
Chapter 12 - Kiss Me

*Pryce Winsley's POV*


I looked around while wearing a puzzled face, the same as Blair when we arrived in a place that was so familiar to me. My room. Yet, it looks like someone else's now.

"Who the fudge would be settling in here without your permission, babe? And where the heck on earth are your things?" My bewildered mate cursed as she noticed the things that I had.

None of these are mine. What happened here?

"I don't know, Blair. I don't know. But that was a long time since we were gone." I replied as I traced my fingers on the study table where there was something that seemed to be a flat-screen, and it's attached to a keyboard. Is this what a computer looks like now? It's light, thin, and fancy.

"Hey, sweetheart! Look at these. Do you know these people?" Blair called me while she stared at the things on the nightstand near the bed where she sat.

I went to her, and I'm sure as hell that I didn't teleport. I just walked, yet that was so quick. Wow, superspeed? Now, I wonder what else I can do being a vampire.

As I looked at where my mate was looking, I saw pictures in frames. Girls. Teens. Twins. A family of four. Hmm.

When I was about to open the top drawer of the nightstand, Blair alerted me that there were people climbing up the stairs. I do feel and hear them, too.

"Ming, do you think Nadia already has a clue that we are... You know... A thing?" It's a girl asking her company.

"I don't know, Zav. If you haven't told your twin sister, then she won't. I'm pretty sure that Eve and Francis have their mouths shut about us." Replied a girl, and I think these bitches are girlfriends.

"Mmm. Well, maybe someday, if I could find the perfect time, I'll finally tell her. But hey, Ming, are you really pursuing that shitty and hellish consequence of yours in making me wear some fucking femme outfit on Monday? Can you just give me something else? Please?" Said the other girl, and I think she is the one who owns these things in my room.

I let out a sigh as I looked around again and felt that Blair held my left hand.

"Zavia, a deal is a deal. You lost. Don't worry. I'll just make up for that." Told the secret girlfriend of the girl who is one of the twins here in the pictures.

"Make out? I'm just kidding. But... Umm, Ming, it will be your first time to be in my room, and... this is what it looks like, " Answered the girl, and I sensed that the door was about to open.

Then my mate whispered to me, "Let's go, Pryce. We'll just come back here to know what really happened here."

I closed my eyes and thought of nothing as I just let my girl take me with her anywhere she wants. Too much for the expectation that we would finally be able to do something amazing in the place where amazing things have happened between the girl that I love and me. It's where our first kiss happened! Also, our first... you know it.

"Hey, are you okay, Honey-bee?" Blair asked me when we had arrived back in her room, and I tried to show her a smile in response. Honestly, I felt gloomy and confused. I was also disappointed. I guess she could feel it, too.

"Hey, there's no need to be disappointed, Pumpkin. There are still a lot of ways that we could get wet together. I don't know if you already are, but... I'm quite sure that you are... gonna love it." My overconfident mate told me, with her cockiness overflowing, that I just sent her a fatal death glare that could send her back to her grave. Me? The heck? Not wrong. I was damn ready. Ready to get in the shower or a warm bubble bath.

And the freak just laughed like hell. I don't know if vampires do blush, but if they do, then I surely am blushing like a piece of shit right now. I'm really gonna kill this girl in the sweetest way possible. Let her suffer. Hmm. She better watch out.

After she had recovered from her hysterical laughter, she cleared her throat and said, "I'm just messing with you, babe. Come on, let's go. I'm not kidding. You will love it, for sure."

She offered me a hand to hold, and I just raised an eyebrow at her. Yeah, let the bitch mode be turned on. She dared to mess up with me. She'll see what she's looking for.

"What is that face supposed to mean? Are you mad? Are you?" She asked when she noticed my change of mood. Yeah, I am. I madly want to do something intimate and amazing with her, yet all she does is taunt, talk, and laugh.

"No. I'm not mad. I'm happy. Very." I answered sarcastically and crossed my arms on my chest, and she walked nearer to me while smiling like an idiot that she was, is, and will be. The idiotic freak that I don't know why I love so much. It's so romantically unthinkable but wonderful.

"Aww. Come on, Pryce. Why do you gotta be so hot, huh? You know, the hot hot? That's what you are as always." She uttered and looked at me from head to toe while biting her lower lip, and I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh, don't roll those lovely red orbs at me, Sweetheart." She asserted, sounding like a threat, and I just let out a scoff.

"And why is that so, freak? Huh?" I asked with my tone, trying to challenge her, and she snickered in response.

"Because it's turning me on even more. I have been waiting for this moment to be alone with you to finally claim the kiss that should have happened already hours ago. I am furious." She fumed calmly that just made me grin in victory. Mmm, desperate. Good.

"And, what are you gonna do about it?" I asked her as I traced my right index finger on her soft kissable lips that I have been dying to have a taste of, but a little game with her won't hurt. She started it after all.

"Well, what I want is what I get. And I am gonna work for it to claim it." She replied and brought her left hand to hold my right cheek gently, and I just chuckled. Work for it, huh?

"I really don't know why you make a lot of talking, my love. I already told you that, didn't I?" I reminded her, which made her pause and stare at me with her blinking eyes. What did I say that is so surprising? The endearment? I find it the most beautiful.

"Okay. Alright. Less talking. If that's what you want, my queen." She agreed, smiling so wide, and I wetted my lips to convey that I am ready and waiting for her to initiate.

She finally got the guts to slowly lean in to kiss me and closed her green eyes as she turned to her human form. I smirked when our lips were almost touching, and I quickly thought of going somewhere.

Tada! What a damn beautiful view this lake is! It looks stunningly glorious. A swim is worth a shot.

Damn it! I feel so damn hot right now. That was tempting as heck, but I need to hold it in.

Then suddenly, I heard a scream in pure anguish, "PRYCE KARSTENSEN-WINSLEY!!! Get back here, you bi-beautiful!!! Bitch."

Oops! Someone's upset. I'm not sorry tho.

I inhaled deeply to fill my lungs with fresh air, and I looked around to appreciate the beauty of the nature around me. This place is so beautiful. There are trees around that stretch into a deeper forest and up to the distant mountain ranges. It's peaceful.

Then I looked at the horizon and at the sun that has been flooding its light in the places it touches. And I wondered why I am not being burned by sunlight. Oh, I remember now. Blair is a Daywalker, and that means me too. I just have no idea if I could still manage to be in my human form again. Or the werewolf one. I almost had transformed completely before, but tragically, I was killed, but not totally. That was such an excruciatingly horrible experience.

As I strolled at the side of the lake, my gaze turned to the tree near our graves. It was clearly being harmed by that lightning which woke my mate up. That tree is going to die sooner.

"Hey, you! I'm supposed to bring you here for a swim. But fudge! You like to play games, huh?" I heard her say, and I laughed softly in response.

"Nope. I just wanted to make our first kiss after those thirty years be remarkable." I replied as I turned to look at her and found that she's been grinning. And unexpectedly, she is wearing nothing but just two pieces of small black fabric. Woof! Jaw-dropping. But no, I'm not drooling, okay? Damn! Someone's trying to get revenge.

"Well, unfortunately, Honey-bee, I already kissed you while you were still unconscious earlier. Dead, I mean. I just wanna try to see if you'd wake up out of your true love's kiss." She admitted and winked at me while smiling her usual wide one, making me scoff in disbelief. What the...? This freak is just so... ermmm.

"Oh, is that so? Then, you are not getting any kiss from me today." I asserted and turned my back on her while she looked at me in horror. And as expected, she teleported in front of me, and for sure, to beg.

"Oh, no. No. No, you are not. You can't do that." She protested, and I just raised an eyebrow at her as I crossed my arms on my chest. And I just noticed that she is floating. Levitating? Hmm.

"And why not?" I asked her in a bitchy tone, and she slowly went near me, and no, I am not staring anywhere lower than her chin. Nope. I can't let that sexy body-to-die-for bring down my guard. I'm tough as fuck.

"Because... I absolutely know that you want it, too. I feel what you feel, baby. And if I want to do so, I could read your mind. I know a spell for that." She answered confidently and smiled in triumph, and I just rolled my eyes at her. What a damn freak. She is taking advantage of this mating bond that we have and her witchiness.

"Aww, come on, Pryce. Let's not waste time. We still have a forever that has been waiting for us to share." She added, and I have always been wondering if her cheeks don't hurt because of always smiling.

And as my reply, I just looked at her with my unimpressed face. Talk. She never really runs out of anything to utter.

"Fine, fine. Not gonna talk. Come here, sweetheart." She said, raising both hands, and I gave her a dubious look. Did she just read my mind?

"No, I did not read your mind. If that is what you are thinking, Cupcake. I would need to hold your head and concentrate extensively to do so." She explained, which made me feel relieved. But hell, when is she going to do the thing? The kiss.

She cleared her throat as she stood in front of me, and I could feel her excitement.

Then she intertwined her right fingers with my left ones, and I smiled at her cautiousness. Her eyes turned green, and she moistened her lips with her tongue and smiled.

"No fooling around, okay? I know that you have been enjoying the view. Don't worry, it is all yours, and you can do---" She began talking again, and I cut her off as I just can't take it anymore.

"Blair! Can't you just shut the fuck up and kiss me?" I growled in irritation, and I snaked my right arm around her neck to pull her head close to me, then the freak giggled softly and slowly leaned in to finally brush her lips on mine.

Oh, at last! I am feeling this amazing sensation again. I missed it so much. Maybe it was just yesterday for her. But for me? I was consciously asleep for all those decades. Every second that passes sends me so much loneliness and longing for her. She was all that I could think of every time, and this moment that I have with her right now and the hundreds of years that we will be together will pay it all. This feeling is just pure bliss.

Our lips dance in a familiar and delightful rhythm while our hands explore each other's curves. In favor of me, she is wearing less clothing. But damn, she's starting to take off mine.

I could feel my heart beating so fast as I felt the adrenaline in me, and her soft moans and heavy breathing are driving me crazy.

Moments passed, and we have been sharing an incredible and passionate kiss. She suddenly broke off and looked me in the eyes.

"What's the matter, love?" I asked her worriedly since she looked troubled about something.

"Pryce, your eyes," She answered while still looking straight at me, and it just made me wonder.

What does she mean?