
Little argument

Andrea didn't enter her chamber she went straight to Ben's chamber.

"My lady, his majesty dosen't permit anyone into his chamber " the old maid said as she was trying to hold back Andrea.

In the castle no one is permitted into his chamber, including his brothers they stay clear off his chamber, even though you have something to tell him, you have to wait .

The maid didn't want to get punished severely.

"I need to speak to that majesty of yours, get of my way" Andrea ordered with gritted teeth.

"He is not in for the moment, so you have to wait" she continued.

Andrea shakes her head in disapproval.

She shoved the woman aside and turned the door knob.

The maid landed on her butt!

Before the woman could get up, Andrea was already inside.

Andrea stuck out her head and mock" see, at last , I won!" She jammed the door as she turned inside the chamber.

The old maid shakes her head in despair, this Andrea is a bit childish and stubborn.
