
president daddy excessive love

In the morning!Waking up from her daze due to the blinding sunlight, Tang You You opened her eyes with a splitting headache. What she saw was an unfamiliar room, and when her gaze went further down, she found the floor was scattered with clothes. Stretching her eyes, she used one hand to support her back, trying her best to recall what happened last night. She had been knocked unconscious. She really had no memory of what happened last night. At this moment, there was not a single piece of cloth on her body. The faint burning sensation of pain on her body stimulated her nerves. No matter how slow she was, she should know what had happened. Tang You You endured the pain of her body and pulled the blanket tightly around her. The room was still filled with the erotic aura. Because of having overheard her stepmother calling her mother a mistress, she was furious and let her stepbrother who hoaxed her fall off the balcony. Subsequently, she was knocked out by her stepmother and stepsister. When waking up, she was in this hotel. Tang You You pushed herself off the bed in anger and quickly picked up her clothes. Suddenly, a watch fell down. On the back of a chair beside him, there was a man's suit jacket … Tang You You angrily threw the watch against the wall. He had taken away her virginity, so he just used his watch to send her away? Go to h.e.l.l!She walked to the bathroom, her bruised face reflected in the mirror. Tang You You looked at her bruised face and thought back to the scene of the mother and the daughter violently beating her up yesterday. Which b.a.s.t.a.r.d would choose to eat her so badly and still be so tough when facing her such face? He was simply a beast. Tang You You ruthlessly scrubbed herself multiple times, to the point where she wanted to wash off a layer of skin. Only then did she shake her slender legs and leave the hotel. Five years later, she return from abroad with a pair of beautiful and handsome children. Many people adore their face that make them into the most search in the internet. Ji Xiao Han later on knew that the pair of dragon and phoenix are his and demand to take them with him.

j355ic4 · Urban
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17 Chs


The man in the lead wore an orthodox black suit that accentuated his tall and upright figure. He had a handsome face as though he was sculpted from god and had a pair of deep eyes that didn't seem to contain any emotion. He was cold and indifferent, making people not dare to act presumptuously in front of him.

He had a hand in a pocket of his western pants. He had a reserved temperament and a strong aura. The dazzling light made the ordinary looking men behind him look dull. Perhaps it was the boredom of waiting for the elevator, but the man's long, narrow, unfocused eyes inadvertently looked at the side of the elevator door that opened.

A familiar face flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Ji Xiao Han squinted his eyes.

He still had a deep memory of that stubborn and beautiful face.

The bite mark on the back of his hand had not completely disappeared today, but Ji Xiao Han felt a dull pain from that place.

Why would this woman appear here?

Could it be? The staff?

A ray of light flashed past Ji Xiao Han's eyes, following that, he whispered to his assistant Lu Qing who was behind him: "Go and see if the woman who went over just now was an employee of the company."

Lu Qing immediately accepted his orders and went to do the work.

At this moment, the higher ups of the Only Idealism Company felt like they were facing a great enemy.

The group headquarters had just announced the news ten minutes ago, and CEO Ji Xiao Han was coming to inspect the work.

In a short ten minutes, the work place was chaotic like the battlefield

In the company's meeting room, Ji Xiao Han who had finished his inspection sat on a chair and was drinking tea by himself. Assistant Lu Qing pushed the door and entered the room to report: "Young Master, that woman is a newcomer who is applying to be a designer today, his name is Tang You You."

Surname Tang?

That's right, the crazy woman who bit him like a puppy last night.

"Bring me her information, I want to see!" Ji Xiao Han's voice turned cold.

Lu Qing had long figured out the Young Master's style of conduct and had long took her information, so now, he was going to respectfully present it!

Xiao Han eyes, which were deep like pools of water, swept over the resume in his hand indifferently and then threw it to the side, "Inform Personnel Department that this person is not allowed to hire."

Lu Qing didn't dare ask for the reason. There was always a reason behind why Young Master did things. Since he felt that there was something wrong with this woman, it had to be right.

Inside the supermarket, Tang You You pushed a shopping cart and stood in the children's clothing area, frowning and thinking.

"Son's height... "How many?"

"Nene likes pink... It's definitely not wrong to choose this color! "

The season had changed, and the little guy grew very fast. After a few months, his clothes became shorter, so it was time to get a few sets for each of them.

Tang You You moved quickly to pick out a few more sets, and then headed towards the freshmen area!

Suddenly, the phone in her bag rang. She quickly took it out thought that it was her Godmother calling, but she didn't expect it to be the number left behind by the Only Idealism Personnel Department.

"Miss Tang You You? I'm sorry, but Personnel Department has officially informed you that your qualification to apply for the position has been cancelled. "

"What?" "But your manager just said …""This is our supervisor's decision!" The other party hung up the phone hurriedly, afraid that she would become entangled with him.

Tang You You was stunned, she stared at her phone, unable to recover from her shock.

What had happened? Just now, he had been amiable enough to let her officially enter the office tomorrow.

Her heart was filled with anxiety, but coincidentally, her foster mother, Liu Xi, called him. "You You, I just received a call from the Personnel Department saying that your interview has been cancelled? Do you know? " Liu Xi was also confused.

"Yes, Godmother. Do you know why we canceled it? We clearly agreed on it. " Tang You You felt wronged.

"I'll ask again, I'll call you back!"

Ten minutes later, Liu Xi called again.

"Mother, did you ask him clearly? Which segment was wrong? " Tang You You asked anxiously.

Liu Xi remained silent for a moment, then said angrily: "I heard that the owner of the company's headquarters decided not to hire you. You You, tell your mother honestly, have you offended our company's headquarters?"