
Zervy's trouble

Kastreg is really beautiful with so many colors, Andrea loves colourful stuff which made her feel satisfied with the view here.

The beautiful peach trees she was seeing was very beautiful.

Unlike country B, you have to pay, to tour special places, she must confess kastreg is really beautiful in a unique kind of way.

The air has the natural scent of the earth which will make you feel at home.

"I see you are enjoying it here Andria" Rosie remarks..

Andrea noticed how she pronunced her name wrongly.

"Katie teach her how to say my name properly" Andrea said looking behind her shoulders as she saw vida and Katie who were also enjoying the view.

So Andrea words brought them back on track.

"Oh, Rosette, what did you say her name was again?" Katie felt confident and more bolder, especially when she is with Andrea and vida.

"It's Rosie, not Rosette" she gritts her teeth but still maintain her calm facade.

"Oh, her name is Andrea not Andria" Katie corrects.