
Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!

Ei's Plane of Euthymia? I'll easily counter that by using Gojo's [Domain Expansion: Infinite Void]! Zhongli's Planet Befall? I'll simply become Madara and use [Tengai Shinsei]! The Fatui is plotting something against me? Very well! [Espada], come forth! Abyss Order is aware of me? With [Kyoka Suigetsu], there's nobody who will know my true appearance and personality! Somehow, I woke up in the world of Genshin Impact. I also have the ability to transform into ANY Anime character. -The tale follows a man who has the ability to transform into anime characters. Upon discovering his power, he decides to put his new skill to the test to see how the characters from Genshin Impact would react. This leads to a number of comedic encounters and funny moments. I have decided to put my newfound power to see the reaction of the people of Teyvat! ------------------------------------------------------------- (Author's Note: There's also a similar novel to this, but it seems like it was dropped. I gained inspiration from it and decided to make a Fanfiction of it. If you are the author of it, feel free to contact me by commenting! I will remove this story, if necessary.)

MochiGreenTea · Video Games
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21 Chs

Help May Arrive When All Seems Lost - Chapter 16

As Byakuya stepped inside, his eyes quickly adjusted to the ambient light of the office, revealing not one, but two figures waiting for him.

To his surprise, alongside Neuvillette stood Furina, the Hydro Archon herself.

What could possibly bring the Hydro Archon here, and how was he involved? The atmosphere was thick with anticipation.

Furina's got this unique look going on with her fair skin and those strikingly different eyes.

One eye is a light blue with a deep blue pupil, while the other flips that color combo around. Her hair is this cool shade of white with hints of light blue streaks and undertones.

What's really fascinating about Furina, though, is how her appearance changes between her "Pneuma," which is her divine form, and her "Ousia," her human guise.

In her Pneuma form, Furina rocks a white dress and her hair gets a major upgrade. It lengthens into this elegant style with a neck-length bob paired with waist-long twin tails flowing behind her. It's a look that's both divine and graceful.

Switching to her Ousia form, she tones it down with a simpler, shorter hairstyle that keeps just the bob, ditching the twin tails.

Her dress goes from white to black, matching the more earth-bound, human vibe of this form.

Byakuya is in on Furina's secret forms. Despite how close they might be, Furina has no clue that Byakuya's aware of her dual nature.

Byakuya, for reasons of his own, has kept this knowledge under wraps. It's this interesting little secret between them, or rather, a secret on Byakuya's part.

Neuvillette hadn't even gotten a word out before Furina made her presence known. It was a bit of a shock really, considering the quiet that had been enveloping them up until that moment.

There stood Furina, exuding an aura of calm and authority that left little doubt about her capabilities.

(Furina) : "Hello, stranger. I couldn't help but to notice your situation. I, Focalors, the Hydro Archon, shall protect you from any harm," she announced, words flowing with the confidence and grace that seemed to come naturally to her.

Neuvillette, taken aback by the sudden appearance and proclamation, could only stare for a moment, processing the unexpected turn their day had taken.

Here was Furina, who was always afraid of meeting with strangers especially with the Fatuis, extending a hand of protection to a complete stranger without a second thought.

(Byakuya) : "Hello, Hydro Archon. And hello to you as well, Chief of Justice," he said, politely bow that caught both the Hydro Archon and Neuvillette off guard.

His greeting, respectful and warm, carried a touch of charm that neither could ignore.

It wasn't just his politeness that made an impression; there was something undeniably attractive about him—a sense of grace and confidence that seemed to radiate from him naturally.

Both Furina and Neuvillette found themselves a bit surprised by this encounter.

Byakuya, managing to stand out not just through his looks but through his courteous demeanor as well.

Neuvillette cleared his throat with a couple of coughs before diving into the matter at hand.

(Neuvillette) : "Let me introduce myself. I am the Chief of Justice, Neuvillette. And this," he gestured to his companion, "is Lady Furina, the Hydro Archon. We're interested in your case," he explained. His introduction was formal yet carried a hint of curiosity and interest towards Byakuya's situation.

It seemed like they had already picked up on something about Byakuya that piqued their attention.

(Byakuya) : He introduced himself with a calm demeanor, "My name is Kuchiki Byakuya. I'm from Sumaru. Just here for some sightseeing, but it looks like I've somehow caught the Fatui's attention." He sighed, a hint of frustration sneaking into his voice.

It was clear he didn't intend for any of this, but here he was, explaining his unexpected predicament to Neuvillette and Furina.

Getting entangled with the Fatui was the last thing he wanted on his trip.

(Neuvillette) : Neuvillette's response was calm and collected. "I am aware of your situation and here to help you. So, can you tell us more about your situation?" He inquired, genuinely interested in Byakuya's situation.

(Byakuya) : With the same calm demeanor, Byakuya shared something even more startling. "Every day, I am always being chased by The Knave, the 4th Fatui Harbinger," he revealed, his expression grim. This revelation took Neuvillette and especially Furina by surprise.

How in the world had Byakuya managed to survive this long, especially being targeted by such a formidable opponent?

The resilience and perhaps sheer luck it would take to evade the 4th Harbinger day after day was unfathomable to them.

Despite the gravity of his situation, Byakuya somehow remained composed, almost as if being pursued was just another part of his daily routine.

(Neuvillette) : "So, how did you even run into each other?" He asked, wondering how it all started.

(Byakuya) : "It was quite an odd encounter, to be honest," Byakuya started, his voice carrying a hint of amusement amidst the tension. "There I was, simply enjoying a moment of peace by the shore, sipping on my tea. Out of nowhere, she appeared." He paused, the memory vivid in his mind.

(Byakuya) : "She walked up to me and, without much preamble, extended an invitation to join the Fatui. Just like that!" Byakuya chuckled dryly at the absurdity of it. "Naturally, I refused. I had no interest in their schemes or alliances." His expression grew serious again. "And that refusal, it seems, was what led to the relentless chase I find myself in now." Neuvillette and Furina exchanged looks, both deeply absorbed in Byakuya's tale.

It was strange to think how a simple moment—meant for leisure and solitude by the shore—could alter the course of someone's life so drastically.

Yet, here was Byakuya, entangled with a Fatui Harbinger all because he wanted to drink his tea in peace.

(Neuvillette) : Neuvillette took a moment, digesting the story with an intrigued expression. "I see. What an interesting situation to be in," he said, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

He seemed to be mulling over the peculiarity of Byakuya's circumstance, perhaps trying to piece together what move to make next in this unexpected situation they found themselves in.

(Byakuya) : "I don't mind the chase though. Soon, I'll disappear and be with nature," he said. Byakuya's voice carried a hint of sadness as he spoke, a soft resignation hanging on his words

Despite the somber note, there seemed to be a sliver of peace in the thought of blending back into the earth, escaping the relentless pursuit that had become his life.

It was as if he was looking forward to that final surrender, to become one with the world in a way most people never do.

(Furina) : Furina, taken aback by Byakuya's somber revelation, couldn't hide her concern. "Wait, what will happen to you? Why do you say that?" She asked, her voice laced with worry.

Byakuya just gave a half-hearted chuckle before tapping the Dendro Vision swinging from his hips.

(Byakuya) : "Ah, it's just," he began, his tone heavy with unspoken stories, "I exchanged most of my life for this. And I am nearing my end." There was an acceptance in his voice, a sad resignation to the fate he had accepted for himself.

It was clear this was a path he had chosen, with full knowledge of the consequences.

(Neuvillette) : Puzzled by Byakuya's revelation, he couldn't help but probe further. "How did you exchange your life for a vision?" He asked, his curiosity piqued. The concept was foreign to him, the idea that one could trade their life essence for power.

(Byakuya) : With a hint of mystery in his voice, responded almost nonchalantly. "When you have the knowledge, everything is easy to do." It was a vague answer, one that hinted at profound secrets and a depth of understanding beyond what was commonly known.


On Watatsumi Island, something significant was happening. Kokomi, with an air of authority and a sense of purpose, was about to make an important declaration.

She was standing before Lumine, who was eagerly waiting to hear what was about to unfold.

(Kokomi) : "I hereby appoint you as the captain of the Watatsumi Island special operations unit: Swordfish II," Kokomi declared, her voice steady and full of confidence.

She looked directly at Lumine, acknowledging her capabilities and entrusting her with a substantial responsibility.

Lumine, now officially the captain of Swordfish II, felt a mix of excitement and determination.

This was a big moment for her, a chance to make a difference and lead her team on critical missions.

The trust Kokomi placed in her only fueled her resolve to live up to the expectations and prove herself worthy of the position.

(Lumine) : "I won't let you down, Kokomi," Lumine said, her voice laced with a serious tone. She was fully aware of the weight of the responsibility now resting on her shoulders and ready to rise to the occasion.

Just as Kokomi was about to respond to Lumine's earnest commitment, a surprising figure descended from the sky, capturing both of their attentions.

Gojo landed right in front of them. It was such an unexpected entrance that it caught both Lumine and Kokomi off guard.

Kokomi, always poised, recovered quickly from the surprise. However, Lumine couldn't hide her astonishment at Gojo's sudden appearance.

(Paimon) : "Hey, where were you, Gojo?! You said that you'd be with us wherever we go?!" Paimon demanded, puffing up in indignation.

The little companion had a knack for holding others to their word, and clearly, Gojo's earlier promise was taken very seriously.

Her tone was a mix of accusation and genuine curiosity, wondering how someone who made such a vow could just vanish and appear out of the blue.

(Mizu as Gojo) : ""I'm sorry, but I'm here now, aren't I?" He said, the corners of his mouth stretching into a grin.

The smirk on his face, irritatingly charming, suggested he didn't see any big deal.

(Paimon) : She was clearly not having any of it. "You always show up late! Don't make promises you can't keep!" She exclaimed, her irritation palpable in every word.

She made sure her displeasure was as visible as possible, hoping this time her message would get through him.

(Mizu as Gojo) : He quickly tried to smooth things over. "I didn't mean to be late, things just got in the way, alright?" He apologized, his tone a mix of sincerity and a tad of frustration.

With his usual cool demeanor slightly ruffled, Gojo hoped his apology would defuse the tension, his eyes conveying a genuine regret for the unintended delay.

Paimon was visibly upset, her voice higher than usual as she let Gojo have a piece of her mind.

(Paimon) : "Next time, try to give us a heads up if you can't make it on time! Traveller got hurt, you know?!" She was flapping her hands about, clearly worried and frustrated. "Paimon could've sworn that if you were there, none of this would've happened!" She exclaimed. The blend of concern and annoyance in her tone was palpable.

Paimon truly believed that Gojo's presence could have prevented the whole situation, and she couldn't help but let her feelings be known, hoping it might make a difference in the future.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "I apologize for not being there, Paimon. I'll try to be more reliable in the future," he said, his voice soothing. There was a genuine sense of regret in his tone, acknowledging Paimon's concerns and promising to make amends.

Even in the face of criticism, Gojo's cool composure mixed with his commitment to do better next time seemed to be his way of smoothing things over.

(Kokomi) : Kokomi turned to Lumine with a curious look, a hint of intrigue in her voice as she asked, "Is this the friend of yours that you always talked about, Traveller?" Lumine responded with a nod, a simple gesture that conveyed a mixture of pride and fondness.

(Lumine) : "Yes, he is," she confirmed, her voice carrying a certain warmth.

It was clear from the exchange that this friend held a special place in Lumine's adventures and stories.

As Kokomi extended her greeting, there was a polite and welcoming air about her.

(Kokomi) : "It is nice to meet you, Gojo-san. My name is Sangonomiya Kokomi. I am the Priestess of Watatsumi Island," she said, bowing respectfully.

Her introduction was smooth and carried the grace fitting of someone in her position, clear and courteous, bridging the gap between them with the ease.

Satoru Gojo flashed a confident smile as he introduced himself, his demeanor relaxed yet assured.

(Mizu as Gojo) : "My name is Satoru Gojo. I'm a sorcerer," he said, his voice carrying a hint of pride about his unique occupation.

The way he carried himself, even in just those few words, made it clear he was someone who knew his own strength and was comfortable in it.

(Kokomi) : Being curious, leaned in slightly and asked, "I have heard that you're a friend of Musashi? Is that true?" There was a genuine interest in her voice, wanting to learn more about the connection between the two.

(Mizu as Gojo) : Gojo's usual confident demeanor dipped into a rare moment of sadness as he confirmed, "Yes, and I know the situation already." His sigh carried a weight, hinting at the depth of his feelings regarding the circumstance Musashi was in.

It was a brief peek into the more solemn aspects of his world, showing that even someone as seemingly carefree as Gojo wasn't immune to moments of sorrow.

Waaahh I'm so lazzzyyyy~~~

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