
Little Garden pt. 2

Thirteen looked at Brogy and said nothing, Nami and Usopp were trembling and Brogy held up the head, asking "Wanna eat with me?" Thirteen got up and nodded, Brogy grinned.

He stretched out his other hand, putting his axe on his belt beforehand. Nami shook her head frantically and Usopp played dead as Thirteen hopped on Brogy's hand. Brogy brought his hand to his shoulder and Thirteen sat down on it with Nami and Usopp, putting his book back in his backpack.

Even though Nami bought him clothes, he only wore the bunny related clothing which were shorts. He didn't even have shoes, so his entire body was exposed. Brogy dragged the rest of the dinosaur with him and walked away, saying "I haven't seen a Mink in ages! Gebababababababa!"

Thirteen didn't answer and Brogy didn't mind. He continued talking "Really rare to see one at all, actually! With how their island is always moving and all! I don't even think they're allowed to leave!"

He scratched his beard and said "When was the last time I saw one…" before punching his palm and saying "Oh yeah! It was that one Tiger kid!" Thirteen turned to him and Brogy went on, "Boy was that guy tough! He was all gold!"

He paused and muttered "Or was he a lion? Oh well! I forgot! I wonder how he's doing now! Gebabababababa!" Thirteen looked down silently as Brogy continued "Anyway! He was really strong! His fur broke one of my axes way back when! Something about a Legendary Mink."

He knocked on his helmet and laughed "This was over a hundred years ago! Gebababababa! I don't remember a lot!" Nami and Usopp listened carefully as Thirteen stayed silent.

Nami whispered to Thirteen "What's a Legendary Mink? What's a Mink?" Unfortunately for her, they were right next to Brogy's ear and he heard before replying "A mink is like your friend here! Except they have fur all over their bodies! They even look like animals! As for a Legendary Mink…"

He scratched under his helmet and thought hard, humming to himself before adding "I think that kid said something about being the strongest Mink because of a science thing!" Usopp asked "Science thing?" Brogy answered "Something about strong genes and overpowering normal Mink genes? Whatever that means! Gebabababababa!"

Nami hummed, laying her head on Thirteen's shoulder as she commented "Like they're born stronger?" Brogy snapped his fingers and said "Yeah! Just like us Giants!" before humming and adding "He said he had special Fur that was impenetrable to attacks! I hit him with my axe and it broke on him! Gebabababababa!"

Nami and Usopp were stunned, asking "Really!?" Brogy laughed and Usopp asked "Was he big!?" Brogy rubbed his chin and answered "No. He was as big as you, just a little bigger."

Usopp continued asking questions while Nami and Thirteen stayed silent, eventually they reached Brogy's cave. Brogy let the trio down and put the dinosaur on the ground as he talked to Usopp while preparing it.

Nami got off Thirteen and sat next to him, asking "Why are you on this island?" Brogy said "I have a battle I must win." before serving the food to the trio.

Thirteen looked at the giant piece of meat in front of him, it was even bigger than he was standing! Nami looked at the meat and then at herself, confused as to how she was going to eat it, she turned to Thirteen and her lips twitched.

He grabbed the meat with his bare hands and ripped off chunks before throwing them in his mouth. His hands were covered in grease and juices as well as almost his entire face. He chewed on the meat and continued eating before turning his head to Nami and holding out a piece for her with his hand.

She waved him off and looked back at her own before sighing and taking out a knife.

Usopp and Brogy talked about Brigy;s fight and he explained that he was fighting another giant for honor. Usopp's eyes sparkled as he listened to Brogy before a giant Volcanic eruption occurred.

Brogy got up and got his axe, saying "That's my queue! Gebabababa!" before leaving.

Usopp watched him go and smiled "I want to be a brave Warrior of the Sea like him!" Thirteen felt a prick on him and slapped his side, killing a little bug before going back to eating. Nami looked at Usopp and laughed "Right."

Usopp turned around and said "I'm serious! I'm already half-way there!" he put one foot on a log and proclaimed "I'M THE GREAT CAPTAIN USO-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" before running away, Nami burst out laughing before feeling breath on her back.

She turned around and screeched "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Before running away from the massive dinosaur behind her. Thirteen watched as Usopp and Nami ran in different directions.

The dinosaur turned to him and roared in his face.

Thirteen looked at the dinosaur while shoving more meat into his mouth. The dinosaur felt mocked and opened its mouth to eat Thirteen, who jumped over the jaw and landed on the dinosaur's snout.

He looked at the dinosaur and swung his leg back before smashing it into the dinosaur's skull, blowing the top half of the dinosaur's head all over the place. It's corpse fell to the ground and Thirteen landed back on the ground, looking around at the lack of people.

He grabbed the giant piece of meat and dragged it with him as he walked away in the direction Nami ran off to, pulling pieces of flesh off it and eating as he went on.