
Pretend to be a Boss

Max is surprised to find out that he could see 11 types of Data, where legendary figures could only see 10. In his final examination, he found out that the 11 types of data he could see were completely different from the norm. Now what?

Urdog · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Hot Pot and Girls

Jacob, for a second, thought about the idea that Max could read minds, or he had the ability to, but he quickly erased that thought. That was simply impossible. Even if someone has the best abilities in the mines, once they return to the real world, their powers and talents would disappear.

The only thought that was possible, would be that he was able to prepare well, investigating both Jacob and Ziyun.

So if Maxwell didn't cheat, why was there so much doubts and suspicions of him cheating?



Steam bellowed, filling the air. The soup was in a rolling boil, turned red by the oil glistening at the top. Swimming in the red soup, were oyster mushrooms and fried tofu. Both ingredients, were very hard to find in this era.

Max was cooking hot pot while looking at the Missions manual. That is one of the main difference from a temporary worker to a regular one. They are not limited to only mining and can accept other tasks.

Compared to mining, accepting subjugation missions of the creatures in the surroundings of the mining area, and gathering their core is much more lucrative.

Max doesn't care that much about fame or fortune, but he wants to better his living situation, mainly his food. Not too long ago, he saw a couple of new recipes. The savory fish dish, and salt and pepper shrimp. Because of this, he got interested in tying out ancient River city dishes.

Coincidentally, an informer told him new items arrived in the antique shop. The same antique shop that he bought the cauldron from Red Wind city. He told him that a few cauldrons were discovered, cauldrons from the ruins of River city.

This information made Max interested in hunting for monsters in the River city ruins. He also wanted to see if he could find historical books and stories.

Human civilization has undergone a great cleansing. The former great nations fell from the war hundreds of years ago. The past is unclear, but there are many areas still filled to the brim with radiation.

Great advancements in technology has been made, like the Pyramids and the Cauldron that can transform organic material to food, but a great portion of ancient technology were lost, never to be discovered again.

Even those with power and authority had disregarded ancient technology. Focusing instead on developing the mining areas, training soldiers to fight monsters, and searching for a way to bypass the 7 day limit.

Even though these cauldrons were considered low level technology, Max was still thankful that the art of cooking didn't disappear.

After exiting the mining area, there was a 10 hour cooldown, after which you can enter again. NO matter how long you stayed, the cooldown was always 10 hours. Feeling bored, Max began to think of things to do after the cooldown period.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Max frowned, not expecting any visitors, but opened the door nonetheless.

"Good evening Sir... Would you like for me to serve you?"

A young girl was facing him when he opened the door. She was pretty, both her fronts and buttocks looked quite heavy. She had a sweet voice, but looked mature.

"I don't like to do things that violate the core values of socialism." After finishing that sentence, Max prepared to close the door.

In the pyramids, there are many such women. Since they are naturally inferior to men at the bottom floor, they also have limited capabilities when it comes to mining, sometimes they are even "taxed" by their superiors.

They have no choice but to use their bodies.

Max never encountered something like this before. This type of service, is only chosen by the buyer, that is why Derrick, his former foreman, had a lot of girls.

The woman in front of him was young, about 2-3 years younger than him. Her appearance is also very good. If she could find a change of clothes and go to a decent hair dresser on the second floor, she could become a little beauty.

"Please just let me stay fir one night...." Seeing that Max was about to close the door, the girl was a little anxious.


Max was very straight forward, living in the bottom floor these past few years, witnessing tragedies and horrors almost on the daily, his heart began to harden. He lifted his hands and was about to push the girl away.

But, he suddenly stopped.

He saw the girl swallowing her saliva, her delicate nose moved, sniffing the air. The aroma of the Hot Pot filled the room. The girl's stomach growled at the same time.

Max was silent for a moment.

"Forget it, come inside."

Max opened the door for the girl to come in. The girl raised her head and smiled gratefully. seeing that smile, Max thought that she was quite pretty.

"Sit on the floor, there are no furniture, luckily there are a few sets of chopsticks and bowls."

"thank you."

After washing a few of the utensils, Max gave her a bowl and a set of chopsticks. The girl took it, but gave a confused look. She had eaten nutritious meals before, like porridge, but she only used a spoon. 

She was embarrassed to speak, so she watched how Max ate and tried to imitate him. She tried her best but she wasn't very good at it.

Max on the other hand was stuffing his mouth. Duck intestines, tripe, even some duck blood. He didn't bring the girl inside to do the most important mission of mankind, but to show the deliciousness of hotpot.

Max seeing that the girl wasn't eating, raised his head. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I...I don't know how to use..." The girl directly held both chopsticks by the palm of her hand.

Max forgot about this. He only got the idea of using chopsticks after reading about it in ancient documents. It was really difficult to do at first, but it looked beautiful and elegant so he endured. He was finally able to learn after some time.

"Use your middle finger, index finger, and your thumb to hold the sticks. Place one stick supported by the middle finger, and the other pinched by the index finger and the thumb."

Max began to teach the girl how to use chopsticks. It is said that in urgent situations, humans learn at an precedented rate, except for when learning math, if you don't know math, then you don't.

The aroma of the soup, paired with the grumbling of her stomach made her determined to learn the craft as fast as possible. Seeing her learn so quickly, even Max was quite surprised.

"That's good that you learn quick. Eat. This is duck intestines and tripe. They can be eaten after dunking them in the boiling soup a few times. Don't over cook them them, less they become tough."



She was still a little reserved at first, but after a few bites, and gaining more proficiency in using the chopsticks she finally gave in. She took mouthful after mouthful. Biting on the crispy skin of the fried tofu, and reaching the soft center, she gave an ecstatic look.

She would give a shy smile form time to time. Sometimes blowing on the inside of her mouth because it was too hot, but she still didn't stop.

Max actually like the expression that she was making. He prepared more than enough for himself, but he wasn't expecting a guest. They finished the meal quickly.

Max returned to his original attitude. He gave an indifferent expression.

"You should go."

"Huh? You won't let me stay?"

The girl obviously didn't expect that he only wanted someone to share this delicious hot pot with. Max rubbed his nose and gave a light smile.

This past few years, there are time when he cam home early and came home late, but never did he encounter a woman selling her services. But now, as soon as he became a regular worker, someone showed up. Of course, he didn't believe that this was a coincidence.

The data panel shown from the girl is also giving interesting information.

"I will be staying in the Mining area for a few days. It's dangerous there, so you can't follow me. With your figure and looks, here in the bottom level you would not have any problems looking for a place to stay."

The girl lowered her head, seemingly hurt that Max wanted her to leave.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" She asked, her voice low.

"Why? we are all scum here, at the bottom, I don't have the right to dislike someone. It's just that i already have a woman I like."

After the fall of the ancient era, the concept of monogamy was forgotten. For the people now, it is only an ancient concept.

In this era, it is very common for women to have many lovers, same goes for the men as well. Especially in the higher levels of the pyramid, the strong has the right to choose whomever they want.

Max's way of thinking surprised the Girl. He has the authority to claim a house on the ground floor, but he is actually a principled man, unlike most of the men here.

She looked at Max with wide eyes.

"Are you going to the Mining area?"

"Yes, and I'm gonna be gone for a long time, so you should leave."

"But...it's already night time. The mining area is very dangerous at night."

"Yes, that's right."

She looked at Max in disbelief. Her eyes not blinking.

It's true that only those who are extremely talented dare to go out at night. Maybe it was because of the oil still stuck on her lips, or the calm aura that Max give out, the girl didn't want to leave.

She paused for a bit, before speaking again.

"You're already a regular worker right? Why don't you look for a job at the second floor?"

"Savage's do savage things. A savage doing a gentlemans work will make him miserable."

The girl couldn't understand the meaning behind his words.

Max continued to urge her to leave. "You really should go."

"I can help you, I really can! I can be your eyes!"

Max raised his eyebrows in thought. The term 'eyes' is a lingo spoken by subjugation parties organized by regular workers. A team generally has multiple components, and one of the vital one's are the 'eyes' or intelligence.

"Have you ever been to the Mining area?"

"No... but I have studied about it in school."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Nica, and I'm not lying, but, I can actually see four types of Data! so take me with you!"

There was still a few hours before the cooldown was over. A girl who sells her body, is actually a person who can see 4 types of data. Whoever sent her should not be underestimated.

"If you can see four types of data, then tell me, why are you here selling your body? Generally speaking, being able to see four types of Data, you should be at the third floor by now."

Nica lowered her head and became silent. she seemed to have remembered something that she wanted to forget.

Max frowned. "I'm not interested in your body. When I leave for the mining area, I plan to stay for a while. Eating hot pot is good, but there is still hundreds of different cuisines out there. I have to earn money to buy new ingredients and another type of cauldron."

"The are I'm going to is occupied by fierce beasts, If you want to follow me, then at least make me trust you, even if you have to make up a story, make me trust you."

Max's gaze wasn't particularly sharp or cold, but Nica felt that he could see through her thought, making her very nervous. On the other hand, Max was reading particular data out of the data panel. Trust rating: 15 (about to make up a story).

"I wasn't able to take the Heaven's Choice exam."


"Somebody injured me on that day. When I arrived to the exam venue, it was already over."

"I've heard that story before."

"I was badly hurt that day, and I didn't make it on time. Since there was no way to take another exam..."

"You got stuck at the bottom level?"

"Even if I told people that i can see four types of data, they still wouldn't believe me. The first floor is full of liars so, they took me for one. Even when I was in school, my teacher told me that in the bottom level, it's the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest."

She opened her eyes, with a look of determination.

"I want to live a better life, and I know that I still have a role to play. You plan to shake things up right? Then take me in!"

Max's knew her thought. She was going to tag along and subjugate monsters in the mining area, complete a certain task on the missions board so that she could be recommended by a formal worker, giving an opportunity to be promoted.

"Okay. I'll trust you for now."

Her reasons had many holes, even her thoughts had many holes. Max thought that she could still have some uses. He still had to find out who sent her to him after all.

"So you're going to the mining area, what task are you taking?" Nica was curious.

Max looked at the time and gave a small smile. "It's time to hunt the three-headed hound."

Nica was taken aback, thinking that she misheard him.


Max stood up an answered. "Elite level boss monster. Three-headed hound."