
President Mo and his spoiled wife

Mo Feng is the heir of mo family and the president of mo industries, as one the sought out after family they want mo feng to marry a socialite and meets many girls but when he meets the broken Tang Ling of Tang family his heart skips a beat and he decides to marry her. their journey from marriage to love marriage is worth reading ____________________________________________ as it was almost 11 at night she was still waiting for me in the balcony of there beautiful villa as she saw his car she ran down to open the door, opening it he came in the view walking with his long legs he smiled at her bit she was accusingly looking at him, then she said " why are you so late?" still smiling at her he entered the villa then patting her head he said " I was cleaning up the mess some made" as she heard this she blushed looking at the other side she said " it was a light matter no need to stress over it I will handle it" chuckling at her he told her " no matter is light for me when it's related to you" and lifting her in his arms they.....................

Eastwind · Urban
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77 Chs

vice president of Tang company (part 2 )

As Tang Ling showed the graphs everyone's faces turned red "as we see director Tang Liu couldn't make any difference in the progress of the company." as she waited she saw a figure rising up it was Tang Bihua " even if no changes were happening we still are one of the reputed companies, there is no need to defame everyone, Tang Ling we all know and we all believe that we can give this company in the hands of someone who atleast made sure that our graphs don't plummet down, rather than giving it in the hands of strangers." giving a sharp look to Tang Ling she sat down but when she saw the face of some shareholders there was a worry itched in their faces, Tang Ling knew that people care more about profits than about people so smirking she replied very calmly to Tang Bihua " mrs Tang I am sure your daughter is capable to keep company in the same line for the rest of her life, but my question is to you that if there is a capable person who is telling you that she can take the company's name in international business which will earn more profit, what will you choose?" as Tang Ling asked this question there was few murmurs, other people were just admiring her and her grandfather was happy and smiling and her father was in awe, and Tang Bihua and Tang Liu were shocked just then president's secretary came in the conference room whispering in his ears he looked at Tang Ling like she was something else so he announced everyone "I hope that the meeting can be put on a hold I just received message that Mo corporation has agreed to merge in the mall development project with us, his secretary is right now standing outside this door" as secretary Wang walked in he gave papers to president Tang then announced " thank you everyone our president is willing to merge in with the project. when the project was first send to us we sensed some problems but when miss Tang Ling and president had a meeting he agreed to give it a thorough thought so we look forward to work together" bowing he went out, Tang Ling was confused but she didn't show it on her face, confidentially she smiled at everyone and everyone was impressed so Tang Chao standing up announced " let's congratulate our new vice President miss Tang Ling" and everyone standing up started clapping, bowing Tang Ling thanked everyone as the meeting was over her grandfather told father Tang to gather everyone in Tang manor for lunch and to celebrate Tang Ling. as she started going down her father called her " Ling come I will show you your office" nodding at her father they went to the 48 floor where her office was situated.

it was a office with a beautiful view, her table was situated in in the middle of the office there was a sofa to the right side of the office and in the corner of the office there was glass shelf to keep her valuable things and to the corner left there was a bookshelf. seeing her office she was extremely satisfied smiling at her father she thanked him as they went in the elevator again he asked her "you need a secretary when are you taking one?" smiling she replied "I already have one don't worry father." as the father, daughter duo descended to ground-floor they met the mother and daughter duo seeing them Tang Ling directly addressed to her father " father I have my car I will see you at Tang manor." bowing she left, sitting in her car she called Mo Feng, in third ring he took the call " hubby why did you do this?" she accusingly asked him but chuckling he replied " because when you were asleep I saw the project and the changes you were making were exactly correct so why would I let such a project slip from my hands, my love I didn't do anything wrong you made the contract yourself but I just forwarded it me so that I could accept it" when she heard this a smile crept on her face and she whispered liar in such tone that it aroused Mo Feng still trying to control himself he asked " when are you coming home?" and she instantly replied " I might be late because grandfather wants me to go to Tang manor and Feifei is also coming today so I have receive her from the airport" as he heard this he curiously asked " Feifei, who?" chuckling she replied " Zhao Fei daughter of the president of Zhao perfumes company" as she said this she cursed herself " oh my god Feifei doesn't know that we are together, she will kill me" hearing her panicking he replied soothing ly " no worries I will pick you up from the Zhao manor you can tell her tomorrow, no need of telling her right now" thinking about this she sighed, thanking him she hanged up the phone.