
Discussing the Couple's Ring with Zhai Heng

"No worries, as my party A, it's my duty to take care of you," Jiang Nuannuan said as she sat beside him and started preparing the hot pot.

Zhai Heng had a small appetite. Throughout the meal, he put more ingredients into the pot than he took for himself, giving most of it to the woman sitting next to him, who was eating diligently.

"What happened to your wrist?" he suddenly asked.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the bandage on her hand and casually replied, "It's an old problem. People who often draw or use keyboards tend to have this issue. I can only apply some ointment to alleviate the pain."

Zhai Heng nodded silently, watching her finish her meal.

After eating, Jiang Nuannuan noticed that Zhai Heng had stopped eating early and was sitting there like a fairy.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, she wiped her mouth with a tissue.

"Shall we discuss the ring now? Do you have any new ideas? I'll try my best to make the ring according to your requirements," she asked.