
Within These Walls pt. 4

As the years passed, the boy grew. Not only in strength, but height and weight. He never stopped training. His body was full of scars, except his face, Marie wouldn't let his face get scarred. She said 'He wouldn't look like a kitty anymore', nevertheless, the boy not only trained by himself but also started fighting other slaves more and more.

The boy fought slave after slave as he grew. While he lost at the beginning, Marie would always plead to her father to let him live. Though that only continued until he was 12, two years after Rob died.

Because after that, he never lost again.


The boy stood across from the muscle man, he was wearing chains that connected from his neck to his wrists and ankles. The boy looked at his chains, then at the muscle man, who had two scars on his arm from when the boy had bit him a long time ago.

The muscle man grinned at the boy and licked his lips, while the boy looked at the muscle man with a blank expression. Behind the two, Clarence and Marie were standing. Clarence was eyeing Marie with a lustful look, while Marie had her fists clenched as she shouted "Kill him, Kitty!"

As usual, the boy ignored her as he looked at the muscle man. The man chuckled and said "You'll end up just like that old man, kid." the boy tensed up and his eyes flashed red for a split second. The muscle man didn't say anymore and charged at the boy, throwing a punch. The boy tilted to the side and back stepped for room, just looking at the muscle man.

The man charged at the boy again, throwing punches while the boy dodged continuously seemingly without effort, but a noticeable sheen on his forehead gave away the effort he was putting in.

The muscle man stopped and shouted "Are you gonna run forever!? Even the old man was fun to play with!" The boy stopped and snarled lowly before stepping towards the muscle man, grabbing the chains connecting to his neck.

The muscle man grinned and opened his mouth to say "That's more lik-" before he could finish, the boy ripped the chain off the collar and set his hands free, leaving long chains trailing behind them as he charged at the muscle man.

The muscle man's words were cut as the boy punched him in the mouth, sending him flying across the room into a wall. The boy landed on the ground and ripped the chains from his legs, setting them free as he pushed off the ground, shooting towards the muscle man and smashing his knee into the muscle man's head, smashing him through the wall into another room.

The boy stood in the rubble of the room and watched as the muscle man got up, wiped the blood from his mouth, while saying "Better." The boy tilted his head and grinned with his fangs as his eyes stayed blood red.

He walked towards the muscle man, who charged at him. The boy jumped up and wrapped his chains around the muscle man's neck, spinning through the air and throwing him back through the wall into the room they were in before.

The boy chased after him and laughed uncharacteristically as he whipped his chains on the man on the ground, before wrapping them around the man's arms with a single swing. He stomped on the man's back and pulled on his chains, relishing in the man's screams as he slowly ripped the man's arms off, bathing in the blood.

The boy licked his lips as he swung his arms, wrapping the chains around his hands, before smashing his fists down on the muscle man's head, embedding him deep into the ground and turning his head into a mass of mangled flesh.

The boy didn't stop there and continued, as if possessed, beating on the man's corpse.

Clarence was stunned by the events and shouted "This isn't fair! That slave isn't chained!" his red red from anger, Marie smiled happily and jumped up and down while clapping, shouting "Yay! Kitty!"

The boy continued beating the corpse ignoring the world around him, Clarence looked at Marie and the boy before grinding his teeth and pulling out his gun, shouting "You damn slave! How dare you!" as he pulled the trigger.


The boy took a shot to the shoulder and rolled along the floor, Truffle stood up and shouted "Clarence!" his face clearly enraged, the boy turned into a good fighter, perhaps he could show him off to his friends, but what use is he if he's dead?

Clarence came to his senses and stammered for a reply, Truffle pointed to the door and said angrily "Leave my house! At once!" Clarence put his gun back and opened his mouth before closing it and leaving as Marie pulled her eyelid down and spat out her tongue at him, mocking him one last time before he left.

She then ran over to the boy and kicked him, saying happily "Good Kitty!" Truffle walked over and pointed his gun at the boy as he said "Marie, you need to learn a lesson today." Marie looked confused and said "Papa! Are you gonna kill my kitty?!" tears already welling up in her eyes.

Truffle patted her head and smiled "Of course not, I'm teaching you. Do you know why we have multiple chains and collars?" Marie shook her head, still worrying if her father was going to shoot her cat. Truffle smiled kindly and explained "These kinds of slaves are too strong for these chains so it's easy for them to break them. You know about the chain room?"

Marie nodded her head and Truffle continued "The darker the chains, the heavier and tougher they are. All the chains are labeled, otherwise how would we lock up these slaves?" Marie touched her little cherry lips and hummed in response, answering "that makes sense." Truffle smiled and rubbed her head before grabbing chains from the wall and cuffing the boy, he turned to Marie and added "Come, Papa's gonna get you some new chains." Marie cheered and skipped behind her father, dragging the boy behind her like a dead dog.

A while later~

The boy was sitting in the slave room with new heavier chains on him. He lifted his arms and stayed silent, his eyes were back to normal and he was thinking that these chains could be helpful, so he continued working out. He skipped over the fact that he could've escaped, as a matter of fact, after he got shot he went back to normal and thought about it for a split second before forgetting it.

First of all, where would he go? He was still just a weak boy. Secondly, he would never make it past the door, at least not while everyone was awake.

The boy thought about escaping sometimes, but denied himself every time, even though there was a voice inside him telling to kill everyone and escape, it would be so easy. He always denied those thoughts and continued to train to keep his mind off them, but as he grew older, the voice became stronger.

Lately, his outbursts have become more frequent. He took it as training as well and focused on controlling himself, most times he could control it but he still had trouble when it came to severe emotional turmoil.

Though, the boy didn't feel anything normally, when he was extremely angry, he would become someone else. Although he didn't like it, the boy had to admit that his other self was much more skilled than he was, but what was that if not motivation to become stronger than himself?

Therefore the boy didn't worry about it and figured it was him in an enraged state as he continued to train.

It was only a week later, when he was to fight again.

I fell asleep at my desk '-'

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts