang bang!

The old doorframe shook with his pounding, and the dark green door swayed like the leaves in a storm, creaking loudly.

It wasn't long before someone came to open the door.

"Damn it! Jacob Valentine! Have you lost your mind?!"

A well-kept woman with her hair neatly piled up and her skin fair appeared at the door of number 155, her eyebrows inverted with rage, gritting her teeth at Jacob Valentine: "Haven't you had enough? I told you, Little Black isn't going to be yours!"

Jacob could hardly be bothered with her and stared straight at the golden Yorkshire Terrier at the woman's feet, his tone suddenly much softer: "Hey, Miss Maggie, we meet again...."

"You pervert! Don't touch my dog!!"

"Maggie Criss, I didn't come here to argue with you, and I don't want to argue either."

Jacob wiped off his smile, stepped aside, and said coldly, "Look who's here?"

"Marvin... Priest?"

Maggie Criss was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reined in her temper: "What brings you here?"

"I'm here at Mr. Jacob's behest, to resolve the conflict between you two."

"This...." Maggie Criss opened her mouth, then hesitated: "Ah, never mind, come inside and have a seat. But let me warn you, Jacob Valentine, if you dare to shout again, you'll be thrown out of my house immediately!"

"When have you seen me shouting in front of Miss Maggie?" Jacob shot her a glance and stepped into the house.

In the living room, Mrs. Maggie brought several cups of tea to the table, along with sugar, and glared at Jacob Valentine, who wouldn't stop teasing Little Black, asking:

"Priest, how do you plan to resolve the conflict between him and me? This issue has troubled me for too long; every day I have to guard against this damned rogue stealing Little Black!"

"So, its name is Little Black, hmm...."

Mavis pondered, "Since I've come today, I hope the two of you can sit down and have a good talk, and reaching an agreement would be best."

"I already talked to him about it long ago." Mrs. Maggie replied: "Little Black has been with me since it was a puppy; how could I possibly give it to someone else? Priest, could you advise him to stop eyeing my Little Black, please?"


Jacob, sitting in a corner, let out a cold laugh: "Maggie Criss, you can deceive others but can you deceive me?"

"You have no feelings for Miss Maggie! You only want to use it to socialize with those fancy-dressed upper-class people! Seeking your next husband!"

"How dare you say that? That's slander! That's defamation!!!"

"On what grounds?"

Jacob picked up Little Black, gently stroking its golden coat with his hand, his gaze tender as if looking at a lover in a dream: "Because Miss Maggie and I understand each other, it has already told me these things.... Isn't that right, dear Miss Maggie?"


Mrs. Maggie's face turned alternatively white and green, her complexion more colorful than a painter's palette.