
Chapter 28- Quick Fix

Gail's Point of View;

Presley didn't overreact. He kneeled beside me with his hand on my shoulder as he told me to focus on his voice and what I could see around me. The biggest help was how he told me to control my breathing. This feeling like I would run out of air and stop breathing was all so terrifyingly new to me.

But Presley was so calm through it all and kept repeating it to me. It was like he knew just what to do. I tried my best to do what he said but everything felt confusing. It was simple instructions but I struggled still. I tried to focus on his voice as he patted my shoulder and in time I began to calm down. That was when Alejandra came out and saw me on my knees with Presley now helping me stand back up. They were speaking to each other but I still felt a bit dazed so what they were saying didn't make much sense.

Alejandra: Hey I thought I heard your voice- oh um what's happening? Is she sick?