
President Mo and his spoiled wife

Mo Feng is the heir of mo family and the president of mo industries, as one the sought out after family they want mo feng to marry a socialite and meets many girls but when he meets the broken Tang Ling of Tang family his heart skips a beat and he decides to marry her. their journey from marriage to love marriage is worth reading ____________________________________________ as it was almost 11 at night she was still waiting for me in the balcony of there beautiful villa as she saw his car she ran down to open the door, opening it he came in the view walking with his long legs he smiled at her bit she was accusingly looking at him, then she said " why are you so late?" still smiling at her he entered the villa then patting her head he said " I was cleaning up the mess some made" as she heard this she blushed looking at the other side she said " it was a light matter no need to stress over it I will handle it" chuckling at her he told her " no matter is light for me when it's related to you" and lifting her in his arms they.....................

Eastwind · Urban
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77 Chs


When she entered the Tang manor she was prepared for a grand party where all the socialites were invited but no, it was not a party but a meeting of Tang family were only her family and Huang family were also present.

As they saw her everyone was shocked, her father recovering from the shock first asked her " my daughter you are here" marching upto her he embraced her tightly as she whispered in his ear " father I am fine" after hearing her he decided to leave her, taking her hand in his he pulled her forward and made her sit with everyone but she was not interested in talking to anyone alse and at that time she got a call, thanking the universe she took the phone and went to side to speak as she said "hello" a heavy but alluring voice replied " I have already told my grandfather that we are married." as she heard this she was shocked as she couldn't even say anything and therefore he continued " so he want to meet you, naturally" as she heard this she replied almost a whisper " but president Mo I am right now at Tang manor with grandfather so can we meet him tomorrow." hearing her innocence he started chuckling as he said " I am not telling you to meet him right now, we will meet them after you are settled in our house" hearing him speak softly to her she started smiling and relieved she replied " silly me, ohk then I will shift tomorrow only so that we can meet them."

As he heard her say this he smiled and then told her " enjoy your time in Tang manor and go home early and after reaching just call me" hearing her husband's protective words she felt something warm spread in her heart but at that time a maid came forward " miss, grandfather Tang is here and he is calling you" as she heard this she told president Mo " president Mo I will hang up now, grandfather wants to see me" understanding he hung up the phone.

As she marched towards the hall again she saw her grandfather and ran upto him, seeing his granddaughter he took her into embrace as they broke their hug, he addressed to the members in the hall " let's all have dinner first" as they all went towards dinning hall she was stopped by her stepmom Tang Bihua " Tang ling, your sister Tang Liu is getting married to Huang anh so please don't make fuss about this in the dinner or after" as Tang ling heard her step mother say this she gave her a look of ridicule and said " oh no auntie I am not like you or her I don't Chase a man after he is engaged that's not my style" winking and smirking she shoved her hand from Tang Bihua's hand and marched towards the dinning hall.

As they all finished their food they all were talking to each other grandfather Tang and father Tang were talking to father Huang, mother Huang was talking to mother Tang and Huang anh and Tang Liu where whispering something and alone Tang ling was sitting very quiet.

As grandfather Tang looked at her he announced " so first I want congratulate Tang Liu and Huang anh as they are going to get engaged" as everyone smiled and clapped, Tang Ling didn't even raised her hands or did not even smile. Then again her grandfather said " now I want to announce the new vice president of Tang company " as he said this Tang Liu smirked, she knew she had worked hard in Tang company and she knew she was going to be the vice president of Tang company, so she was smirking because Tang Ling had just left Huang enterprises and she did not even had a position in Tang company, she only had the shares in the company.

As her grandfather announced everyones mouth hanged open as everyone heard what he said.

" so the vice president of Tang company is Tang Ling" as he said this Tang Liu adruptly got up from her chair " grandfather you were going to make me the vice president, but how could you" as she said this grandfather smiled a very cunning smile as he replied to his granddaughter, " Tang Ling never worked at Tang company because she knew she was going to get engaged with Huang anh so she always worked in Huang enterprises but as he proposed you, vice President of Tang company is Tang Ling and this is final" as she heard the tone of finality in her grandfather's voice she turned to her mother but she was also looking down then she turned to Tang Ling, "you owe me, you owe me I once saved you, I took the knife in my shoulder to save you from your own mother, I want my company back" as she desperately tried to convince Tang Ling, Tang Ling stood up and replied to her " you can't always make me compromise by telling me the same thing again and again and if you think I owe you let's make it equal because I have had enough" as she said this she took the knife in front of her and stabbed herself in the arm.

Everyone was beyond shocked they didn't even expect her to do something. As everyone rushed forward to help her, examine her wound Tang ling took her coat and car keys and marched outside of tang manor into the car and left from there.