
Pride Online

Although Wisana was the son of a developer of “Pride Online”, the most popular game of this time, he had never shown any interest in the gaming world. However, when his crush mentioned she was playing the game, he immediately joined in! He began his journey as a clueless new player, so inexperienced that even a two-year-old could defeat him! His misfortune was endless from the start… First, he landed in front of a Boss-level monster! Then, he accidentally kicked the boss and had to run for his life… And when he tried to sell his items for some money, he almost got tricked by a cunning seller! Yet, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Just as he was about to fall for the seller's trick, a girl named Maysa suddenly appeared and saved him. She taught him everything about this virtual world and even invited him to join her party. Who would have known… that their lives would change forever… The system would like to announce an event from the GM, hunting the Boss “Lord Inferno” at the abandoned dungeon with a Mini Event “Get the shot if you dare!” “This is definitely our event,” Maysa said, looking up at Wisana with sparkling eyes. Wisana turned to look at the pretty face that was made up with a smile as always. But he somehow felt anxious. “I changed my mind. We’re not going to Tristan tomorrow. We’re going to the abandoned dungeon!” “Huh!!” And so, the legendary adventure of the duo began!

MaSaLaN · Games
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730 Chs

Major Meeting and Meeting Again. Part I

Dores town.

Even though it was not a big town with developed transportation nor some good dungeons around, it was still one of the most popular towns in the game without any doubt.

It was not only the location of the association of hunters for those players who wanted to raise their EXP, but Dores was also the town that had many merchants from around the world gathered to put their goods for sale in the game’s central market, so the other players could join their online items auctions as well. Moreover, there was a courtroom to judge the cases of those players who had violated the game’s rules as well. And all of these were inside the tall tower with more than 200 floors called Athenia. It was at the center of the town and was known as the symbol of Dores.

“That tower hasn’t been fixed yet? It's been months already, and it’s still left ugly chipped off like that.”