
Preliminary Registration Desolate Ancient Sacred Body Chapter 6

You can search for "Preliminary Registration Desolate Ancient Sacred Body"[in https://comrademao.com/mtl/preliminary-registration-desolate-ancient-sacred-body/preliminary-registration-desolate-ancient-sacred-body-chapter-1/]to find the latest chapter! this novel is NOT mine.It's been created by author Qidian. i've rewritten this because im a huge fan of this novel and wish to share it with other people with similar interest's ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jun Zhangjian's record of 5,000,000 jin has been maintained for a long time in Tai Yue Ancient Tablet.

Not that he is the strongest in the entire Jun Family.

Many of the remaining sequences were cultivation or retreat outside, and the fleshy body power was not tested on Tai Yue Ancient Tablet at all.

At this moment, seeing that Jun Xiaoyao wanted to make a move, the eyes of the audience gathered simultaneously.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao was born with a golden spoon, and was named Divine Child when he was born.

His every move has attracted the attention of all directions.

If Jun Xiaoyao's performance is not good, although everyone dared not ridicule anything openly, they would obviously have some slight remarks in their hearts.

Jun Zhantian, who is hidden in the sky, is also unusually nervous.

Whether you can establish prestige in Jun Family for the first time depends on Jun Xiaoyao's performance this time.

Jun Xiaoyao himself didn't think so much, just after a simple breakthrough, he wanted to test his strength.

He makes a fist with five fingers, simple and not fancy.

Jun Xiaoyao feels within the body, as if 1000 Giant Elephants are surging, and the power of horror is transmitted from the muscles to the front of the boxer.


Jun Xiaoyao punched the strikes on the Tai Yue Ancient Tablet, and the golden Divine Elephant illusory shadow on the back seemed to follow the strikes.

In a moment, the whole ancient tablet roared and trembled violently!

A dazzling number appeared on Tai Yue Ancient Tablet.

10,000,000 jin!


All Jun Family children, with astonished expressions, rubbing their eyes desperately, unable to believe what they saw!

Only 3 years old, 10,000,000 jin Giant Power!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it!

Lan Qingya's eyes widened, her lovable body trembled, and her soul was deeply shocked!

Although she does not want to admit it, Tai Yue Ancient Tablet has never made a mistake!

Jun Linglong also shocked the beautiful eyes, which confirmed his inner guess.

Even Jun Zhantian, who was hiding in the dark, had his old face dumbfounded and looked a little funny.

However, the matter is not over!

One after another crack, centered on Jun Xiaoyao's fist, like a spider web, spread towards all directions.


Jun Xiaoyao himself was stunned.

He swears that he did not intentionally destroy public property.

Ka cha !

In everyone's stare blankly, Tai Yue Ancient Tablet shattered inch by inch, and finally collapsed directly into countless pieces.

At the same time it collapsed, a sound that seemed to come from Antiquity resounded throughout the Jun Family!

"Create Eternal Extreme Realm again, give Heavenly Dao reward!"

This voice came from the void, extremely magnificent, like a Great Emperor murmured.

But what he said made Ten Directions shocked!

Eternal Extreme Realm!

What does this mean?

It represents countless epochs from ancient times to the present. At the age of Jun Xiaoyao, no one is stronger than his fleshy body.

Even the Ancient Great Emperor, Ancient Sovereign Supreme, at the age of 3, the fleshy body is not as good as Jun Xiaoyao!

This is definitely a record of terrifying matchless!

In contrast, Jun Zhangjian's record of 5,000,000 jin is obviously so shabby.

"Sir Divine Child, broke the Eternal Extreme Realm!" Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes were extremely bright, flashing brilliantly.

If she had only guessed before, then she is now 50% sure!

Jun Xiaoyao, it may be the invincible existence facing away from all beings in that corner of the future!

Lan Qingya is look pale. This record is so terrible that she can't even imagine it.

When I remembered that Jun Xiaoyao had only 100,000 jin Giant Power before, Lan Qingya felt a little embarrassed, and his face turned red.

"Haha, grandson, awesome!"

Jun Zhantian couldn't help showing up from the void, red light across the whole face, smiling from ear to ear.

Jun Xiaoyao's mouth twitched. Why did this sound like a curse?

When the other Jun Family disciple saw Jun Zhantian appear, they all bowed and said, "I have seen Clan Elder!"

"Grandfather, this Tai Yue Ancient Tablet is broken…" Jun Xiaoyao speechless saying.

"It's okay, it's broken when it's broken, but you have brought me another big surprise for Jun Family!" Jun Zhantian couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Compared to the Eternal record set by Jun Xiaoyao, a Tai Yue Ancient Tablet is broken, what is it?

At this time, in the void, a group of Primal Chaos rays of light emerged, and finally fell into the hands of Jun Xiaoyao.

This is the reward for breaking Eternal Extreme Realm.

Jun Xiaoyao took a closer look and found that it was a jade slip.

A Divine Sense penetrated into it, and Jun Xiaoyao suddenly discovered that the jade slip recorded is a kind of supreme Soul Refining Method.

Primal Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualisation Art!

"Interesting, is this to make my fleshy body and Divine Soul both invincible?"

Jun Xiaoyao secretly smiled.

His fleshy body has broken Extreme Realm, unparalleled in ancient times, plus this supreme Soul Refining Method, when the time comes fleshy body Divine Soul is Perfection, who is the enemy?

Jun Xiaoyao thought, put away the jade slip, and decided to comprehend carefully in the future.

At this time, a bright rainbow came in the distance, it was a Clan Elder with a high status in the Jun Family, shouted loudly.

"18th Ancestor feels that Eternal Extreme Realm has been broken and rewarded the Lord Divine Child Xiaoyao with 3 strains of Immortal Divine Medicine!"

This Clan Elder's words once again caused an uproar in all directions.

A group of Jun Family disciple, jealously jealous!

Immortal Divine Medicine is an extremely precious existence.

Generally speaking, even if it is the 1st Rate Influence of Immortal Domain, there may only be one or two Immortal Divine Medicine.

Although Jun Family is Desolate Ancient Aristocratic Family, it has a rich background, but Immortal Divine Medicine does not have much.

Three strains of Immortal Divine Medicine will be rewarded at once, which has never happened before in Jun Family!

But when I think of Jun Xiaoyao breaking the Eternal record, this reward seems right.

Lan Qingya was shocked to be somewhat numb.

She still deeply remembers that Jun Zhangjian once had the privilege of getting a plant of Immortal Divine Medicine, and he offered it as an ancestor, and was reluctant to use it.

But Jun Xiaoyao got 3 strains at once. This contrast is too big.

"Tell me on my behalf, many thanks to the 18th Ancestor reward." Jun Xiaoyao said calmly without being arrogant or rash.

He is also going to return to Heavenly Emperor Palace to retreat and digest the results this time.

Jun Linglong hesitated slightly, bit her jade lip, still stepped out of the lotus step, feeling nervous and said: "Divine Child please hold your steps."

"En?" Jun Xiaoyao tilted his head and saw Jun Linglong.

She was wrapped in a palace costume with an exquisite figure that had just revealed her scale.

The golden long hair is crystal clear and dazzling, and a flawless jade face is white and delicate, and the temperament is unparalleled.

"you are?" Jun Xiaoyao wondered.

"Little girl Jun Linglong, I have met Divine Child Xiaoyao." Jun Linglong said slightly cramped.

She has always been indifferent and calm, with a delicate and elegant temperament.

But at this moment, facing Jun Xiaoyao, Jun Linglong felt that he was in the bones and couldn't raise the slightest arrogance at all.

"You want to say Something?" Jun Xiaoyao said indifferently.

The blonde girl looks very seductive, but Jun Xiaoyao is not the type who can't walk when he sees a woman.

Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao's attitude is rather plain.

Jun Linglong was a little worried, and she opened her lips after saying a salute to Jun Xiaoyao.

"Linglong hopes to become a follower of Divine Child!"

When the word fell, the entire Martial Fighting Stage was dead silent.

Many Jun Family male children, look pale, are heartbroken.

In their eyes, aloof and remote can only look at the exquisite lady from a distance, but at this moment, she bows down and worships, offering to become a follower of others.

This feeling is like Goddess who is in the mind and actively wants to be someone else's plaything.