

Shayla woke up in her small thin bed, 'Weird…' She thought.

She had constantly been awoken by the other maids normally, but today, none of them did. As she stared out of her window, she could also see that it was a bit late for her to wake up and do her job, 'So why didn't anyone wake me up?' She thought again before getting up from her bed and quickly changed before exiting her room, where she saw one of the other maids that she worked with frequently scurrying off.

She followed her, running towards where the maid ran to as she wanted to find out where she was going and what had happened.

As she exited the hall where the maids and the butler usually hung out to get their daily dose of fellowship and news updates, she heard some of them talking, "Have you heard what the youngest master did? I heard he hung Edmund upside down! Can you believe it?"

"No way, Edmund? He is built like a tree and probably has a strength of a bear."

"It's true! I can vouch for it. I saw it happened with my own two eyes! The scene still sends shiver up my spine. I dont know how to explain it, it is almost liek hearing those scary story of when you were little, the young master was really like one of those stories that our parents have told us. There was blood everywhere, I think he drank some of it too!" One of the butlers explained, slightly exaggerating what he saw.

"Well… that might make sense… I have seen blood in front of his doorstep, who is to tell that he might not be a monster? He could have gotten fat by drinking too much of it!" One maid said, remembering how long it took her and the other maids to clean the blood up.

Shayla's shock couldn't be contained, causing her to breathe in loudly, causing everyone there to look towards her.

And as they saw her face, shocked beyond disbelief, and as they stared at her, they couldn't help but pity her, "Tsk tsk tsk, she is probably too close to him for her own good."

"Who knows, maybe she might be his next victim next…." One of them whispered, but she heard it all, her hands shivering uncontrollably as she imagined her blood being drunk by Damon as he chopped her up.


"Can you stop!!!" The reflection shouted as he saw Damon's mouth filled with food.

Damon continued munching on his cupcake as he wiped the cream that was on his mouth, "What do you mean? This is part of the plan." Damon replied before he continued eating his red velvet cake with cranberry jam in his mouth.


He heard someone knocking on the door, so he quickly chucked the jam-filled cake into his mouth before opening it, not realizing that his mouth was covered with jam, and as he opened it, he saw Shayla, "Do you have what I asked you to bring?" He asked, only for Shayla to shake in fear.

She saw Damon's mouth that was covered in a jam and mistaken it for blood, she wanted to run, but her legs were too weak and wobbly to do that, so she fell to the ground with tears flowing from her eyes, "Please dont kill me…." She whimpered silently.

'Oh shit this is worse than I thought…' Damon misunderstood her fear of what his previous self did to her instead of what she was terrified of.

Damon then squatted as she stared at her tiny face shaking in fear from even looking at him, "Shayla, I am sorry for whatever I have done…." He said, acting remorseful for what his previous self did, he couldn't really bring himself to do it as he didn't do it, but his acting in the world of politics was second to none.

Shayla looked confused, not knowing what Damon was talking about, "I promise that I, Damon Wyne will treat you better, and if there is anything that you need, just ask me." He said before realizing the ham was still in his mouth, wiping it with his handkerchief before walking back to his room and taking the rope and stick that she had dropped while falling to her knees.

"I survived…" She whispered. "Maybe, I am the only one he would allow to stay alive…" She thought while Damon was tying the rope with the string to make his own jump rope, oblivious to what everyone in the entire mansion was talking about.

"See? You asshole. I cant believe you treated a kid like her that badly. Did you see that? She was literally on her knees begging that you dont kill her, you should be ashame of yourself." Damon said as he looked at the reflection, looking down.

"Well, she did looked a bit scared of me, but I didnt know she was that scared, and I did stop treating her badly, but I guess I truly a bad person." He replied before looking at the rope and the stick in Damon's hand. "But what is that for?"

Damon lifted both of the items up and showed them more clearly to the reflection, "This? Since I am somewhat of a fat pig, this should be able to make me a fat pig with good stamina." he said before tying it together and making a jump rope.

"How does that even work?" The reflection replied.

Damon then walked out of the door and out of the mansion, where the butlers and maids tried their best not to look Damon in the eye, fearing that he might kill them and feast on their blood.

Damon then walked to the field where there was no one, "If I did this in the mansion… The whole building would probably fall apart." He said before he started jumping and while skipping the rope, only to stop after thirty seconds when he tried to catch his breath.

He then fell down to his knees, sweating and looking at the sky, "I have so much to do." He complained, looking at the body that he had created.