
Within These Walls pt. 1

The following day~

The boy was standing behind Marie with chains around his neck, wrists, and ankles. His arms sagged from the weight and his gashes and cuts were still raw. He stared blankly at the party happening around him as Marie smiled at all the gifts. The boy silently analyzed all the people in the room, he saw more people in white suits which he found out were called 'Celestial Dragons', but more curiously, he saw slaves behind them.

What the boy found strange was that the slaves looked at him with pity and some secretly sighed as they looked at him. He couldn't understand what they were sighing about, or what their looks of pity meant. Actually he couldn't even muster up any pity for himself. He was simply numb to everything. He felt nothing at all. Whatever Marie told him to do, he did.

As the boy was looking at everyone, another boy stood up and pulled on a chain as he said loudly with contempt "Finally, Marie. I thought you'd never get one! But mine is stronger!" Marie pouted and retorted "My kitty will beat up your ugly fish anyday!" she pulled on the boy's chain and jerked him forward pointing at the fishman behind the boy, adding "Kitty! Beat him to death!" The boy walked forward and the young celestial dragon kicked the fishman towards the boy, proclaiming "Don't you dare lose, you damn slave!"

The fishman walked forward and looked down at the boy, who looked up at the fishman blankly. The fishman was tall and looked strong. In addition, the boy didn't know how to fight. The fishman didn't say a word and the adults watched on in amusement at the children's fight.

Marie shouted "What are you waiting for?! Get 'im!" The boy looked at the ground and then punched the fishman's leg, doing absolutely nothing. The fishman just stared at the boy as the celestial dragons all laughed at the boy.

While they all laughed, the young celestial dragon was angry and roared "Beat him to death! I order you!" The fishman didn't say a word and kicked the boy in the stomach. The boy spat out saliva and flew across the room, bouncing off the ground and rolling, hitting Marie's chair.

The boy coughed violently and Marie kicked him away from her, screaming in a shrill voice "Get up! Get up and kill him!" her eyes red from embarrassment. The boy slowly got up and walked back to the fishman, but much slower this time. The young celestial dragon clapped and laughed, before choking back his laughter as Marie shouted "Shut up, Clyde!"

Clyde blinked at her before laughing so hard his fat cheeks jiggled, making Marie clench her fists in anger. The fishman kicked the boy once more and hit him in the chin, knocking the boy unconscious as he smashed into a wall. Clyde clapped and shouted excitedly "Kill it! Kill it! Hahaha!" The fishman walked towards the boy and kicked him again, making the boy wake up and cough out blood, letting out a short scream of pain.

The fishman kicked again before Marie shouted "STOP!" as she ran over to her father and pulled on his cloak, pleading with tears in her eyes "Papa! Don't let kitty die! He's my only toy!" her father smiled and rubbed her head as he looked at Clyde and said loudly "Enough." Clyde clicked his tongue and said "Enough, slave." he turned his head to Marie and sneered "I don't want to break her first toy~" Marie spat out her tongue and glared at Clyde as the fishman looked at the boy and sighed before walking back to Clyde's side.

The boy looked at the fishman blankly, his eyes flashed red, before returning to normal as he passed out again. Marie ran over and grabbed his chains before dragging her with him back to her seat as she sat down. She crossed her arms and sat on her seat with a pout while the adults consoled her with amused but kind faces.

Later that night~

The boy woke up to someone touching him. He looked at the person, who ignored him and dressed his wounds, slathering paste on his body. The boy slowly sat up and the person chuckled, the boy looked at the person blankly, it was an old man with chains on his body.

The old man smirked and said "First day went well, eh?" the boy simply didn't respond and the old man continued "Normally they don't treat slaves, but since you're the little girl's first slave they thought they should do something… fortunately I'm a doctor, these dragons don't know a single thing about treating wounds." The boy looked at himself and the old man added with a chuckle "They just threw you in here with bandages all over you hahahaha…"

The old man sighed and continued to dress the boy's wounds as he went silent for a moment. The boy stared at him working before the old man spoke again, but in a more serious tone, "Listen boy." The boy didn't respond and the old man stopped, pulling the boy's face to look at him as he continued gravely "If you're going to survive here, you're going to have to become stronger." The boy blinked and the old man narrowed his eyes, sending a chill down the boy's tail as he added "You're gonna have to kill…"

The boy felt a pressure on him as the old man grinned savagely "You're gonna have to kill a lot." the boy blinked at the old man in recognition of his words and the old man smiled a near toothless smile as he finished "I will help you."

Probably not sleeping tonight might write for 24 hours UwU

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts