
Pregnant with the devil

- Please! - I beg, practically throwing myself at your feet. - You can't treat me like this, not after finding out I'm pregnant. He leans into my space, so close that I can smell the spicy notes of his cologne. Then a dark smile comes across his lips. - And you want me to believe that you, a poor little rich girl, were innocent - He pauses dramatically and smiles as if I've just told a very funny joke - And a virgin? You didn't look like a virgin when I fucked you! He gives me that nervous smile again. - I don't want this thing, and I'm sure you don't either. Get a clinic and sort it out. Not that I think it's mine, really. A virgin doesn't act like you did that night, in fact, I honestly don't even remember, but if there's one thing I do remember, it's that it's impossible for me to fuck a woman who looks unwell, innocent or a virgin. I honestly ignore everything he says about me and just focus on my baby. "That thing" he just called my baby "thing" - I hate you. - My voice isn't a whisper. - If you think you'll ever be able to go back on that decision, you're sorely mistaken. You can shove that money up your ass, you son of a bitch. - I say it with all the strength I have in me. His jaw tightened and he looked like he wanted to break my neck, just like the first time. But now something flashed in his eyes, something different. He was uncertain of the accusations he'd made against me, and worst of all. He knew I was serious. He knew I'd never go back.

Curti_A · Urban
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36 Chs

No drink

He clenched his jaw muscles, it seemed a bit wrong that I was the age I was. And I saw his arms flex and his veins swell.

- Well," he cleared his throat. - Anyway, I'd appreciate not being called sir. - He smiles, and scratches the back of his neck casually. - Well, I don't know if you know the reasons why I took you in, but Lucian and I are long-time friends, from a time when I needed him and he... well, he saved my life. Not that taking her in, or employing her, is going to repay everything he's done for me, but it makes me feel good to be able to help. When Lucian's daughter.

- Vivian," I add.

- That's right, Vivian, you called me with the request, and I was happy to help. I just want you to know that you don't have to work here, you can just stay as long as you like. You're very welcome here, and anything you want, just ask. I owe Lucian everything, and I want to make your stay the best you've ever had. Here, we live in total harmony. Will, Benjamin and Maria aren't like employees to me, they're like my family. And I'd like you to be like that too. Here, we eat every meal together, even when I'm not in town. Here, we'll be your family. It doesn't matter what you lived through before that, what matters is that, until you want to leave, you'll be part of this family.

Wow. Why did he have to be so nice? I hadn't expected that. He was offering me a family, everything I'd ever wanted. I felt my eyes fill with tears, I had never felt so welcomed. They were being so loving. He clears his throat.

- Are you all right? - His gaze passes over me as if I were an enigma.

- Really, I thank you for everything, Mr. Colleri. You've been so kind, I can't thank you enough.

- There's nothing to thank you for, Nicole. Just accept my proposal.

- Proposal? Something hits me in the chest and I raise my head to look at him.

- You don't have to work for me, in fact I'd appreciate it if you didn't salt anyone's coffee.

I laugh nervously.

- Oh yes... About that, I really need the job. If you don't mind, I'd rather work. I don't have much skill, but I'm sure I can learn.

- I don't really see the need, but since you insist, I'll make sure you get paid what your work is worth and that Maria helps you with the trade too - He brought a cup of coffee to his mouth. I hadn't even noticed it was there. - It's sweetened," he said with a sense of humor, winked and smiled.

Holy shit, my legs were shaking.

Colleri was the kind of man who would rule the world. Tall, handsome, tough, powerful, strong. Perceptive. He intimidated me in general. He didn't cow me, but he led me to have thoughts that I shouldn't and couldn't allow myself to have.

And it was all down to his damn panty-dragging smile.

- I'll be in a meeting for the rest of the afternoon.

- Of course. - I got up to leave. As I stood in the doorway, I heard him call.

- Nicole. - He stiffened his jaw. When I looked over my shoulder.

- It's important that you pay attention when storing things in my closet. I have a mirror that can be a bit tricky. - he said in a calm, monotone voice, but there was a devastating hoarseness in his voice.

Oh, no.

Mr. Colleri gave a sexy smile and continued his work.

I left his office with a flushed cheek and sweaty hands.

I leaned against the wall next to him and closed my eyes. At the moment, I just wanted to hide in a hole and let myself be consumed by shame, Oh, my God! Did he realize I'd looked at him?


And why did he have to be so kind, so attentive... so sexy?

I needed to take charge of my life and get out of there as soon as possible, before I did or said something stupid. And this time, sober.


I spent the next day receiving the dishes that had been ordered for the dinner, organizing the large South Hall and thinking about the decorations. I didn't see Mr. Colleri for the rest of the day. Will and Benjamin were as busy as I was, and Maria was away visiting her sister in the city and wouldn't be back until the following evening. I had so much to do that I could hardly sit down. But finally the night had come and I was lying in the comfortable bed. My cell phone vibrated on the bed and I answered it on the first ring - Nicole! - Alice shouted from the other end of the line - We miss you so much! Is everything all right there?

- Yes, of course. - I smiled. - Everyone here treats me very well.

- You didn't call us at lunch - Vivian shouted at the top of my voice.

- I'm sorry, I've been very busy. Colleri is having a party the day after tomorrow and I'm helping to organize it.

- Um... Colleri? No Mr. Colleri? - Vivian said slowly, suspiciously.

- Oh, Vivian, that's disgusting! He must be twice her age.

I could almost imagine Alice looking disgusted.

- He's only a few years older than me. And no, I don't think of him like that.

There's a little silence from Vivian and Alice on the other end of the line and then hysteria, with laughter.

- He's a hot daddy - Alice let out a hysterical laugh and I had to take the phone away from my ear.

- "My God, Alice, he's not even that much older." There's a tremor in my voice, no matter how strong I try to sound. - Don't tell me you're researching him?

I lift my chin, feeling my resolve begin to crumble.

- It wasn't me, it was Vivian! - she shouts.

- Yes, - Vivian pulls out Alice's cell phone. - I'm on Google right now. - She sighs exaggeratedly as if in love. - Is he really all that? Because if he is, girlfriend, I should have come instead! - She laughs as exaggeratedly as ever.

I thought about lying. But what was wrong with assuming something was true?

- Yes, it is," I said dryly, not wanting to prolong the subject.

- Ah! Don't tell me you've been watching your boss? - Another laugh.

- "No!" I shouted back and finally laughed. - "There's no chance of that.

- Oh, I know. At the very least, he must be gay. What's more, there's no mention of previous relationships, family or anything personal apart from the fact that his company was formed almost ten years ago. And that's strange, he's a famous CEO. He doesn't even give interviews and has less than seven photos online. - Alice says.

- Don't do that. - Vivian says. - Colle is a decent man. My father would never risk his life saving an indecent man.

- That's not what I said. - Alice replied.

- He's a private man. He was almost killed a few years ago. I'd disappear off the map too if I were him.

- Oh," replied Alice. - I didn't know that. - Poor thing.

My jaw clenches at the thought of him suffering.

- No problem? Why don't we go back to the part about Mr. Colleri being a hot Daddy? - Vivian says.

- No!" I laugh again. -"You forget that I'm working here. I can't have that kind of thought. - Besides, because he has such a private life, he may well be married. Who's to say there isn't a Mrs. Colleri in NY? - I bluffed.

The truth is that he wasn't married. But was he seeing anyone? I also knew that the house wasn't his permanent residence and that he was only in town on business. What if he had someone in his apartment in New York? What if he had a girlfriend? A fiancée? What if she was here with him? Was that why he went out to dinners so much? What if he was going to introduce her at dinner? I felt my heart squeeze with those thoughts. I wouldn't want to see him with anyone.

I suddenly felt jealous, as if it was wrong for him to have someone. But I quickly remembered that I didn't have that right at all.


- Nicole... Nicole... are you still there? - Alice was calling from the other end of the line.

- Sorry, girls. And how are things going over there?

We talked for almost two hours.

- Oh, I'm sorry, girls, but I'm getting sleepy, I think I'll hang up - I said.

- That's fine - Alice replied and sniffled. - I'm taking Nicole off speakerphone.

I waited until she hung up.

- Nicole, you're just pregnant. It's not like you're dead. Think about it.

- What do you mean? - I ask.

- You know, I know Luck was a big son of a bitch. - She sighs sadly. - But at some point you have to look at yourself again. You know? Without that remorse for yourself.

I bite my lip to control my tears.

- I love you, we love you. - Maybe not now, and not with Mr. Colleri.

My heart was pounding against my ribs.

- But at some point, you'll have to go back, not - she corrects herself - start living.

I smile bitterly.

- How am I going to do that with a baby? - I explore the thought that has been bothering me for some time.