
Pregnant with the devil

- Please! - I beg, practically throwing myself at your feet. - You can't treat me like this, not after finding out I'm pregnant. He leans into my space, so close that I can smell the spicy notes of his cologne. Then a dark smile comes across his lips. - And you want me to believe that you, a poor little rich girl, were innocent - He pauses dramatically and smiles as if I've just told a very funny joke - And a virgin? You didn't look like a virgin when I fucked you! He gives me that nervous smile again. - I don't want this thing, and I'm sure you don't either. Get a clinic and sort it out. Not that I think it's mine, really. A virgin doesn't act like you did that night, in fact, I honestly don't even remember, but if there's one thing I do remember, it's that it's impossible for me to fuck a woman who looks unwell, innocent or a virgin. I honestly ignore everything he says about me and just focus on my baby. "That thing" he just called my baby "thing" - I hate you. - My voice isn't a whisper. - If you think you'll ever be able to go back on that decision, you're sorely mistaken. You can shove that money up your ass, you son of a bitch. - I say it with all the strength I have in me. His jaw tightened and he looked like he wanted to break my neck, just like the first time. But now something flashed in his eyes, something different. He was uncertain of the accusations he'd made against me, and worst of all. He knew I was serious. He knew I'd never go back.

Curti_A · Urban
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36 Chs


months later.

I've never been so afraid that something would go wrong. I was shaking and in a cold sweat, so much could potentially go off the rails here, and then what would I do? I really wasn't prepared, what if he hates me? What if he goes away and leaves me? What if he thinks I'm weak?

- Ahh!" I screamed. - I can't take it. I'm dying. I sighed deeply.

My first contractions started in the afternoon the day before, and I was sure they were just Braxton-Hicks contractions. But when I felt so much pain that I wanted to wring someone's neck, I ended up going to the maternity ward.

- Breathe slowly - a nurse said.

- I can't do it. I need an anesthetic.

- No, no - Alice, who was on the other side of the room eating a cereal bar, said. You made me promise that no matter how much you screamed, cried and begged, I would convince you not to have an anesthetic. - Besides, you're almost there. She lowers her head at a strange angle, looking between my legs.

- Give me the fucking anesthetic! - Vivian shouts. - It's not your hand she's about to break.

They were freaking out, but who was I to blame them? As soon as the hires had truly begun, 12 hours earlier, they had taken the flight and made it; I had never been so happy to see them. At times, they were able to calm me down, at other times I thought I would have to calm them down.

- Uhhhhh... ahhhhrr... I'm not going... arrrr!!!

- Puppy breath. Uff... uff... - Alice feigned breathing.

- Breathe, just breathe - a chorus of voices tried to calm me down.

I'm not going to make it, girls, I'm sorry, forget what I said.

- Oh, come on! - the doctor said. - Just a few more pushes and you'll get this little boy into the world. - She smiled.

The next contraction was painful, but I knew the time had come. I let out a scream so loud that I thought the whole block could have heard it. Seconds passed before I finally heard her cry. I wasn't sure how, but from that moment on, the only thing I knew was that it would work, that I would make it work, and that I would become everything to him. Crying was the most beautiful sound in the world. The doctor gave me a small, perfect package in my hands. I held it tightly, afraid I was going to drop it. I smelled it, counted each finger. My heart squeezed for a moment, my mother should have been there, Colle should have been with me. It really saddened me, but when I looked down at my lap, I realized that I would be strong, that I could do it. I felt proud of myself, loved, it was the purest feeling I've ever had. I loved him, and finally I didn't need to be afraid. A small tear fell and ran down his cheek. My tear was emotion, it was love in its purest form. When I looked over, Vivian and Alice were crying together, and I realized that they were just as happy as I was. Only I noticed a glimmer of sadness in Vivian's eyes.

- Do you want to hold it? - I said to her.

- I'm not good with babies," she said, wiping away the tears streaming down her face.

- He's beautiful," they said.

- What's his name? - Alice asked.

- Nicholas.